Anguilla has two lizards that are confined to two tiny offshore islands: the Little Scrub Ground Lizard (or Anguilla Black Ameiva) Pholidoscelis corax (FFI WM) (UKOTCF pdf) from Little Scrub Island and the Sombrero Ground Lizard Pholidoscelis corvinus (iNaturalist) (ResearchGate) from Sombrero Island. An undescribed dwarf gecko of the genus Sphaerodactylus (p. 47 of IRCF WM pdf) also appears to be unique to Sombrero.
A sweat bee Lasioglossum sombrerense (iNaturalist) (ZooKeys), a solifuge Antillotrecha iviei (iNaturalist) (SEA WM pdf), and a land snail Chondropoma julieni (figs. 1-10 at BHL) have been described from Sombrero Island. A comb-clawed beetle Hymenorus anguillae (p. 9 of Univ. Nebraska pdf) (GBIF) is known solely from Anguilla. A shrimp Pillsburyaxius kirkmilleri (BHL) and a marine snail Latiromitra aratiuncula (fig. 4 at BHL) are known only from the type specimens.
Eugenia walkerae (FIU) (Harvard WM pdf) is an endemic plant. The Anguilla Bush Rondeletia anguillensis (ARKive WM) (IUCN), previously also believed endemic, has recently been found on Saint Martin as well (Réserve Naturelle Saint Martin).
Anguilla is a British overseas territory (see United Kingdom) and is included in the Caribbean Islands biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity Hotspots WM). An overview of the natural history of Anguilla and a description of some of its endemic species can be found at (JNCC WM pdf).