Insects unique to Guinea-Bissau include the grasshoppers Parga bissauensis (OSF) and Catantopsilus hintzi (OSF), a tiger beetle Cylindera gulbenkiana (GBIF), the ground beetles Paussus (or Spinicoxipaussus) mendesi (SEA WM pdf) and Arsinoe aguiari (Zootaxa), a leaf beetle Pachnephorus sassii (p. 98 of pdf), a dung beetle Caccophilus (or Caccobius) lateralis (BHL), the longhorn beetles Bottegia russellae (Cerambycidae Species WM) and Pterolophia consimilis (Lamiinae), a stalk-eyed fly Diopsina fluegeli (fig. 18 at ResearchGate), and several earwigs: Nala mendesi (ResearchGate) and Anisolabis guineensis and Paradiplatys serranoi (both at ResearchGate).
endemic invertebrates
include a blind
tailless whip
scorpion Paracharon
caecus (ResearchGate),
wolf spiders Arctosa
laccophila (World
Spider Catalog) (BHL)
and Lycosa
storeniformis (BHL),
a long-jawed orb weaver Tetragnatha
a ground spider Zelotes
cassinensis (p. 52 of BAS
pdf), a hooded tickspider Ricinoides
feae (BHL),
the harvestmen Conomma
cassinium (p. 24 of UFRJ WM
pdf) and Bolama spinosa
(p. 112 of UFRJ WM
pdf) and Cassifluminia
(or Cassinia)
139 of UFRJ WM
a solifuge Solpuga
robusta (WAM),
a pseudoscorpion Paratemnoides
aequatorialis (Google
Books), and the millipedes Stemmiulus feae (BHL)
and Stemmiulus latens
A reed frog Hyperolius
from Bubaque Island (fig. 7 at BHL)
may be an undescribed species.
Vascular plants known solely from Guinea-Bissau include Ammannia santoi (GBIF) (p. 84 of Univ.
Lisboa WM pdf) and a screwpine Pandanus guineabissauensis
149 of Univ.
Lisboa WM pdf).
Also sometimes recognized as a distinct species is Hyphaene santoana (JSTOR)
which is usually considered a synonym of the Doum Palm Hyphaene thebaica (PACSOA WM).
lichens include Pertusaria
guineabissauensis (fig. 1 at ResearchGate).
For more information on the plants and animals of Guinea-Bissau see the
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (CBD