Antigua and Barbuda
The Barbuda Warbler ( WM) (eBird) is unique to the island of Barbuda.
The Great Bird Island Racer Alsophis sajdaki (ARKive WM) (iNaturalist) has recently been considered by some to be distinct from the now extinct mainland form of the Antiguan Racer Alsophis antiguae (Univ. Texas pdf) (fig. 1B at BioNames pdf). The Antiguan Anole Anolis leachii (iNaturalist) from Antigua and Barbuda has been introduced elsewhere, but the Redonda Anole Anolis nubilus (Anole Annals) is known only from Redonda . The Antiguan Ground Lizard Pholidoscelis griswoldi (iNaturalist) is found on both Antigua and Barbuda, while the Redonda Ground Lizard Pholidoscelis atratus (ResearchGate) (Applied Herpetology WM) and the presumably extinct Redonda Skink Copeoglossum redondae (Caribherp WM) are unique to Redonda. Also endemic are the Antiguan Dwarf Gecko Sphaerodactylus elegantulus (iNaturalist), the Barbuda Bank Bush Anole Anolis wattsi (iNaturalist), and the Barbuda Anole Anolis forresti (iNaturalist) (fig. 6 at Internet Archive). The dwarf gecko on Redonda (flickr) is often considered an undescribed new species.
Two recently extinct rodents are Megalomys audreyae (Wikipedia) and a species that was never formally described "Ekbletomys hypenemus" (Wikipedia).
Endemic insects include an ermine moth Atteva intermedia (fig. 10 at SciELO Brazil), a tortrix moth Episimus antiguanus (fig. 97 at ResearchGate), the longhorn beetles Elaphidion antiguensis (GBIF) and Caribbomerus similis (GBIF), a rove beetle Belonuchus antiguae (p. 7 of Univ. Nebraska pdf), a may beetle Phyllophaga antiguae (BHL), a darkling beetle Diastolinus shieli (GBIF), several other beetle species (Semantic Scholar), an ant Temnothorax wettereri (GBIF), a flat wasp Anisepyris antiguensis (GBIF), the planthoppers Patara cookii (ResearchGate) and Catonia antiguana (BHL), a mantis Thesprotia caribea (fig. 9i at ResearchGate), a cockroach Eurycotis similis (BHL), and several crickets: Caribacusta antigua (p. 22 of WM pdf), Hapithus dubius (BHL), and Cycloptilum minimum (BHL).
endemic invertebrates include a goblin spider Oonops
a huntsman spider Neostasina
antiguensis (GBIF),
a jumping spider Sidusa
stoneri (BHL) (figs. 3-5 at BHL), the harvestmen Stygnoplus
antiguanus (p. 38 of USP
pdf) and Vonones granulatus (fig. 11 at UFRJ WM pdf), a pseudoscorpion Neoallochernes
minor (Pseudoscorpions
of the World), a centipede Ityphilus idanus (BHL), the subterranean amphipods Metaniphargus nicholsoni
(Internet Archive)
and Stygogidiella
bredini (BHL),
and a marine snail Vitrinella
pelorcei (BHL).
(Femorale WM)
a possibly extinct endemic snail.
Pectis ericifolia
from Barbuda (GBIF) (CalPoly pdf)
endemic flowering
Lichens known only from Antigua include Thermutopsis jamesii (Cambridge).
Antigua and Barbuda are included in the Caribbean Islands biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity Hotspots WM). For an overview of biodiversity see (IRF pdf).