found in
Cameroon and nowhere else include Bannerman's Turaco (eBird),
the Mount Cameroon Francolin (IUCN)
Cameroon NP WM),
Cameroon Speirops (ABC), Bates's Weaver (Weaver
Watch) (Lost Birds),
and the Banded Wattle-eye (eBird).
unique to Cameroon include the Campo-Ma'an Fruit Bat
(fig. B at ResearchGate),
the Mbam Minkom Serotine (ResearchGate),
the Mount Lefo
Rat (BHL)
the Mount Oku Brush-furred Rat (Planet'
Mammiferes WM), the Cameroon African
Mouse (PLAZI),
Soft-furred Mouse (Planet'
Mammiferes WM),
Mittendorf's Striped Grass Mouse (PLAZI),
Vlei Rat (GBIF),
the Mount Oku Wood
Mouse (GBIF),
the Mount Cameroon Shaggy Rat (GBIF),
the Cameroonean Wading Rat (fig. A at ResearchGate),
Rumpi Mouse Shrew (Planet'
Mammiferes WM),
the Bamenda Forest Shrew (BHL)
and the
White-toothed Shrew (BHL)
The Mount
Oku Rat (MZ)
Books) is an endemic genus.
Reptiles known only from Cameroon include Pfeffer's Chameleon (iNaturalist),
Mountain Chameleon (Chameleons!
the Southern Peacock Chameleon (iNaturalist),
the Cameroon Chameleon (fig. B at BHL), the skinks Lacertaspis lepesmei
and Trachylepis mekuana
Leptosiaphos pauliani
(p. 2 of Rufford
Two-scaled Gecko Cnemaspis
dilepis (Google
Books), the Atlantika Gecko Cnemaspis atlantika
Books), Makolowode's Gecko Hemidactylus makolowodei
Perret's Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus dysmicus (p. 137 of IRD pdf), Weiler's Tree Gecko Urocotyledon
weileri (Google
the Cameroon Worm Lizard Cynisca
schaeferi (Google
Books), a blind snake Afrotyphlops rouxestevae (p. 35 of SHF pdf), Zenker's Snake Letheobia
zenkeri (BHL),
and the Southwest Cameroon Bush Viper Atheris subocularis
New to Science) (flickr).
A rich endemic amphibian fauna includes the Alsco Long-fingered Frog (IUCN),
Perret's Squeaker (BHL),
the Laurent's Night Frog (ARKive
WM), the Central Night Frog (iNaturalist),
the Redbelly Egg Frog (CalPhotos),
the Bamboutos
Smalltongue Toad (AmphibiaWeb),
the Mount Oku Subalpine Toad (ZooKeys),
the Waza Running Frog (fig. c at BHL),
the Lake Oku Clawed Frog (CalPhotos),
Bakossi Reed Frog (IUCN),
the Sharpsnout Reed Frog (iNaturalist),
the Tchabal Mbabo Puddle Frog Phrynobatrachus mbabo
Perret's Water Frog (IUCN),
and the Victoria Caecilian (EDGE).
Mebebque Frog Arlequinus (AmphibiaWeb)
and the caecilians Crotaphatrema
and Idiocranium
represent endemic genera.
Fish unique to Cameroon include four genera of cichlids restricted to
Lake Barombi Mbo: Konia (IUCN),
Myaka (IUCN),
Stomatepia (Cichlid Room
and Pungu (IUCN).
Other genera endemic to Cameroon include another
cichlid Etia
the Sanaga Pygmy
Herring Thrattidion (GBIF) (BHL),
a goby Ebomegobius
and the minnows Sanagia (FishBase)
Prolabeops (FishBase).
Additional fish known only from Cameroon include a soil-dwelling swamp
eel Typhlosynbranchus
Fishes), an
Campylomormyrus phantasticus (,
Fissi Sarotherodon
caroli (GCCA),
mouthbrooder Chromidotilapia
linkei (Cichlid
Room Companion), species flocks of cichlids
from Lake Ejagham (ZOBODAT
pdf) and Lake Bermin (BHL)
including Coptodon
bythobates (IUCN),
the catfishes
Synodontis pardalis (PlanetCatfish)
and Clarias maclareni
an African tetra Phenacogrammus
major (ZooChat),
the Cross River Bichir (Aquarium
Glaser), and many killifish such as Aphyosemion
edeanum (Killifish of West
Africa), Epiplatys esekanus (Killifish of West
Africa), and Fundulopanchax rubrolabialis (Killifish of West
Butterflies restricted to Cameroon
include Cymothoe alticola (Michel
Liber WM), Euptera
aurantiaca (Michel
Libert WM), Euphaedra
calliope (, Mimacraea
neavei (Michel
Libert WM), Lepidochrysops
phoebe (ResearchGate), Bicyclus amieti (Michel
Libert WM), Bebearia jolyana (,
Falcuna reducta
(p. 54 of Metamorphosis
Charaxes musakensis
Ceratrichia fako
and Andronymus magma (Insect
Communities). Endemic moths
plume moth Alucita
bakweri (ZooKeys)
a tiger moth Amerila
femina (figs. 2-6 at ResearchGate).
Other insects unique to Cameroon include the flower beetles Mecynorrhina kraatzi (flickr) and Eudicella schultzeorum (flickr), a stag beetle Prosopocoilus estellae (BOLD), a longhorn beetle Anoeme vingerhoedti (, a ground beetle Craspedophorus dicranulothorax (GBIF), a dung beetle Janssensellus bicaviventris (GBIF), a rove beetle Ewoma longiscapa (GBIF), a weevil Typoderus telamon (GBIF), a damselfly Chlorocypha aurora (ADDO WM), a mole cricket Gryllotalpa tamessei (PLAZI), a grasshopper Pteropera missoupi (ZooKeys), the katydids Pleothrix conradti (OSF) and Macroscirtus kekeunoui (GBIF) and Bueacola cornigera (OSF), a termite Engelitermes zambo (Species New to Science), a bee Thyreus garouensis (ResearchGate), and the ants Feroponera ferox (AntWiki) and Petalomyrmex phylax (GBIF).
endemic invertebrates include a tarantula Hysterocrates
crassipes (
a jumping spider Hasarius
cheliceroides (GBIF),
the harvestmen Camerobunus
okucola (ResearchGate)
and Binderella bistriata
the scorpions Butheoloides
Files) and Buthus
prudenti (Euscorpius
pdf), the millipedes Hemisphaeroparia
bonakanda (ZooKeys)
and Eviulisoma
bipartitum (ResearchGate),
the freshwater crabs Louisea
edeaensis (GBIF)
and Louisea nkongsamba
a freshwater shrimp Caridina
okiamnis (GBIF),
an earthworm Okudrilus
monticolus (ResearchGate),
land snails Archachatina
camerunensis (flickr)
and Pseudachatina
liljevalli (,
freshwater snail Potadoma
nyongensis (Mollusca
Types in GB), and the freshwater mussels Coelatura
lobensis (MUSSELp)
and Galatea schwabi
over 500
endemic plant
species are a red-hot poker Kniphofia
reflexa (ARKive
WM), Begonia
montis-elephantis (ABS),
Angraecopsis lisowskii
Bulbophyllum teretifolium
of C Africa WM),
batesii (IOSPE
WM), Afrothismia
gesnerioides (ResearchGate),
Kupea martinetugei
WM), Pseudohydrosme
ebo (IUCN),
Impatiens letouzeyi
Ardisia atrobullata
and Psychotria
yaoundensis (both at ResearchGate),
Monanthotaxis couvreurii
Coleochloa domensis
(fig. 21 at ResearchGate),
and Ancistrocladus
korupensis (fr.wikipedia) .
Trees known only from Cameroon include the coffees Coffea charrieriana (IISE WM) and Coffea montekupensis (IUCN), Berlinia korupensis (POWO), Deinbollia unijuga (Korup Plants), Magnistipula multinervia (POWO), Talbotiella velutina (POWO), Uvariopsis submontana (GBIF), Didelotia korupensis and Tessmannia korupensis (both at Naturalis pdf), Cassipourea korupensis (Korup Plants), Microcos rumpi (ResearchGate), Englerodendron korupense (IUCN), Cola praeacuta (Korup Plants), Colletoecema magna (ResearchGate), Kupeantha kupensis (ResearchGate), Monanthotaxis couvreurii (GBIF), Piptostigma goslineanum (GBIF), and the endemic genus Medusandra (BHL) (Flora of the World WM).
Other vascular plant genera known only from Cameroon include the riverweeds Winklerella (p. 13 of pdf) and Djinga (Podostemaceae) and Zehnderia (figs. D-F at ResearchGate).
Endemic fungi include Amanita minima and Amanita luteolamellata (both at ResearchGate), Cantharellus griseoisabellinus (IUCN), and Entoloma bisterigmatum (ResearchGate). Endemic lichens include Graphis lueckingiana (KoreaScience pdf) and Thelotrema zenkeri (GBIF). Endemic non-vascular plants include the mosses Acroporium pocsii (GBIF) and Andreaea camerunensis (GBIF) and a liverwort Radula camerunensis (ResearchGate).
Portions of Cameroon fall within the Guinean Forests of West Africa biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity Hotspots WM). Among ecoregions rich in endemic species are the Mount Cameroon and Bioko Montane Forests (WWF WM), the Cameroonian Highlands Forest (WWF WM), and the Cross-Sanaga-Bioko Coastal Forests (WWF WM). Important freshwater ecoregions include the Western Equatorial Crater Lakes (FEOW WM) and the Southern Gulf of Guinea drainages (FEOW WM). An overview of Cameroon's biota can be found in its National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (CBD pdf).