fish unique to Guinea include the cichlids Wallaceochromis rubrolabiatus
Room Companion), Wallaceochromis
signatus (FishBase),
and Coptodon rheophila
(p. 39 of IRD
pdf). Endemic killifish include Scriptaphyosemion
guineensis (Killifish
of West Africa), Rhexipanchax
and Callopanchax
of West Africa). Other endemic fish include an African tetra Brycinus carolinae (GBIF),
guineensis (p. 53 of IRD
WM pdf) (GBIF),
rouaneti (p. 23 of IRD
WM pdf), Leptocypris
konkoureensis (GBIF),
a spiny eel Mastacembelus
kakrimensis (p. 28 of RMCA
pdf), and several catfishes: Synodontis
tourei (ScotCat),
kakrimensis (fig. 1D at ResearchGate)
pdf), Chrysichthys
levequei (FishBase),
Chiloglanis dialloi
teugelsi (PlanetCatfish).
The cichlid Enigmatochromis
lucanusi (GBIF)
is an endemic genus.
Mammals known only from Guinea include Maclaud's Horseshoe
Bat (ARKive
WM), the Nimba Myotis (Species
New to Science),
and Lamotte's Roundleaf Bat (iNaturalist).
Reptiles restricted to Guinea include the Insular Agama Agama insularis (fig. A at BHL) (p. 146 at IRD pdf), a gecko Hemidactylus kundaensis (ResearchGate), a skink Trachylepis keroanensis (Species New to Science), the worm lizards Cynisca chirioi (IRD pdf) and Cynisca leonina (BHL) (BHL), and a colubrid snake Philothamnus pobeguini (GBIF). Another gecko of the genus Hemidactylus (figs. 27-28 at BHL) is undescribed. The blind snake Letheobia angeli (MNHN) is known from a single specimen and is often considered a synonym of Letheobia manni.
Endemic amphibians include& the Beautiful Squeaker Arthroleptis formosus
the Mount Nimba Screeching Frog Arthroleptis
nimbaensis (IUCN)
the Tumbo Island Squeaker Arthroleptis
bivittatus (ETH),
the Fon Frog Amnirana
fonensis (
WM), Pinto's River Frog Phrynobatrachus
pintoi (GBIF),
Kaman Camara's Slippery Frog Conraua
kamancamarai (ZSE),
and several torrent frogs (all at Pensoft):
fouta, Odontobatrachus
smithi, and Odontobatrachus
Butterflies found solely in Guinea include Euphaedra occulta (,
Junonia agnesberenyiae
Pseudaletis malangi
Apallaga klaudiae
(fig. 1A at ResearchGate),
and Aslauga guineensis
Libert WM). Endemic moths include Holcoceroides landeri
a clearwing moth Proaegeria
murzini (ResearchGate),
and Moyencharia
sommerlattei (BHL).
Other endemic insects include a cave-dwelling cockroach Simandoa conserfariam (flickr) (BioOne), a cricket Trigonidomorpha vittata (GBIF), a flower beetle Gnathocera nigrolineata (, the scarab beetles Popillia vingerhoedti (Charaxes WM) and Garetta bechynei ( pdf), a rhinoceros beetle Alissonotum nitens (GBIF), a shining leaf chafer Adoretus maini (RBINS), a leaf beetle Melitonoma dalaba (fig. 9 at EJT pdf), a water beetle Laccophilus guineensis (ZooKeys), the ants Pheidole tricarinata (AntWiki) and Carebara guineana (AntWiki), the mayflies Pedicelliops capillifer (GBIF) and Cheleocloeon yolandae (Ephemeroptera Galactica pdf), a leafhopper Odomas linnavuorii (ResearchGate), a water strider Madeovelia guineensis (p. 19 of IRD pdf), and a long-legged fly Rhinoceromyia dubrovskii (PLAZI).
Other endemic invertebrates include the Purple Marsh Crab Afrithelphusa
monodosus (IUCN),
the crabs Afrithelphusa
gerhildae (p. 221 of IRD
pdf) and Liberonautes
nimba (p. 10 of
pdf), the pholcid spiders Spermophora
dieke (Pholcidae
and Smeringopina bineti
the jumping spiders Peplometus
nimba (ResearchGate)
and Pochyta konilokho
a tarantula Selenogyrus foordi (African Invertebrates), a baboon spider Phoneyusa
chevalieri (BHL),
a whip spider Charinus
milloti (GBIF),
the millipedes Ammodesmus
nimba (ResearchGate)
and Bactrodesmus grandis
(ZooKeys), the earthworms Dichogaster
candida (ResearchGate) and Haplotaxis villiersi (Google Books),
a freshwater snail Soapitia
dageti (fig. g at Google
Books), a land snail Gonaxis
lamottei (GBIF),
and a marine cone snail Conus
bellocqae (IUCN).
About 81 vascular plant species are only known from Guinea including
only bromeliad Pitcairnia
feliciana (flickr)
living outside the Americas. Other endemic plants include Gladiolus
mariae (Species
New to Science),
triformum (IUCN), Emilia
guineensis (IUCN),
djalonensis (IUCN),
Virectaria stellata
Barleria asterotricha
10 of
Guinee pdf), Keita deniseae (Springer),
Dissotus splendens
tenerium (ResearchGate),
tuberosum (IUCN),
Heterosamara bennae
and Ctenium sesquiflorum
(both at Kew),
Ctenium bennae
Tephrosia kindiana
Erianthemum nimbaense
Cyanotis ganganensis
(IUCN), Melastomastrum porteresii (fig. H at ResearchGate),
Gymnosiphon fonensis (MNHN pdf), and
Inversodicraea abbayesii
and Stonesia gracilis
(both on p. 8 of
Guinee pdf).
Tree species known only from Guinea include Casearia septandra (Species New to Science), an ebony Diospyros feliciana (Herbier Guinee), Ternstroemia guineensis (BioOne), Keetia susu (IUCN) (p. 35 of Herbier Guinee pdf), Anisotes guineensis (IUCN), Talbotiella cheekii (Species New to Science), Cassipourea adami (Persée) (JSTOR), and an endemic genus Fleurydora (IUCN) (POWO).
Endemic vascular plant genera include Kindia (PeerJ) (IUCN), Cailliella (POWO) (BioOne), Benna (BioOne), Feliciadamia (POWO) (p. 7 of Herbier Guinee pdf), and Benzonia (BHL).
Endemic non-vascular plants include the mosses Callicostella maclaudii
Octoblepharum pocsii
and Ectropothecium
bingerianum (GBIF).
Portions of Guinea are included in the Guinean Montane Forests
ecoregion (WWF
and the Guinean Forests of West Africa biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM).
Important freshwater ecoregions include
the Northern Upper Guinea (FEOW
the Fouta - Djalon (FEOW
and Mount Nimba (FEOW
A review of Guinea's Important Plant Areas is at (Kew).