Endemic lizards include the Bonaire Anole Anolis bonairensis (Anole Annals) (iNaturalist) and the Bonaire Whiptail Cnemidophorus ruthveni (DCSR) (p. 50 of DCBD WM pdf).
The Bonaire Barn Owl ( WM) may be an endemic undescribed bird species. There are also endemic subspecies of Bananaquit (DCSR) and Brown-throated Parakeet (DCSR).
The extinct cricetid rat Cordimus hooijeri (fig. 4 at Wiley pdf) is known only from late Holocene owl pellets.
Invertebrates restricted to Bonaire include the Candy-striped Hermit Crab Pylopaguropsis mollymullerae (Species New to Science), a jumping ground bug Cryptostemma cobbeni (IHS WM), a jumping spider Corythalia bonairensis (ResearchGate), a pholcid spider Papiamenta bonay (CSIRO), an earthworm Diachaeta bonairensis (Internet Archive), a parasitic nematode Alaeuris rinconensis (ResearchGate), and several land snails: Cerion bonairense (iNaturalist) (p. 1 of DCBD WM pdf), Bonairea (or Tudora) maculata (DCSR) (Plate 1 at ResearchGate), Tudora aurantia (DCSR) (Fig. 4a at ResearchGate), Neosubulina (or Leptinaria) harterti (Internet Archive) (figs. 6-7 at ResearchGate), Brachypodella gibbonsi (fig. 71 at Internet Archive) (WMSD), and Stoastomops walkeri (fig. 20 at Internet Archive) (Plate 1 at ResearchGate).
Endemic subterranean crustaceans include the amphipods Ingolfiella putealis (Internet Archive) and Psammogammarus longidactylus (p. 6 of UvA DARE pdf), the isopods Microcharon herrerai and Angeliera dubitans (both at Internet Archive), a deep-sea shrimp Pseudocoutierea acutidorsata (ResearchGate), and several copepods (Internet Archive): Neocyclops stocki, Metacyclops botosaneanui, and Mesocyclops intermedius. Sponges known solely from Bonaire include Plakinastrella stinapa and Pachastrella pacoi (both at Sciency Thoughts) and Batzella fusca and Hymedesmia bonairensis (both at UvA DARE pdf).
sole endemic vascular plant species is the Bonaire Palm Sabal lougheediana (DCSR)
included in the
Caribbean Islands biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM), is part of the
Cactus Scrub ecoregion (EoE), and is a special
municipality of the Netherlands.
checklist of endemic taxa can be found at (DBCD
and at (DCSR).
For an overview of native wildlife see (Wageningen pdf).