Gambia Blind Snake Myriopholis
natatrix (IUCN)
is known only from a single specimen (GBIF)
and is usually considered a synonym of the more widespread Myriopholis algeriensis
Herps WM).
Leafminer moths known only from the Gambia include Fomoria gambiana (NRM WM),
wollofella (NRM WM),
maytenivora (NRM WM), Stigmella ficivora (BHL)
Stigmella rhomboivora
(NRM WM), and Stigmella
allophylivora (NRM WM).
Other endemic arthropods include a plume moth Agdistis gambiaensis
African Lepidoptera WM), a clearwing moth Afromelittia gruschwitzi (BioOne), a crambid moth Ancylolomia anna (fig. 12 at BioOne), a horned powder-post beetle Lichenophanes vespertinus
(ResearchGate), an antlike flower beetle Formicomus
danielssoni (p. 8 of Entomofauna
pdf), a ground beetle Lymnastis
schachti (p. 8 of Entomofauna WM
pdf), a
darkling beetle Tribolium
ferreri (p. 3 of Entomofauna WM
a skin beetle Ctesias gambiensis (ResearchGate), a leaf beetle Bonesioides gambiae (figs. 54-57 at ResearchGate), a weevil Tychius gambiensis (fig. 1 at ResearchGate), a lace bug Lasiacantha gambiana (GBIF), the bees Hylaeus simpsoni
(GBIF) (BHL) and Meliplebeia gambiana (GBIF),
a chalcidoid wasp Cherianella
subtilis (GBIF),
a braconid wasp Cenocoelius
huggerti (Univ.
Kentucky WM pdf), a fly Curranosia wyatti (fig. 2 at CORE WM pdf), a mayfly Afromera eva (GBIF), and a huntsman spider Olios gambiensis (WSC). An earthworm Benhamiona gambiana
is also known only from Gambia.
A marine snail Jaton rikae (figs. 1A-B at ResearchGate) (GBIF) is known only from Gambia. Four recently described cone snails (ResearchGate) appear to be synonyms of the more widespread Conus guinaicus (WoRMS) (ResearchGate). These cone snails were described as Lautoconus gambiensis (GBIF), Lautoconus fernandi (GBIF), Lautoconus rikae (GBIF), and Lautoconus wolof (GBIF).
Vascular plants restricted to the Gambia include Casearia gambiana (Semantic Scholar WM) (POWO) and a bleeding heart Clerodendrum leprieuri (JSTOR) (BHL).