is home to
several primate species found nowhere else including the Bolivian Red
Howler (iNaturalist),
the Rio Beni Titi (ResearchGate),
and Ollalas'
Titi (IUCN).
endemic mammals include the Amboro Silky Anteater Cyclopes catellus (ResearchGate)
the Santa Rosa Short-tailed Opossum (ResearchGate),
Creighton's Slender Opossum (p. 510 of TIPNIS
the Bolivian
Chinchilla Rat (ResearchGate),
the Huanchaca Burrowing Mouse
WM), the Bolivian Rice Rat (ASM
Grass Mouse (ASM
Lewis' Tuco-tuco (EurekAlert! WM),
Langer's Serotine (Revista
Nomadas), and Yates' Big-eared Bat (HMNS) (iNaturalist).
The Bolivian Blackbird (eBird)
represents a genus unique to Bolivia and the Inti Tanager (iNaturalist)
is a recently described genus that is a breeding endemic. The Cliff
Parakeet (WPT),
the Blue-throated Macaw (ARKive
and the Red-fronted Macaw (WPT)
are endangered parrots. Other birds found
solely in Bolivia include the Horned Curassow (Birds
of Bolivia),
Sunbeam (eBird),
the Apolo
Cotinga (Birds
of Bolivia),
Masked Antpitta (eBird),
Bolivian Earthcreeper (eBird),
Bolivian Spinetail (eBird),
Cochabamba Mountain-finch (eBird),
the Bolivian Brush-finch (Birds
of Bolivia),
the Ringed Warbling Finch (Cornell),
Berlepsch's Canastero (Birds
of Bolivia), the Gray-bellied Flowerpiercer (eBird),
and the Unicolored Thrush (Lost Birds).
Amphibians found exclusively in Bolivia include the La Siberia
Marsupial Frog (ARKive
the Giant Water Frog (IUCN), the Sehuencas Water
Frog (iNaturalist),
the Cochamba Robber
Frog (ARKive
WM), the Sanja Pampa Andes Frog (iNaturalist),
Illiman's Andes Frog (CalPhotos),
Oreobates zongoensis
Charuplaya Tree Frog (iNaturalist),
Temperate Snouted Tree Frog (AmphibiaWeb),
Charazani Tree Frog (ARKive
Bolivian Poison
Frog (AmphibiaWeb),
Incachaca Toad (IUCN),
and the Bolivian Cochran Frog (AmphibiaWeb).
Reptiles known only from Bolivia include the Bolivian
Eunectes beniensis (iNaturalist),
the Bolivian Lancehead Bothrops sanctaecrucis (iNaturalist),
Bolivian Coral
Snake Micrurus serranus
Dipsas chaparensis (iNaturalist),
Phalotris sansebastiani
Oxyrhopus emberti
a mussarana Clelia
langeri (ResearchGate),
the Bolivian Racer Philodryas
boliviana (ResearchGate),
the Whipala Sipo Chironius whipala (ResearchGate), a
burrowing snake Apostolepis underwoodi
a lava lizard
Tropidurus azurduyae
New to Science), the lizards Liolaemus variegatus
and Liolaemus forsteri (iNaturalist),
a whiptail Contomastix
vittata (iNaturalist), a skink Aspronema cochabambae (iNaturalist),
and a worm lizard Amphisbaena
cegei (ResearchGate).
Among the catfish endemic to Bolivia are Corydoras geryi (PlanetCatfish),
Trichomycterus chaberti (Peces
de Bolivia WM),
altocorpus (Species
New to Science),
Rineloricaria beni (PlanetCatfish).
Other fish known only from the rivers and streams of Bolivia
include the cichlids Apistogramma
similis (FishBase)
and Bujurquina
oenolaemus (Cichlid
Room Companion),
the Goldstripe Characin (FishBase),
the Pando Tetra (FishBase),
Characidium bolivianum
de Bolivia WM),
Moenkhausia dorsinuda
a pupfish
Orestias tchernavini
(p. 101 of Smithsonian
pdf), a headstander Laemolyta
fasciata (fig. 1 at BHL),
a piranha Serrasalmus
magallanesi (Species
New to Science), and several annual fishes: Papiliolebias
francescae (Bolivian
Killifish), Trigonectes
rogoaguae (FishBase),
Neofundulus splendidus
Killifish), Moema juanderibaensis
and Spectrolebias
butterflies include Pierphulia
nysias (iNaturalist),
Pseudomaniola mena
Narope ybyra
of America), Euptychoides
pseudosaturnus (flickr),
Hyposcada attilodes
of America), Eretris
julieta (SciELO
Brazil), Pteronymia calgiria
Euptoieta thekla
and South America's
highest flying
butterfly Piercolias
huanaco (iNaturalist). Endemic moths include Dirphiopsis curvilineata (Internet Archive), Selambina imitans (PLAZI), and Leocephaluncus boliviensis (fig. 7 at ResearchGate).
The mysterious Broad-headed Fly Eurychoromyia mallea (B & C at ResearchGate) (Diptera Site) was once placed in its own family, the Eurychoromyidae, but is now part of a subfamily of the Lauxaniidae. Othe endemic insects include a monkey grasshopper Temnomastax beni (GBIF), a mantis Liturgusa kirtlandi (ZooKeys), a stick insect Globocalynda ruficollis (PLAZI), a damselfly Calvertagrion declivatum (ResearchGate), an ant Pheidole bison (AntWiki), a bee Scaptotrigona fimbriata (GBIF), a paper wasp Metapolybia pseudodocilis (JHR), a termite Rugitermes rufus (ResearchGate), a cicada Selymbria boliviaensis (Species New to Science), the Hercules beetles Dynastes satanus (Coleoptera Atlas WM) (iNaturalist) and Dynastes morishimai (iNaturalist), a tiger beetle Pometon bolivianus (ASU), the stag beetles Auxicerus multicolor (New World Scarab Beetles) and Scortizus zischkai (New World Scarab Beetles), a flea beetle Chanealtica cuevas (ResearchGate), a feather-wing beetle Xenopteryx setosus (BHL), and the longhorn beetles Macronemus waxrasapa (GBIF) and Spiloprionus sericeomaculatus (iNaturalist) and Recchia boliviana (iNaturalist).
Other endemic invertebrates include the tarantulas Cyriocosmus
perezmilesi (
and Oligoxystre
a jumping spider Scoturius
dipterioides (PLOS),
a scorpion Tityus
horacioi (GBIF),
a solifuge Gaucha
stoeckeli (ResearchGate),
a harvestman Ferkeria
flavicoxae (GBIF),
a centipede Schendylops
grismadoi (GBIF),
a springtail Borgesminthururinus
andinus (ResearchGate),
a freshwater crab Dilocarcinus
truncatus (ResearchGate),
and the land snails Epiphragmophora
malkini (BHL)
and Megalobulimus
helicoides (ResearchGate).
A family of oribatid mites, the Enantioppiidae
(fig. 4 at Internet
Archive), is known only from Bolivia.
Trees known only from Bolivia include the Bolivian Mountain
Coconut Parajubaea
torallyi (PACSOA
the Red
Powderpuff Calliandra
haematocephala (iNaturalist),
leiophyllum (iNaturalist),
Clusia lechleri
thaumasiophyllus (iNaturalist),
Symbolanthus australis
Magnolia madidiensis
(p. 14 of, Handroanthus abayoy (GBIF),
Miconia neei
Pectinopitys exigua
Polylepis neglecta
Ovidia sericea
and Cinchona
anderssonii (iNaturalist).
Endemic tree genera include
a cactus Yungasocereus
and several legumes: Steinbachiella
de Bolivia), Pseudosenegalia
Urbano WM) (ResearchGate),
and Boliviadendron
(PhytoKeys). Izozogia (iNaturalist)
Museum) is also frequently recognized as distinct from the more widespread Guaiacum.
Many species of orchids are known only from Bolivia including Stenia vasquezii (IOSPE WM), Encyclia steinbachii (IOSPE WM), Restrepia vasquezii (flickr), Masdevallia notosibirica (IUCN), and Sigmatostalix lutzii (IOSPE WM). Additional endemic species of plants include a giant water lily Victoria boliviana (Frontiers), Nasa herzogii (NYBG), an iris Mastigostyla torotoroensis (POWO), Peltaea chiquitana (Cerrados de Bolivia), Zamia boliviana (Cycad Pages WM), Solanum achacachense (p. 19 of Proinpa WM pdf), Pavonia chiquitensis (IUCN), Prestonia leco and Passiflora madidiana (both at fig. 10 of ResearchGate), the bromeliads Puya weddelliana (Mario Giorgetta) and Tillandsia samaipatensis (iNaturalist), the cacti Corryocactus melanotrichus (iNaturalist) and Cleistocactus candelilla (iNaturalist), Prumnopitys exigua (RBGE), and Polylepis neglecta (ARKive WM).
Additional vascular plant genera unique to Bolivia include a grass Gerritea (BHL), Chaetacalia (p. 11 of Phytoneuron pdf), Stephanbeckia (ReasearchGate), Boelckea (JSTOR), the blueberries Polyclita (NYBG) and Rusbya (GBIF), Woodianthus (Internet Archive) (POWO), Trompettia (Fig. C at ResearchGate), and the cacti: Vatricania (iNaturalist) and Cremnocereus (p. 10 of Cactus Explorer pdf).
Fungi known only from Bolivia include Simocybe coroicensis
and Gloeocantharellus
mamorensis (GBIF).
Endemic lichens include Aspidothelium
lueckingii and Astrothelium
carrascoense (both at Lichens
of Bolivia WM). Endemic non-vascular plants include the
mosses Flabellidium
and Koponenia
holoneuron (Fig. 2D at Tropicos
pdf) and the liverworts
tunquiniensis (Schweizerbart)
and Cheilolejeunea
herzogiana (GBIF).
Portions of Bolivia are part of the Tropical Andes (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM)
and Cerrado (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM)
biodiversity hotspots. Lake Titicaca (FEOW
has many unique freshwater species. Further details on many endemic
vertebrates can be found in the "Libro rojo de la fauna silvestre de
vertebrados de Bolivia" at (ResearchGate).
The first volume of the red books for Bolivian plants can be
found at (ResearchGate).
Recently described species are listed at (Kempffiana