and Cartier
Islands are a territory of Australia
and an
overview of the biodiversity of the islands can be found
the Ashmore Reef National Nature Reserve and Cartier Islands Marine
Reserve Management Plans (
Marine fishes known
only from near Ashmore Reef include the Ashmore Jawfish Opistognathus asper
of Australia) (p. 140 of Zootaxa
pdf) and a false moray Chlopsis
sagmacollaris (GBIF).
The Ashmore and
Cartier Islands are the only known locality for several sponge shrimps: Periclimenaeus matherae
and Periclimenaeus
kottae(both at BHL),
ancylodactylus and Periclimenaeus
forcipulatus (both at Brill),
and Nippontonia
ashmoreiensis (GBIF).
Other endemic invertebrates include a crinoid
shrimp Laomenes
albonigrus (GBIF),
an amphipod crustacean Quadrisegmentum
triangularum (Semantic
Scholar), and the
molluscs: Amoria
spenceriana (Eddie
Hardy), Conus
morrisoni (Eddie
Tudivasum chaneyi
and Tudivasum ashmorense
(both at Oxford),
and Cymbiola baili
(figs. 10-11 at BHL)
(figs. 29-30 at Academia).