Chile has a rich and distinctive flora with over 2100 species of vascular plants found nowhere else. Plant families unique to Chile include the tree Gomortegaceae (GTC WM) (iNaturalist). Lactoridaceae (iNaturalist) (Flora of the World WM) and Thyrsopteridaceae (Flora of the World WM) (RBGE) from the Juan Fernandez Islands have also sometimes been considered endemic families.
Endemic tree genera from the Juan Fernandez Islands include the Chonta Palm (RBGE), the Cabbage Tree Dendroseris (iNaturalist), Centaurodendron (iNaturalist), Robinsonia (IUCN), and Cuminia (ARKive WM). Mainland endemic tree genera include the Chilean Wine Palm (ARKive WM), Peumis (IDS), Legrandia (RBGE), Temu (iNaturalist), Gayella (RBGE), and Pitavia (iNaturalist). The Toromiro Tree Sophora toromiro (ARKive WM) is now extinct on Easter Island and survives only in cultivation. Other endemic mainland tree species include Podocarpus salignus (RBGE), the Chilean Laurel (iNaturalist), Citronella mucronata (iNaturalist), the Patagua (iNaturalist), Eucryphia glutinosa (iNaturalist), the Chilean Acorn (RBGE), the Chilean Guayacan (iNaturalist), and the Ruil (iNaturalist).
The plants of the Juan Fernandez Islands include 135 endemic species (Field Museum WM pdf) including the endemic genera Yunquea (iNaturalist) and Megalachne (iNaturalist). Endemic mainland genera include Adenopeltis (RBGE), Francoa (, the cacti Copiapoa (Copiapoa) and Miqueliopuntia (flickr), the Glory-of-the-sun (PBS), a bromeliad Ochagavia (, Atacamallium (Species New to Science), the Medallita (, Paposoa (iNaturalist), Atacama (iNaturalist), Rayenia (RBGE), the Chilean Blue Crocus (RBGE), and the Chilean Bellflower (iNaturalist). Other striking plants confined to Chile include the Lantern Tree (RBGE), Alstroemeria magnifica (iNaturalist), the Butterfly-of-the-Coast (iNaturalist), the Sapphire Tower (iNaturalist), and the Flame Nasturtium (
found exclusively in Chile include Darwin’s Fox (ARKive
the Juan Fernandez Fur Seal (ARKive
the Elegant Fat-tailed Opossum (Foto
the Common
Degu (iNaturalist),
Leaf-eared Mouse (iNaturalist),
the Dune Gerbil Mouse (CHC),
Sanborn's Soft-haired Mouse (ARKive
WM), Bennett's Chinchilla Rat (Foto
Naturaleza), the Tawny Tuco-tuco (iNaturalist), and the Valparaiso
Myotis (Santo
The Chilean Dolphin (iNaturalist)
is known with certainty only from Chilean waters.
Endemic genera of rodents include the Short-tailed
Chinchilla (IUCN),
Chilean Long-clawed Mouse (ARKive
Coruro (iNaturalist).
Birds known only from mainland Chile include the Chilean Woodstar (eBird),
the Crag Earthcreeper (Aves
de Chile),
the Chilean Tinamou (Aves
de Chile), the Dusky Tapaculo (eBird),
the Seaside Cinclodes (eBird),
the Moustached
Turca (Aves
de Chile), the Tamarugo Conebill (eBird),
and the Slender-billed
Parakeet (eBird).
Birds unique to the Juan
Fernandez Islands include the Juan Fernandez Firecrown
the Masafuera Rayadito (Neotropical
Birds WM), and the Juan Fernandez Tit-tyrant (eBird).
The Subantarctic Rayadito (Nature)
occurs only in the Diego Ramirez Archipelago. Seabirds breeding only in
Chile include the Pink-footed
Shearwater (eBird),
the Masatierra
Petrel (eBird),
the Juan Fernandez Petrel (eBird), and the Pincoya
Storm Petrel (Species
New to Science).
Reptiles known only from Chile include the Chilean
Long-tailed Snake (iNaturalist),
the Chilean Racerunner
the Chilean Marked Gecko (flickr),
Valeria's Grumbler (iNaturalist),
the Tarapaca Lava Lizard
the Maule Fat Lizard
over 60 species of
Neotropical ground lizards such as Fabian's Lizard (iNaturalist),
the Zapallar Lizard
the Leopard Lizard
and the
Blackish-green Lizard
Helmeted Water Toad
and the four species of false toads Telmatobufo (iNaturalist)
comprise the
Calyptocephalellidae, an endemic family.
Representing another
almost endemic family is the Northern
Darwin’s Frog (EDGE)
Other endemic amphibians include Barrio’s
Frog (iNaturalist),
Concepcion Toad
the La Parva Spiny-chest Frog
the Vilama Water Frog
Nibaldo's Wood Frog Batrachyla
nibaldoi (Helen
Díaz Páez), and the Mocha Island Ground Frog
Two families of freshwater fish are restricted to Chile: the Mountain Catfish
in the Nematogenyidae (PlanetCatfish)
and the
basses in the Percilidae (FishBase)
Additional endemic freshwater fish genera include Brachygalaxias
Bullockia (ScotCat).
Other endemic species include the Chilean Lamprey (especies
chilenas), the Chilean Tetra (FishBase), the Chilean
Pejerry (iNaturalist), the Shorttailed
Silverside (BAUK), the Chungara
WM), the Black Trout (FishBase),
a velvet catfish
Diplomystes incognitus
(ResearchGate), and
the Chungara Pencil Catfish (Univ.
Chile pdf).
genera of marine fish include the Araucanian Herring Strangomera (Univ.
Concepcion), the Reticulated Wrasse Malapterus (iNaturalist),
a goby Ophiogobius
and a sand
stargazer Sindoscopus
Easter Island has about 45 endemic marine fish species
the Easter Island Butterflyfish (iNaturalist),
the Bluebelly Toby
the Rapa Nui Splitfin (ResearchGate),
the wrasses Pseudolabrus
semifasciatus (Guardian)
and Coris debueni
Wilhelm's Squirrelfish (FishBase),
the Rapa Nui Filefish (iNaturalist),
the Rapa Nui Flagtail (iNaturalist),
the Rapa Nui Fairy Basslet (ZooKeys),
Chapman's Blenny (IUCN),
Michel's Chromis
New to Science), the Rapa Nui Cardinalfish (FishBase),
and the Pascua Goby
Studies pdf). Other Chilean endemic marine fish include the
Juan Fernandez Trevally (iNaturalist),
the Parrot Sandperch (iNaturalist),
the Filetail Fanskate (FishBase),
and the Fourteengill Hagfish (iNaturalist).
Endemic beetles include the longhorn beetles Acanthinodera
cumingii (Surmagico
and Stenorhopalus
flavicans (iNaturalist),
the stag beetles Chiasognathus
jousellinii (iNaturalist)
and Erichius franzae
the darkling beetles Callyntra
unicosta (iNaturalist)
and Gyriosomus
reedi (iNaturalist),
the ground beetles Cylindera
nahuelbutae (GBIF)
and Cnemalobus nuria
the scarabs Oogenius
kuscheli (iNaturalist)
and Modialis
prasinella (iNaturalist),
a jewel beetle Pterobothris
barrigai (Coleoptera
Neotropical WM), a lady beetle Hyperaspis sphaeridioides
de Chile), the Juan Fernandez Diving Beetle (MbZ),
and a weevil Aegorhinus
albolineatus (iNaturalist).
Butterflies unique to Chile include Neomaenas poliozona (iNaturalist), Neosatyrus ambiorix (flickr), Elina vanessoides ( WM), Pseudolucia chilensis (flickr), Auca barrosi (iNaturalist), Argopteron puelmae (nuble naturaleza), and Butleria flavomaculatus (Natural Musings). Endemic moths include Polythysana cinerascens (iNaturalist), Cercophana venusta (iNaturalist), and Castnia eudesmia (p. 109 of Fundación R.A. Philippi pdf).
Endemic bee genera include Euherbstia (fig. 1A at ResearchGate), Orphana (Wikimedia Commons) (Abejas de Chile), Neofidelia (twitter WM), and Diphaglossa (iNaturalist). Other endemic insects include a dragonfly Phyllopetalia altarensis (iNaturalist), a damselfly Antiagrion antigone (iNaturalist), a stick insect Agathemera mesoauriculae (iNaturalist), a crane fly Tanyderus pictus (iNaturalist), a small-headed fly Lasia corvina (iNaturalist), a tiny grasshopper Illapelia penai (OSF), a planthopper Pseudoamycle polylepisae (GBIF), the cicadas Chilecicada occidentis (iNaturalist) and Citroriginis elongata (GBIF), a wingless wasp Euspinolia militaris (iNaturalist), and an ant Monomorium chilense (iNaturalist). Endemic insect families include a scorpionfly Eomeropidae (iNaturalist) (p. 111 of Fundación R.A. Philippi pdf) and a fly Evocoidae (Tree of Life WM) (BOLD).
Other invertebrates known solely from Chile include the tarantulas Thrixopelma pruriens ( WM) and Homoeomma chilensis (Tarantupedia), a jumping spider Trydarssus nobilitatus (iNaturalist), a scorpion Bothriurus keyserlingi (flickr), a solifuge Pseudocleobis lalackama (PLOS), the harvestmen Sadocus ingens (ResearchGate) and Metagyndes innata (flickr), the millipedes Autostreptus chilensis (MNHN Chile) and Zinagon chilensis (p. 45 of pdf), a cave-dwelling springtail Seira manukio (GBIF), a woodlouse Hawaiioscia rapui (ZooKeys), a subterranean amphipod Patagongidiella wefkoi (Revista Ciencias de la Tierra), a marine amphipod Liouvillea rocagloria (fig. 30g at ResearchGate), a freshwater crab Aegla papudo (iNaturalist), a hermit crab Calcinus pascuensis (Polynesian Crustacea WM), the Juan Fernandez Rock Lobster (iNaturalist), the velvet worms Metaperipatus inae and Metaperipatus blainvillei (Onychophora WM), a land planarian Pseudogeoplana reticulata (iNaturalist), and a sea cucumber Holothuria platei (iNaturalist). A leech Americobdellidae (iNaturalist) (Wikipedia) represents an endemic family.
Endemic molluscs include the land snail genera Macrocyclis (iNaturalist) and Chiliborus (iNaturalist), a freshwater snail Heleobia chimbaensis (GBIF), the freshwater mussels Diplodon solidulus (MUSSELp) and Pisidium llanquihuense (ResearchGate), Father Englert’s Cowrie Erosaria englerti (CGDP WM), a nudibranch Limacia antofagastensis (fig. H at ResearchGate), and the Rapanui Octopus Callistoctopus rapanui (moeVarua).
Endemic fungi include Butyriboletus loyo (IUCN) and Artomyces nothofagi (IUCN). Endemic lichens include Pterygiopsis foliacea (IUCN), Cenozosia cava (MycoKeys), and Caloplaca digitaurea (100 New Lichens). Endemic non-vascular plants include the mosses Dicranella circinata (ResearchGate) and Ulota larrainii (ResearchGate), a liverwort Cheilolejeunea lumae (GBIF), and a hornwort Dendroceros cichoraceus (fig. 5 in Villareal Lab pdf). Endemic seaweeds include Padina fernandeziana (iNaturalist) and Codium cerebriforme (Algalab). Chondriella pusilla (BHL) from the Juan Fernandez Islands is the sole member of the endemic red algae family Chondriellaceae.
Much of Chile is included in the Chilean Winter Rainfall-Valdivian Forests biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity Hotspots WM). In addition to mainland areas this hotspot includes the island ecoregions of the Juan Fernández Islands Temperate Forests (EoE) and the San Félix-San Ambrosio Islands Temperate Forests (EoE). The marine fauna of Easter Island is considered one of the world's most important marine centers of endemism (Columbia Univ. WM pdf). An extensive overview of Chile's biota is at (ciren WM) and information on endemic plants can be found at (RBGE) and endemic plants and animals at (