freshwater fishes include the killifishes
seymouri (Killifish
of West Africa) and Epiplatys
schreiberi (Killifish
of West Africa), an electric catfish Malapterurus tanoensis
a glass catfish Irvineia
voltae (GBIF),
claroteid catfish Chrysichthys
walkeri (MbZ),
and the barbs Enteromius
subinensis (p. 86 of IRD
WM pdf) and Enteromius walkeri (BHL)
Lexikon). A cichlid Limbochromis
robertsi (Aquarium
Webzine WM) is an endemic genus.
Amphibians restricted to Ghana include the Atewa Slippery Frog Conraua sagyimase (ResearchGate)
the Bobiri Reed Frog Hyperolius
Zimmer's Screeching Frog Arthroleptis
zimmeri (IUCN)
Birago’s Puddle Frog Phrynobatrachus
afiabirago (GBIF),
and the
Intermediate Puddle Frog Phrynobatrachus
intermedius (EDGE).
The puddle frogs Phrynobatrachus
vogti (Google
Books) and Phrynobatrachus
albolabris (AmphibiaWeb)
are now usually considered synonyms of the more widespread Phrynobatrachus latifrons
Reptiles exclusive to Ghana include the Ghana
Worm Lizard Cynisca
kraussi (TBA)
and two other worm lizards: Cynisca
muelleri (BHL) (fig. C at BHL)
and Cynisca
williamsi (BHL).
The Ghana Mole-rat Fukomys
zechi (ASM)
is an endemic mammal.
Butterflies found only in Ghana include the Atewa Dotted Border Mylothris atewa (IUCN)
of Ghana WM),
the Ghana Ceres Forester Euphaedra
ignota (flickr),
Iolaus likpe (p. 31
of Metamorphosis
pdf), the Volta Pansy Junonia
hadrope (p. 7 of Metamorphosis
pdf), Anthene helpsi
WM pdf), Acleros
bobiri (p. 1 of Metamorphosis
pdf), and Telipna
Endemic moths include a long-horned moth Dragmatucha
kakumensis (ResearchGate),
a many-plumed moth Alucita
safi (ResearchGate),
and an owlet moth Zekelita
shamssiae (Biologiezentrum
Other endemic insects include the bush crickets Adapantus pragerorum (OSF) and Tomias gerriesmithae (OSF), a ground beetle Carabidomemnus endroedyfilius (Fig. 1 at nhmus WM pdf), a longhorn beetle Pseudictator kingsleyae (Cerambycidae Species WM), a darkling beetle Diaclina ashantica (GBIF), a weevil Smicronyx buchnerae (GBIF), the plant bugs Psallops niedzwiedzkii (ZooKeys) and Pilophorus lestoni (Discover Life), a seed bug Kanadyana stehliki (ResearchGate), a leafhopper Nlunga parareeneni (GBIF), the ants Tetramorium intermedium (AntWiki) and Axinidris hylekoites (AntWiki), a sesiid wasp Barbasphecia hephaistos (ResearchGate), the chalcid wasps Youngaia spinosa (WaspWeb WM) and Turktichus ghananensis (ResearchGate), and a braconid wasp Aivalykus endroedyyoungai (Entomofauna WM pdf).
Other invertebrates exclusive to Ghana include the Atewa Hooded Spider Ricinoides atewa (GBIF), a jumping spider Belippo cygniformis (BHL), the pholcid spiders Leptopholcus kintampo and Anansus atewa (both at pholcidae WM), a corrinid spider Carteronius ashanti (GBIF), the scorpions Butheoloides cimrmani (BHL) and Buthus danyi (zenodo), a whip spider Charinus kakum (ResearchGate), the harvestmen Metalacurbs foordi (PLAZI) and Aburiplus trochanteralis (fig. 53 at UFRJ pdf), a freshwater crab Potamonautes triangulus (GBIF), a woodlouse Niambia palmetensis (BHL), the earthworms Reginaldia ditheca (Fig. 2c at BHL) and Pickfordiella eudrilina (p. 11 of NHMUS WM pdf), the freshwater snails Pseudocleopatra voltana (GBIF) and Melanoides voltae (Fig. j at Google Books), and several land snails: Pseudavakubia atewaensis (Fig. 28 at BioOne), Ptychotrema ankasana (p. 2 of Natuurtijdschriften pdf), Avakubia occidentalis (Thibaut De Meulemeester WM), Gulella atewana (p. 9 of Natuurtijdschriften pdf), and Ischnoglessula echinophora (nhmus WM pdf).
marine molluscs include the nudibranchs Okenia
ghanensis and Trapania
africana (both at ResearchGate)
and Berghia
ghanensis (figs. 2A-C at
and the marine snails Plicoliva
ryalli (Eddie
Hardy) and Gibberula
albotriangularis (USC).
Plants confined to Ghana include a riverweed Ledermanniella
Psychotria ankasensis
Ixora tenuis
Books), Virectaria
Bonamia vignei (Google
Books), Plectranthus (or Coleus) hallii
Isoetes tenuifolia
Grewia megalocarpa
Oleandra ejurana
Monanthotaxis atewensis
Calycobolus hallianus
Pavetta ankasensis
Scholar WM), Commelina
aquatica (JSTOR),
Pristimera atractaspis
(fig. 6 at BHL),
Tapinanthus farmari
and the orchids Rhipidoglossum
laticalcar (POWO)
and Diaphananthe
suborbicularis (Google
Trees known only from Ghana include the legumes Talbotiella gentii (Quarry Life Award WM) (Rufford) and Millettia irvinei (GBIF), Pavetta sonjae (Semantic Scholar), a screwpine Pandanus abbiwii (GBIF), and Commiphora dalzielii (GBIF).
Fungi known only from Ghana include Neonothopanus cystidiosus (fig. 3a at ResearchGate) and Ganoderma mbrekobenum (Fungal Planet WM pdf). Endemic non-vascular plants include the liverworts Drepanolejeunea ankasica (BHL) (GBIF) and Cololejeunea calcarata (BHL).
Parts of Ghana are included in the Eastern Guinean Forests ecoregion (Wikipedia) and the Guinean Forests of West Africa hotspot (Biodiversity Hotspots WM). For an overview of Ghana's natural history see the "National Biodiversity Strategy for Ghana 2002" (CBD pdf). A list of forest plants thought to be endemic to Ghana is at (Google Books).