fish unique
to Croatia include the Krbava Dace (,
Croatian Dace (,
Konavle Dace (,
the Karst Dace (,
Zrmanja Chub (FishBase),
the Dalmatian
Minnow (
(p. 80 of ResearchGate
pdf), the Jadova Minnow (,
the Krbava Minnow (,
the Krka Minnow (ResearchGate),
Dalmatian Spined Loach (,
and the Jadova Spined Loach
millipedes of the genus Biokoviella (p.
24 of HBSD
pdf) (ResearchGate) are now considered
an endemic subfamily, while the recently described millipede Dalmatosoma agaricum
is the only member of an endemic family, the Dalmatosomatidae.
Among numerous cave invertebrates known only from Croatia are the round fungus beetles Radziella styx (Cholevinae of the World) and Leptomeson bujasi (CBSS WM), the rove beetles Machaerites pavleki (CBSS WM) and Thaumastocephalus slavkoi (GBIF), the ground beetles Derossiella lukici (BHL) and Biokovoaphenopsis radici (p. 78 of Hrcak pdf), a carrion beetle Velebitodromus ozrenlukici (ResearchGate), a non-biting midge Troglocladius hajdi (fig. 5D at MDPI), a springtail Neelus lackovici (ResearchGate), the snails Zospeum tholussum (Subterr. Biol.) and Meledella werneri (p. 16 of Univ. Zagreb pdf) (iNaturalist), a leech Croatobranchus mestrovi (, a planarian Dugesia absoloni (p. 164 of ResearchGate pdf), a subterranean freshwater sponge Eunapias subterraneus (HBSD) (ResearchGate), the centipedes Geophilus hadesi (ZooKeys) and Eupolybothrus cavernicolus (GBIF), Krk's Iliric Woodlouse Alpioniscus christiani (Spilja Biserujka), a millipede Egonpretneria vudutschajldi (GBIF), the spiders Kryptonesticus deelemanae (Species New to Science) and Troglohyphantes brignolii (BDJ), the harvestmen Lola insularis (Semantic Scholar) and Travunia jandai (p. 312 of pdf), a pseudoscorpion Protoneobisium biocovense (p. 54 of ResearchGate pdf), a shrimp Salmoneus sketi (p. 132 of ResearchGate pdf), and the freshwater amphipods Chaetoniphargus lubuskensis (ResearchGate) and Niphargus miljeticus (p. 15 of dabar pdf). A midge Troglocladius hajdi (ResearchGate) is the world's only known blind flying insect.
Other endemic insects include the bush-crickets Rhacocleis buchichii ( WM) and Barbitistes kaltenbachi (ZooKeys), a grasshopper Stenobothrus croaticus (IUCN), a geometer moth Mirlatia arcuata (ZooKeys), a grass-miner moth Elachista platamodes (GBIF), a twirler moth Megacraspedus tokari (fig. 28 at ZooKeys), a flower moth Scythris richteri (BHL), a potter wasp Leptochilus quintus (iNaturalist), a caddisfly Chaetopteryx bucari (ZooKeys), and a stonefly Isoperla popijaci (ZooKeys).
endemic invertebrates include the funnel-web spiders Inermocoelotes
and Tegenaria croatica
(p. 71 of SSSN
a harvestman Siro
ozimeci (p. 13 of EJT
pdf), the scorpions Euscorpius
croaticus (ResearchGate)
and Alpiscorpius
liburnicus (HrĨak
a woodlouse Armadillidium
stagnoense (iNaturalist), an earthworm Octodrilus istrianus (BOLD),
the freshwater snails Bithynia
and Lanzaia skradinensis
and several land snails: Agathylla
narentana (iNaturalist),
edmibrani (ResearchGate),
Medora almissana
Hypnophila zirjensis
Vidovicia coerulans
Tandonia bolensis (iNaturalist),
and Cochlostoma
cinerascens (AnimalBase
Endemic vascular plant genera include Degenia
Blaich WM) and Resetnikia
Other vascular plants found only in Croatia include Iris adriatica (iNaturalist), Centaurea ragusina (Janjina), Cardaminopsis croatica (Gunther Blaich WM), Edraianthus dalmaticus (FCD), Hyacinthella dalmatica (Gunther Blaich WM), Allium croaticum (FCD), Puccinellia teyberi (FCD), Saxifraga velebitica (PBase), Crocus malyi (iNaturalist), Campanula cremnophila (ResearchGate), Dianthus velebiticus (FCD), Limonium cancellatum (iNaturalist), Arenaria orbicularis (FCD), Knautia dalmatica (FCD), Anthyllis dalmatica (ResearchGate), Ornithogalum dalmaticum (FCD), Bituminaria plumosa (iNaturalist), Asplenium hybridum (iNaturalist), Hedlundia (or Sorbus) velebitica (IUCN), Micromeria silicii (Phytotaxa), and an orchid Ophrys dinarica (Gunther Blaich WM).
fungi include Gloiocephala
cerkezii (IUCN)
Conocybe caeruleobasis
Marine algae known only from Croatia include Kallymenia ercegovicii
& Francis pdf).
of Croatia are included in the Mediterranean Basin
biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM).
Among the nation's
most important terrestrial
ecoregions for endemic species are the Illyrian Deciduous
Forests (WWF
and the Dinaric Mountains Mixed Forests (EoE). Dalmatia (FEOW
is an important freshwater ecoregion. An overview of
flora and fauna can be found in "Biodiversity of Croatia" (
pdf). Endemic land snails are indicated at (ResearchGate).