Bosnia and Herzegovina
Vjetrenica Cave with over 20 species of invertebrates found nowhere else (see p. 77 of CBD pdf and Google Books) is recognized as one of the world's most important caves for biodiversity ( WM pdf). Among Vjetrenica's unique species are a ground beetle Scotoplanetes arenstorffianus (p. 4 of WM pdf), the round fungus beetles Hadesia vasiceki (fig. 4a at MDPI) and Nauticiella stygivaga (ResearchGate), a harvestman Dinaria (or Travunia) vjetrenicae (SubBioCode), a centipede Lithobius sketi (fig. 5d at MDPI), an opossum shrimp Troglomysis vjetrenicensis (GBIF), and a freshwater snail Narentiana (or Zavalia) vjetrenicae (fig. 24 at CKS pdf).
Insects known solely from Bosnia and Herzegovina include the click beetles Athous hercegovinensis (Elateridae) and Ampedus balcanicus (Elateridae), the round fungus beetles Hadesia lakotai (Biospeleologica Slovaca WM) and Katobatizon apfelbecki (CKS) and Anthroherpon cylindricolle (Dragiša Savić WM), the longhorn beetle Chaetocnema leonhardi (ResearchGate), the ground beetles Punctoduvalius orlovacensis (p. 4 of doiSerbia WM pdf) and Acheroniotes golovranicensis (Hrcak pdf), a rove beetle Thaumastocephalus dahnae (GBIF), the weevils Paratyphloporus zoufali ( and Brachysomus dubius (ResearchGate), the katydids Pachytrachis bosniacus (OSF) and Metrioptera karnyana (OSF), a stonefly Leuctra puskasi (ZooKeys), and a caddisfly Potamophylax haidukorum (ZOBODAT pdf).
Other endemic arthropods include a tangle-web spider Theridion bosniense (araneae), a scorpion Alpiscorpius caporiaccoi (figs. 49-52 at Biologia Serbica), a pseudoscorpion Neobisium radjai (ResearchGate), a springtail Galeriella liciniana (doiSerbia WM pdf), a centipede Lithobius matulicii (Devon Karst WM), the millipedes Brachydesmus mulaomerovici (fig. a at ResearchGate) and Heterolatzelia karlstrasseri (GBIF), the Tajan Cave Woodlouse Cyphonethes tajanus (Dragiša Savić WM), another isopod Monolistra hercegoviniensis (Devon Karst WM), a water flea Alona hercegovinae (ResearchGate), the earthworms Allolobophora mayeri (GBIF) and Dendrobaena vranicensis (GBIF), and several amphipod crustaceans: Niphargus lunaris (Niphargus WM), Niphargus hercegovinensis (Niphargus WM), Niphargus trullipes (Niphargus WM), and Niphargus balcanicus (BHL). The millipede Fagina silvatica (Internet Archive) described in 1904 from Bjelasnica is sometimes considered to be the only member of an endemic family, the Faginidae (Taxonomicon WM).
molluscs include a cave-dwelling mussel
mulaomerovici (ResearchGate), a leech Dina
sketi (GBIF),
land snails Cochlostoma
mostarense (AnimalBase
and Zospeum simplex
and Xerocampylaea
waldemari (ResearchGate),
and several freshwater snails: Bythinella
marici (figs. 7-10 at ResearchGate),
Bythiospeum petroedei
plagiostoma and Islamia
valvataeformis (both on p. 28 of
pdf), Kerkia bryani
Paladilhiopsis arion
Bosnidilhia vreloana
(fig. 3A at MDPI),
Travunijana vruljakensis
Iglicopsis butoti
Hauffenia steffeki
D-F at ResearchGate),
Radomaniola vidrovanensis
(figs. 15-20 at ResearchGate),
bozidarcurcici (doiSerbia
Freshwater fish species unique to Bosnia and Herzogovina include a
spined loach Cobitis
herzegoviniensis (
and several minnows: Phoxinellus
pseudalepidotus (,
Phoxinus karsticus
Telestes metohiensis
and Telestes dabar
Endemic plants include a bellflower
Campanula hofmannii
a pink Dianthus freynii
Acinos orontius (bs.wikipedia),
a spurge Euphorbia
gregersenii (,
the Prenja Crazyweed Oxytropis
prenja (Wikipedia)
White Rockbell Edraianthus
niveus (Mojmír
Edraianthus sutjeskae
Edraianthus hercegovinus
Seseli hercegovinum
Herbaria), Barbarea bosniaca
Centaurea murbeckii
Sorbus (or Hedlundia) bosniaca
a violet Viola prenja
(figs. 1 to 3 at BHL),
moellendorfia (GBIF),
a sandwort Minuartia (or Cherleria) handelii (GBIF),
a woodruff Asperula
fungi include Cenangiopsis
livida and Cenangiopsis
violascens (both at ResearchGate).
Endemic lichens include Verrucaria
epigloea (GBIF).
of Bosnia and Herzogovina are included in the Mediterranean Basin
biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM).
the nation's most important ecoregions for endemic species is the
Dinaric Mountains Mixed Forests (EoE).
For an overview of the biodiversity of Bosnia and Herzogovina
see (CBD
pdf). Many endemic species are indicated at the checklists at (
WM) and (bs.wikipedia).
Endemic freshwater gastropods are indicated at (Table 1 of MDPI).