that occur
only in Canada include the Vancouver Island Marmot (,
Richardson's Collared Lemming (BIOBus)
the Ungava Collared Lemming (Smithsonian)
the Ogilvie Mountains Collared Lemming (Environment
Yukon WM pdf),
the Yukon Deermouse Peromyscus
arcticus (iNaturalist),
and the Maritime Shrew (Google
Books). The Alberta Little Brown Myotis (BHL)
Scholar) is known with certainty only from Canada. The Peary
Caribou (iNaturalist)
is an endemic subspecies.
Two migratory
birds breed solely within Canada: Ross’s Goose (eBird)
and Harris' Sparrow (eBird).
Thayer's Gull (BirdWeb)
is an additional breeding endemic sometimes considered distinct from
the Iceland Gull.
If it still survives, the Eskimo Curlew (ARKive
WM) would be an additional breeding endemic. The extinct
Labrador Duck (Wikipedia)
likely bred only in Canada.
Freshwater fishes unique to Canada include the Copper Redhorse (Parks Canada) (SNAP pdf), the Vancouver Lamprey (iNaturalist) (CWB WM), the Blackfin Cisco (, and the Atlantic Whitefish (iNaturalist) (ARKive WM). There are ten surviving, but officially undescribed, species of British Columbian sticklebacks (UBC WM) (
fish known only from
waters include the Newfoundland Eelpout Lycodes lavalaei (iNaturalist)
(, the Newfoundland
Spiny Lumpsucker
Eumicrotremus terraenovae (iNaturalist)
and the snailfishes Paraliparis
vaillanti (fig. 2 at ResearchGate)
and Psednos harteli
(fig. 9C at BHL).
Endemic butterflies include Johansen's Sulphur (Butterflies
of America),
the Kivalliq Sulphur (Butterflies
of America),
Salt Marsh Copper (MBA
and the Maritime Ringlet (MBA
Endemic moths include a looper moth Xanthorhoe
clarkeata (BIOBus),
a noctuid moth Hyppa
potamus (BOLD),
and the tiger moths Apantesis
yukona (iNaturalist)
and Dodia
tarandus (MPG),
Other endemic insects include the Muskeg Emerald (RBCM WM) (iNaturalist), the Yukon Slant-faced Grasshopper (iNaturalist), the Magdalen Islands Grasshopper (, the bees Lasioglossum sablense (SARA) and Triepeolus brittaini (BugGuide), the ants Myrmica quebecensis (AntWiki) and Leptothorax athabasca (AntWiki), a rust fly Loxocera ojibwayensis (BugGuide), a robber fly Efferia okanagana (BugGuide), Scudder's Rock Crawler (iNaturalist), a scorpionfly Boreus insulanus (BugGuide), a caddisfly Montiphylax albus (ZooKeys), a leafhopper Oncopsis quebecensis (BugGuide), the ground beetles Bembidion balli (Tree of Life WM) and Nebria haida (BOLD), a firefly Phausis nigra (UBC) (IUCN), the rove beetles Holobus vancouveri (CFS WM pdf) and Gnathusa alfacaribou (ResearchGate), and a leaf beetle Tricholochmaea sablensis (Atlantic Canada Coleoptera).
endemic invertebrates include a sac spider Clubiona angulata (BOLD),
a wolf spider Alopecosa
koponeni (BIOBus),
a sheetweb spider Agyneta
sheffordiana (BugGuide),
an cave-dwelling amphipod Stygobromus
canadensis (Canadian
a centipede Arctogeophilus
insularis (p. 19 of Zobodat
pdf), the
Haida Gwaii Slug Staala
gwaii (naturalmistic),
the Cypress Hills Mountainsnail (BOLD),
the Banff Springs Snail (SARA
the Hotwater Physa Snail (DFO
pdf), the freshwater snails Galba
alberta (BHL) and Stagnicola (or Ladislavella)
kennicotti (BOLD),
a freshwater mussel Pyganodon
fragilis (iNaturalist),
and the sponges Desmacella
hyalina (Species
New to Science) and Corvospongilla
novaeterrae (GBIF).
Vascular plants known only from Canada include Newcombe's Groundsel (iNaturalist),
Ogilvie Mountains
Springbeauty (iNaturalist),
Braya (iNaturalist),
the Yukon Draba (iNaturalist),
Savile’s False Rue-anemone (flickr)
the Barrens Willow (iNaturalist),
Macoun's Meadowfoam (iNaturalist),
the Lake Louise Arnica (iNaturalist),
the St. Lawrence Angelica (flickr),
the Canadian Hawthorn (iNaturalist), Lori’s Water-lily (Manitoba
Museum WM), Allen’s Buttercup (Ian
McLaren) (iNaturalist),
Taylor's Saxifrage (E-Flora
BC) (iNaturalist),
the Arctic False
Wildflower (Arctic
Plants), the Gulf of St. Lawrence Aster (iNaturalist),
Hairgrass (SARA),
Holly Fern (POWO),
the St. Lawrence Quillwort (flickr)
the Yukon Goldenweed (iNaturalist),
the Yoho Paintbrush (iNaturalist),
the Haida Gwai Avens (iNaturalist),
a poppy Papaver
luculentum (p. 8 of Phytoneuron
pdf), and Victorin's Gentian (iNaturalist).
Books) (Univ.
Calgary WM) is sometimes recognized as an endemic grass genus
hybrid origin.
Endemic lichens include Collema coniophilum (Enlichenment) (iNaturalist), Bryoria salazinica (IUCN), and Seirophora aurantiaca (IUCN). Endemic fungi include a morel Morchella laurentiana (fig. E at ResearchGate), Cantharellus betularum (Fungal Planet WM pdf), and Naiadolina flavomerulina (IUCN). Endemic non-vascular plants include the mosses Syntrichia cainii (iNaturalist) and Seligeria careyana ( and the liverworts Cephaloziella brinkmanii (GBIF) and Anastrophyllum tenue (GBIF). Endemic marine macroalgae includes Bossiella hakaiensis (BOLD WM) and Torngatum varicrassum (Seaweed of Canada).
A list of endemic species of vascular plants can be generated at ( A list of Canadian endemic species is at (p. 58 of pdf), threatened Canadian endemic species are listed in "Our Home and Native Land" (p. 42 of NatureServe pdf) and on (p. 58 of Nature Conservancy pdf).