Birds found only in Fiji include the Red-throated Lorikeet (NatureFiji), the Barking Imperial Pigeon (eBird), the Fiji Goshawk (eBird), the Fiji Petrel (BHL), the Ogea Monarch (NatureFiji), the Fiji Whistler (eBird), the Azure-crested Flycatcher (eBird), the Rotuma Myzomela (ARKive WM), the Yellow-billed Honeyeater (eBird), the Kikau (eBird), the Kadavu Fantail (eBird), the Fiji White-eye (eBird), the Fiji Bush Warbler (eBird), the Long-legged Thicketbird (ARKive WM) (iNaturalist), the Black-throated Shrikebill (eBird), the Fiji Woodswallow (iNaturalist), and the Pink-billed Parrotfinch (iNaturalist). Endemic genera include the Orange Dove (eBird), the Masked Shining Parrot (eBird), the Collared Lory (WPT), the Kadavu Honeyeater (eBird), and the Natewa Silktail (eBird).
Fijian Monkey-faced Fruit Bat (NatureFiji)
is an endemic mammal.
Reptiles unique to Fiji include the Fiji Crested Iguana Brachylophus
the Fiji Banded Iguana Brachylophus
bulabula (Ryan
the Gau Iguana Brachylophus
gau (GBIF),
the Rotuma Forest Gecko Lepidodactylus gardineri
Fiji Forest Gecko Lepidodactylus
Photographic), the Onoilau Skink Leiolopisma alazon (IUCN),
Viti Levu Mountain Tree Skink Emoia campbelli (Ryan
Photographic), the Vanua Levu Slender
Skink Emoia
Fiji Slender Skink Emoia
concolor (iNaturalist),
the Fiji Copper-headed Skink
parkeri (iNaturalist)
the Rotuma Barred Tree Skink
Emoia oriva
and the Fiji Snake-eyed Skink Cryptoblepharus eximius (iNaturalist). The Fiji
Burrowing Snake or Bola Ogmodon
is an endemic genus.
Two amphibians are known solely from
Fiji: the Fiji Tree Frog
and the Fiji Ground Frog
Freshwater fish restricted to Fiji include a dartfish Parioglossus
triquetrus (p. 22 of Australian
Museum pdf)
and several freshwater gobies including the
Orange-spotted Scaleless Goby Schismatogobius
vitiensis (FishBase),
Goby Redigobius leveri
Photographic), the Lekutu Goby Redigobius lekutu (FishBase),
and several still undescribed species (for example plates 1, 25, 29,
33, 35, & 36 in USP
The Orange-spotted Therapon Mesopristes
kneri (FishBase)
is found in both freshwater and marine environments.
fish include the Bicolored Foxface
the Twilight Fangblenny Petroscirtes
pylei (ResearchGate),
the Fiji Sponge Goby Bryaninops
dianneae (Ryan
Photographic) (iNaturalist),
the Reticulated Shrimpgoby Tomiyamichthys
gobies Cryptocentrus
New to Science) and Eviota
eyreae (p. 15 of OSF
garden eel Gorgasia
thamani (BHL),
Blue Velvet Angelfish Centropyge
deborae (GBIF),
Marjorie's Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus
marjorie (iNaturalist),
the Fiji Anthias Plectranthias
fijiensis (Internet
Archive), a lizardfish Synodus
pylei (FishBase),
an anchovy Encrasicholina
auster (Taylor
& Francis), a coralbrotula Diancistrus fijiensis
the combtooth blennies Meiacanthus
oualanensis (iNaturalist)
and Ecsenius fijiensis
and the Fijian Velvet Skate Notoraja
fijiensis (Internet
Archive). Eschmeyer nexus (BHL)
the sole species in an endemic subfamily Eschmeyerinae.
Endemic butterflies include the swallowtails Papilio
schmeltzi (iNaturalist)
and Papilio natewa
the Fijian Emperor Polyura
caphontis (iNaturalist),
the ringlets Ypthima
and Ypthima fulvida
and the Fijian Eggfly Hypolimnas
inopinata (p. 31 of FAO
pdf) (iNaturalist),
Endemic moths include the hawk moths Gnathothlibus
fijiensis (iNaturalist)
and Psilogramma
jordana (iNaturalist),
a uraniid moth Urapteroides
anerces (Moths
in Fiji), a tussock moth Calliteara
fidjiensis (iNaturalist),
the erebid moths Ptochosiphla
oedipus (Moths
in Fiji) and Tholocoleus
astrifer (Moths
in Fiji), a geometer moth Mesurodes erichlora (iNaturalist),
a cossid moth Acritocera negligens (iNaturalist), and a noctuid moth Sarbanissa
bostrychonota (Moths
in Fiji).
The Giant Fijian Longhorn Beetle Xixuthrus heros (NatureFiji) (GBIF) is the world's second largest beetle. Other endemic insects include the damselflies Nesobasis erythrops (iNaturalist) and Indolestes vitiensis (Bishop Museum WM) (iNaturalist), a jewel beetle Paracupta sulcata (The Flying Kiwi), the longhorn beetles Ceresium tuberculatum (ZooKeys) and Distenia dillonorum (Bishop Museum WM pdf), a tiger beetle Polyrhanis vitiensis (iNaturalist) (fig. 5 at BHL), a hister beetle Gomyopsis kuscheli (AntWiki), the weevils Rhinoscapha lagopyga (iNaturalist) and Bulbogaster ctenostomoides (Insects on Stamps) (iNaturalist), the cicadas Raiateana knowlesi (NatureFiji) and Aceropyga corynetus (iNaturalist), a genus of ants Poecilomyrma (AntWiki), a fruit-farming ant Philidris nagasau (New Scientist), the bees Homalictus terminalis (Mongabay) and Hylaeus albaeus (Frontiers), the crickets Giganteremus spinulosus (OSF) and Fijixipha naitasiri (Google Books), the katydids Ocica lutescens (OSF) and Acauloplacella oceanica (iNaturalist), the pygmy grasshoppers Exanimus somniator and Fijitettix teo (both at Species New to Science), a robber fly Promachus graeffei (iNaturalist), and the stick insects Nisyrus spinulosus (NatureFiji) and Cotylosoma dipneusticum (colnect) and Hermarchus apollonius (iNaturalist).
Other endemic invertebrates include the jumping spiders Xenocytaea victoriensis (fig. 29 at BHL) and Lagnus monteithorum (, an orbweaver Argiope pentagona (iNaturalist), a trapdoor spider Fijocrypta vitilevu (BHL), a harvestman Zalmoxis roeweri (GBIF), a millipede Salpidobolus fijianus (BHL), a freshwater shrimp Caridina devaneyi (ResearchGate), a land crab Sesarmops atrorubens (iNaturalist), a marine amphipod crustacean Gitana bilobata (Semantic Scholar), an earthworm Polypheretima neglecta (fig. 1d at Taylor & Francis pdf), and an endemic family of mites Bulacaridae (HAL pdf).
Endemic molluscs include the
freshwater snails Fijidoma maculata (WNS
Stamps WM) and Acochlidium fijiense
Slug Forum WM) and
several land snails: Placostylus
guanensis (p. 44 of USP
pdf), Gonatorhaphe
stricta (p. 23 of Bishop
Museum WM pdf),
Partula leefei
Sinployea rotumana
Ba humbugi (Wikipedia),
Fijianella cornucopia
and Diancta
macrostoma (ZooKeys).
Endemic marine molluscs include Nautilus
vitiensis (ZooKeys),
a cone snail Conus
Hardy), a murex snail Chicoreus
kaitomoei (figs. 21-26 at BHL),
and a
cowrie Austrasiatica deforgesi (Eddie
Trees found
exclusively in
Fiji include the masiratus Degeneria
roseiflora (
WM) and Degeneria
vitiensis (Flora
of the World WM),
the only members of the endemic family Degeneriaceae.
Other endemic tree genera include Gillespiea
Hedstromia (JSTOR)
Endemic palms include
the Vilaito
the Solitary Palm
Thurston’s Fan Palm (PACSOA
and Balaka macrocarpa
Other endemic trees include the Fiji Christmas
Bush (POWO),
Hibiscus storckii
(ResearchGate), the Yaka (RBGE),
the Drautabua (NatureFiji),
Gymnostoma vitiense
Ficus bambusifolia
of the World WM), Plerandra pickeringii
(figs. 41-45 at
Medusanthera vitiensis
of the World WM), the Cibicibi
membranacea (fig. A on p. 12 of ResearchGate), Soulamea soulameoides (iNaturalist) (Flora
of the World),
Pterocymbium oceanicum
(NatureFiji), and Pipturus platyphyllus
Other vascular plants among the over 800 species unique to Fiji include the national flower, the Tagimaucia (NatureFiji) (iNaturalist), Hoya megalantha (flickr), an ant plant Squamellaria grayi (ResearchGate), Heliconia paka (POWO), Cyrtandra gregoryi (ResearchGate), Sphaeropteris (or Cyathea) microlepidota (Te Papa), Tectaria godeffroyi (fig. F at ResearchGate), Heliconia paka (POWO), Alpinia parksii (POWO), Hydnophytum grandiflorum (BHL), and several orchids: Bulbophyllum phillipsianum ( WM), Grammatophyllum elegans (iNaturalist), Porpax (or Eria) bulbophylloides (BHL), and Dendrobium prasinum (IOSPE WM).
lichens include Megalospora
austropacifica (100
New Lichens) and Thelotrema
fijiense (100
New Lichens). Endemic non-vascular plants include the
liverworts Leptolejeunea
latilobula (MNHN)
and Cololejeunea
bifalcata (ResearchGate)
and the mosses Chaetomitrium
smithii (GBIF)
and Distichophyllum
graeffeanum (GBIF).
Endemic marine macroalgae include Meristotheca
peltata (figs. 16-24 at ResearchGate).
Fiji includes the Fiji Dry Tropical Forests (EoE)
and Fiji Tropical Moist Forests (EoE)
ecoregions and is part of the Polynesia-Micronesia
biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM).
overview of Fiji's
biodiversity can be found in its Convention on Biological Diversity
report (CBD
pdf) and at (marine
ecology consulting pdf).