The Tsodilo Gecko Pachydactylus tsodiloensis (iNaturalist) is a endemic lizard. A Namib day gecko Rhoptropus braconnieri (Internet Archive) has sometimes been recognized as a full species, but has recently been considered a synonym of the more widespread Rhoptropus afer (iNaturalist).
Large-bodied Churchill Petrocephalus
(Mormyridae WM)
Books) is a fish known only from the Okavango Delta. There is also a possible undescribed lampeye in the genus Aplocheilichthys (p. 101 of CI WM pdf).
Insects known only from Botswana include a longhorn beetle Sophronica apimaculata
(GBIF), a
beetle Scarabaeolus
afronitidus (iNaturalist),
an ant-like flower beetle Anthicus
botswanaensis (BHL),
a carpet beetle Anthrenus
botswaniensis ( WM),
a burrowing water beetle Canthydrus rossanae (BHL), a leafhopper Adama serriformis (GBIF), a flower moth Scythris
gaboronensis (AfroMoths
a cossid moth Arbelodes
sebelensis (fig. 10 at BHL),
a pigmy moth Ectoedemia
mauni (Sabinet pdf),
a crambid moth Chilo gumaensis (SHILAP), a tortricid moth Bactra
(p. 74 of ISEZ
PAN WM pdf), a metarbelid moth Zambezia madambae (PLAZI), a noctuid moth Sesamia satauensis (PLAZI), the grasshoppers Anablepia botswaniana
and Chokwea forchhammeri
a cricket Brachytrupes
calaharicus (OSF),
a parasitoid wasp Oreiscelio
badius (GBIF),
a myzinine wasp
eterodira (fig. 66 at Onychium WM
pdf), a sweat bee Lipotriches
(or Nomia) bechuanella (Internet
Archive), a
window-fly Propebrevitrichia
serowensis (Zootaxa
pdf), and an ant Carebara africana
Other endemic invertebrates include an orb-weaver spider Singafrotypa okavango (BHL), a crab spider Simorcus okavango (p. 19 of UPSpace pdf), the jumping spiders Tusitala ansieae (ResearchGate) and Sibianor anansii (GBIF) and Festucula botswana (ZooKeys), an ant spider Ranops tharinae (GBIF), a solifuge Daesia (or Biton) betschuanica (GBIF), a springtail Lepidocyrtinus botswanensis (GBIF), a centipede Cryptops legagus (ZooKeys), the pseudoscorpions Botswanoncus ellisi (BHL) and Nanolpium subgrande (BHL), a fairy shrimp Branchipodopsis kalaharensis (Internet Archive), a cave-dwelling woodlouse Niambia botswanaensis (Subterranean Biology), the ostracods Amphibolocypris arida (ResearchGate) and Sarscypridopsis harundineti (ZooKeys), an earthworm Tritogenia talana (GBIF), and an endemic genus of flatworm Syringoplana kolasai (ResearchGate).
Among about a dozen endemic vascular plants (see National Red Lists WM pdf or Flora of Botswana) are the Tsodilo Daisy Erlangea remifolia (IUCN) (Smithsonian), Blepharis petalidioides (iNaturalist), Inversodicraea botswana (Fig. 3 at Springer), Euphorbia venteri (JSTOR), Jatropha botswanica (JSTOR), Ammannia (or Nesaea) minima (JSTOR), Aristida wildii (JSTOR), Asparagus botswanicus (Semantic Scholar WM) (GBIF), Arctotis rogersii (GBIF), Boscia kalachariensis (GBIF), Pentzia laxa (JSTOR), and Oldenlandia seineri (BHL).
Fungi known only from Botswana include Hapalopilus percoctus (MycoKeys).
Important ecoregions in Botswana include the Okavango (FEOW),
the Kalahari Acacia-Baikiaea
Woodland (WWF WM),
and the Zambezian Halophytics (WWF WM).