Iraq has two cave fish representing genera found nowhere else: the Iraq Blind Barb Garra widdowsoni (Subterranean Fishes) and the Haditha Cavefish Caecocypris basimi (Shoal) (BHL). A loach Eidinemacheilus proudlovei (GBIF) is a cave-dwelling species from the Little Zab. The Pita Skate Okamejei pita (ResearchGate) is a marine fish known only from Iraqi waters.
The Long-tailed Bandicoot Rat Nesokia bunnii (ResearchGate), long thought to be endemic to Iraq, has recently also been recorded in adjacent marshes in Iran.
The Saffine Leaf-toed Gecko Asaccus saffinae (fig. 1 at (Reptile Database) is an endemic reptile. A recently described whip snake Dolichophis mesopotamicus (Species New to Science) may be a synonym of the more widespread Large Whip Snake Dolichophis jugularis (Reptile Database). The Kurdish House Gecko Hemidactylus kurdicus (Species New to Science) has recently been been considered a subspecies of the more widespread Romeshkan House Gecko Hemidactylus romeshkanicus (Reptile Database).
Insects known exclusively from Iraq include a grasshopper Uvarovistia iraka (OSF), the moths Amata higginsi (fig. 4 at BHL) and Deserticossus curdus (fig. 27 at ResearchGate) and Lulavia mahwii (fig. 6 at Zootaxa pdf), a jewel beetle Sphenoptera svatopluki (ResearchGate), a ground beetle Platyderus irakensis (DEZ), a darkling beetle Hedyphanes mesopotamicus (p. 4 of nhmus WM pdf), the longhorn beetles Dorcadion mosulense (MUNIS pdf) and Dorcadion ringenbachi (fig. 1 at Biodiversity J. pdf), the scarab beetles Gymnopleurus naviauxi (Persée) and Tanyproctoides freyi (p. 11 of Taylor & Francis pdf), the click beetles Cardiophorus kurdistanicus (fig. 128 at Semantic Scholar) and Agriotes duhokensis (AEGA pdf), a weevil Asproparthenis (or Bothynoderes) rufotibialis (BHL), a comb-clawed beetle Mycetochara erbilensis (IASJ pdf), a flower bee Anthophora sulaimanensis (ResearchGate), a sand bee Andrena baiocchii (ZooKeys), a wasp Sphex zubaidiyanis (ResearchGate), an ant Camponotus riedeli (AntWiki), a termite Anacanthotermes sawensis (IASJ pdf), the mayflies Oligoneuriella bicaudata (BOLD) and Prosopistoma helenae (ResearchGate), and a leafhopper Oshaibahus linnavuorii (ResearchGate).
Other endemic invertebrates include a freshwater mussel Pseudodontopsis euphratica
the freshwater snails Gyraulus
(p. 5 of
pdf) and Bithynia
hareerensis (
pdf), the salt marsh snails Assiminea
mesopotamica (
pdf) and Assiminea
zubairensis (ResearchGate),
the land snails Chondrula
iraqensis (fig. 9 at Internet
Archive) and Assyriella
macfadyeni (figs. 17-19 at Internet
Archive), a freshwater sponge Corvospongilla
mesopotamica (IASJ
an amphipod crustacean Parhyale
basrensis (Inter
Research pdf), the clam shrimps Eulimnadia pulchra
and Leptestheriella
echinata (both at Springer),
a freshwater shrimp Caridina
(figs. 11-13 at ScienceDirect),
a centipede Lithobius
a millipede Calyptophyllum
browni (p. 78 of ResearchGate
pdf), a huntsman spider Cebrennus
sumer (Senckenberg
pdf), the ground spiders Pterotricha
arzhantsevi (ResearchGate) and Talanites gilgamesh (PLAZI),
a tree trunk spider Hersiliola
babylonica (ResearchGate),
a woodlouse hunting spider Dysdera goyzha (PLAZI), and several scorpions: Hottentotta
mesopotamicus (GBIF),
Leiurus maculatus
and Orthochirus
iraqus (iNaturalist)
(fig. F at ResearchGate).
Among about 153 vascular plant species unique to Iraq (Univ.
Duhok pdf) are Iris
(p. 58 of SRGC
kurdica (Asian
flora WM), Allium
notabile (IUCN),
Bellevalia parva
Onosma hawramanensis
(Harvard WM
pdf), Ornithogalum
kurdicum (iNaturalist)
Ornithogalum iraqense
Scrophularia kollakii
(Harvard WM
pdf), Stachys
babylonica (ResearchGate),
ali-askaryi (Harvard WM
pdf), Prunus
longispinosa (Pak.
J. Bot. pdf),
azmarensis (ResearchGate),
Echinops shakrokii
(Harvard WM
pdf), Scilla
kurdistanica (iNaturalist), Euphorbia
shehbaziana (Harvard WM
pdf), Arum hainesii
iraqensis (BINHM
pdf), Vitex iraquensis
Thymus neurophyllus
and Ajuga zahkoensis (all
at fig. 17 at ISSUU),
lasianthum (GBIF),
a catnip Nepeta
autraniana (GBIF),
Stachys nephrophylla
rechingeri (JSTOR),
Leutea rechingeri
Centaurea foveolata
Orobanche garatiaca
and Astragalus
gillettii (JSTOR).
Choriantha (GBIF) (POWO)
is often considered an endemic genus distinct from Onosma.
A non-vascular plant known only from Iraq is the moss Steppomitra hadacii
Fungi known only from Iraq include Coprinopsis
iraqicus (IES
Iraq includes portions of the Mesopotamian Marshes
(or Tigris-Euphrates Alluvial Salt Marsh) ecoregion (EoE) and the
Irano-Anatolian biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM).