Among the freshwater fish species unique to Gabon are many killifish including Aphyosemion alpha (FishBase), Hypsopanchax catenatus (Killifish of West Africa), Plataplochilus miltotaenia (Killifish of West Africa), and Epiplatys huberi (Killifish of West Africa). Other endemic fish include the cichlids Parananochromis ornatus (Cichlid Room Companion) and Chromidotilapia melanie (FishBase), a barb Enteromius pinnimaculatus (Species New to Science), an African tetra Brachypetersius gabonensis (FishBase), Neolebias gossei (p. 19 of HAL pdf), Hepsetus kingsleyae (iNaturalist), the elephantfish Paramormyrops longicaudatus (FishBase) and Stomatorhinus ivindoensis (ResearchGate), Monostichodus elongatus (iNaturalist), and several catfishes: Channallabes ogooensis (FishBase), Phractura stiassny (ResearchGate), Microsynodontis emarginata (PlanetCatfish), and Synodontis acanthoperca (p. 20 of HAL pdf). Endemic genera include Aapticheilichthys (Rivulins WM), a catfish Atopodontus (PlanetCatfish), a shellear Grasseichthys (Africhthy WM pdf), and an elephantfish Cryptomyrus (ZooKeys).
Gabon Clingfish Apletodon
gabonensis (ResearchGate)
(p. 23 of HAL
is a marine species known only from Gabon.
Mammals found nowhere else include the Sun-tailed Monkey (ARKive
WM), the Makandé Squirrel Galago
Books) (Mammal
Watching WM),
and Du Chaillu's Rope Squirrel (Google
Books) (IUCN).
The Olive-backed Forest Robin Stiphrornis pyrrholaemus (EurekaAlert!) (eBird) (ResearchGate) is an endemic bird.
Reptiles known solely from Gabon include the Iboundji
Blind Snake Letheobia
pauwelsi (ResearchGate)
Pauwels), the Gabon Legless Skink Feylinia
boulengeri (fig. 2 at ResearchGate)
the Omboué Worm Lizard Cynisca
bifrontalis (iNaturalist)
and Haug's Worm Lizard Cynisca
haugi (BHL).
amphibians include the Crystal Forest Tree Frog Leptopelis
crystallinoron (ARKive
the Iboundji Smalltongue Toad Werneria
iboundji (GBIF),
the Gabon Dwarf Clawed Frog Hymenochirus
feae (Pipids
of the World WM), Stevart's Egg Frog Leptodactylodon stevarti
(p. 46 of biotope
the Lope Egg Frog Leptodactylodon
blanci (iNaturalist)
the Fantastic Reed Frog
Hyperolius chabanaudi (GBIF),
and probably the Ogowe Puddle Frog Phrynobatrachus
ogoensis (iNaturalist)
(p. 36 of Oliver
Pauwels pdf).
Butterflies known only from Gabon include Bebearia faraveli (,
Charaxes basquini
Neptis amieti
(figs. 6 & 26 at Persée),
Bicyclus ivindo
and Euphaedra abri
Endemic moths include
a silk moth Orthogonioptilum
fang (BOLD)
and a tiger moth Novilema
bifurcum (GBIF).
Other endemic insects include the dragonflies Paragomphus dispar (ADDO WM) and Malgassophlebia andzaba (p. 180 of Odonatologica pdf), the damselflies Chlorocypha helenae (ADDO WM) and Africocypha varicolor (IUCN), a bug Schaeferiana incompleta (ZooKeys), the rhinoceros beetles Augosoma hippocrates (gidearchive) and Alissonotum quadridens (MNHN), a longhorn beetle Acutandra noellae (ResearchGate), an ambrosia beetle Scolytoplatypus unipilus (ZooKeys), a tiger beetle Lophyra florae (MNHN), the ground beetles Afrosyleter telnovi (fig. 3 at S&R pdf) and Procletus gabunensis (p. 47 of Entomofauna pdf), the ants Simopone occulta (AntWiki) and Acropyga bakwele (BHL), an antlion Cymothales massaronei (Species New to Science), the mantids Congoharpax coiffaiti (MNHN) and Microsibylla sechii (ResearchGate), a stick insect Xylica coriacea (Phasmida WM), a katydid Poreuomena matthaei (DZE), a grasshopper Pteropera jeanninae (GBIF), and a cricket Afrophaloria apiariensis (GBIF).
Other endemic invertebrates include a tarantula Heterothele gabonensis ( WM), the jumping spiders Thiratoscirtus oberleuthneri (ResearchGate) and Pochyta tendicula (GBIF), a harvestman Sorensenius aelleni (BHL), a freshwater crab Potamonautes nheenae (zenodo), a freshwater shrimp Caridina lineorostris (GBIF), a centipede Pectiniunguis minutus (ResearchGate), an earthworm Dichogaster moussavoui (BOLD), a freshwater snail Hydrobia gabonensis (BioLib), and several land snails: Achatina vignoniana (Femorale WM), Avakubia crystallum (BioOne), and Thapsia wieringai (Semantic Scholar). A social spider Agelena consociata (Monde des Insectes WM) lives in groups that may include over 1000 individuals. The mite family Gaboneremaeidae (BioOne) is known only from Gabon.
Marine species known only from Gabon include the shrimps Cinetorhynchus gabonensis
and Nennalpheus
gabonensis (GBIF)
and several pyramid snails: Turbonilla
krakstadi, Turbonilla
anselmopenasi, and Turbonilla
iseborae (all at Zootaxa
the 425 vascular plant species
restricted to Gabon (Tropicos
are Taeniorrhiza nguemae
+ Share), Bulbophyllum
pauwelsianum (Tropicos
WM), Microcoelia
nguemae (Species
New to Science), Rhaphidophora bogneri (ResearchGate), Croton tchibangensis
canaliculatus (IAS
Begonia ferramica
and Ardisia belingaensis
(both on p. 10 of MOBOT
pdf), Sabicea
Palisota alboanthera
Salacia diplasia
WM), Inversodicraea nicolasii (fig.
3D at, Costus loangensis
maculata (p. 7 of MOBOT
pdf), Thaumatococcus
flavus (IUCN),
Macropodiella hallaei
Torenia daubyi
Inversodicraea boumiensis
Tristemma vestitum
and Monanthotaxis
paniculata (World
Endemic vascular plant genera include an orchid Veyretella (GBIF)
Pseudartabotrys (ResearchGate).
Trees known only from Gabon include Englerodendron hallei (iNaturalist), Cola lizae (anthropogen), Englerophytum gigantifolium (IUCN), Leeuwenbergia letestui (IUCN), Gilbertiodendron maximum (POWO), Raphia gabonica (PhytoKeys), Strombosia fleuryana and Drypetes verrucosa (both at ResearchGate), Drypetes aphanes (ResearchGate), Colletoecema gabonensis (IUCN), Rhaptopetalum rabiense (PhytoKeys), Campylospermum louisii (p. 29 of ResearchGate pdf), Pauridiantha smetsiana (p. 2 of Field Museum pdf), Eugenia ogoouensis (IUCN), Cleistanthus bambidianus (IUCN), Dacryodes ebatom (p. 51 of ResearchGate pdf), Uvariopsis citrata (IUCN), Synsepalum fleuryanum (IUCN), Dactyladenia jongkindii (IUCN), and Berlinia razzifera (POWO). Endemic tree genera include a legume Gabonius (ResearchGate), Iridosma (BHL) (JSTOR), and Bizonula (BHL) (GBIF).
Endemic fungi include Phylloporia
flabelliforma and Phylloporia
gabonensis (both at ResearchGate).
Endemic non-vascular plants include a liverwort Ceratolejeunea kuerschneri
and the mosses Cyclodictyon
immersum (GBIF)
and Fissidens argyroloma
Important terrestrial ecoregions in Gabon include the Atlantic
Equatorial Coastal Forests (WWF
and the Northwest Congolian Lowland Forests (WWF
Important freshwater ecoregions include the Southern Gulf of
Guinea Drainages (FEOW
and the Ogooue-Nyanga-Kouilou-Niari (FEOW