has 150 endemic species of plants (AZBIMM WM).
Plants unique to the country include Fritillaria grandiflora
Rosa komarovii (,
Rosa nisami
Astragalus bakuensis
Calligonum bakuense
Iris camillae (,
schelkownikowii (Iris
Wiki), Eremurus
azerbajdzhanicus (,
Onobrychis heterophylla (,
Seseli cuneifolium (,
Satureja confinis
Talyshian Poppy Papaver
talyschense (,
Thymus trautvetteri
Erysimum argyrocarpum
Psephellus integrifolius
and Scutellaria
grossheimiana (
fishes unique to Azerbaijan include the Azerbaijani Spring
Roach Rutilus
atropatenus (MbZ)
the Akstafa
Spring Roach Rutilus
sojuchbulagi (IUCN),
and a spined loach Cobitis
derzhavini (ResearchGate)
The Lenkoran Loach Oxynoemacheilus
lenkoranensis (IUCN)
is sometimes considered distinct from the more widespread Oxynoemacheilus bergi.
Insects known only from Azerbaijan include the dragonflies Cordulegaster nachitschevanica (ResearchGate) and Cordulegaster plagionyx (ResearchGate), a grasshopper Sphingonotus aserbeidshanicus (OSF), a ground beetle Carabus edmundi (, the longhorn beetles Mallosia galinae and Mallosia gobustanica (both at pdf) and Dorcadion shirvanicum (Cerambycidae WM), a scarab Mendidius abdurakhmanovi (ResearchGate), the leaf beetles Deocrepis pubipennis (Chrysomelidae of Europe WM) and Eryxia serratotibialis (GBIF), a rhinoceros beetle Pentodon snegovaae (ResearchGate), a rove beetle Geostiba nigrohortensia (GBIF), a darkling beetle Ceratanisus talyshensis (ResearchGate), a predaceous diving beetle Hydroporus lenkoranensis (p. 29 of ZOBODAT pdf), the ants Aulacopone relicta (AntWiki) and Temnothorax hyrcanus (AntWiki), a digger wasp Hoplisoides flavescens (ResearchGate), and the plasterer bees Colletes dlusskyi (ResearchGate) and Colletes jovel (ResearchGate).
Other endemic arthropods include a scorpion Mesobuthus zarudnyi (Internet Archive), the harvestmen Phalangium bakuensis (ESA pdf) and Zachaeus schachdag (ResearchGate), a woodlouse hunting spider Dysdera nakhchivanica (ResearchGate), a funnel weaver Tegenaria nakhchivanica (araneae), a running crab spider Philodromus azcursor (araneae), a wishbone spider Raveniola hyrcanica (GBIF), a wolf spider Pardosa gusarensis (p. 6 of KMK pdf), the ant spiders Zodarion sharurensis (GBIF) and Trygetus nakhchivanicus (GBIF), the millipedes Syrioiulus taliscius (ZooKeys) and Bellatoiulus golovatchi (ZooKeys), and the centipedes Lithobius foviceps (Google Books) and Scolopendra media (Google Books).
land snails include Imparietula schelkovnikovi
Monacha talischana (WMSDB),
Senaridenta nachicevanjensis
WM), Xeropicta parableta
WM), Differena leucostoma
and Kalitinaia arcadiana
WM). Gabbiella cyrea (p.
28 of
pdf) is an endemic freshwater snail.
known only from Azerbaijan include Lecania
saviczii (Index
Fungorum) and Physcia
subnuda (Index
forms part of two biodiversity hotspots: the Caucasus (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM)
and the Irano-Anatolian (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM). The Caspian Sea is
also an important
center for endemism (FEOW