exclusively in Japan include the Japanese Macaque (ARKive
the Japanese Serow (caprinae
world), the Japanese Badger (iNaturalist),
the Japanese Weasel (iNaturalist),
the Japanese Raccoon Dog (iNaturalist),
the Japanese Giant Flying Squirrel (Takao
Museum) (iNaturalist),
the Japanese Flying Squirrel (Kumamoto
Eco WM), the Japanese Squirrel (iNaturalist),
Yaeyama Horseshoe Bat (fruitbat.jp),
and the Bonin Flying Fox (Fruit
Bat World), the Lesser Ryukyu White-toothed Shrew (Wildlife
Okinawa WM), and the Japanese Water
Shrew (pref.kyoto.jp).
Endemic genera include the Amami Rabbit (iNaturalist),
the Japanese Dormouse (glirarium.org
the Ryukyu Islands Tree Rat (IUCN),
the Okinawa Spiny Rat (EDGE),
the Japanese Mountain Mole (Kyoto
Univ. pdf) (Wikipedia),
the Lesser Japanese Shrew Mole (RDB
Ehime), and the Greater Japanese Shrew Mole (Takao
Birds unique to Japan include the Okinawa Woodpecker (eBird),
the Japanese Woodpecker (eBird),
the Bonin White-eye (eBird),
the Amami Jay (eBird),
the Okinawa Rail (eBird),
Copper Pheasant (eBird),
the Green Pheasant (birdfinding.info WM),
the Izu Thrush (eBird),
the Izu Tit (eBird), the Amami Thrush (eBird), the Ryukyu Robin (eBird),
the Ryukyu Minivet (eBird),
the Ryukyu Flycatcher (eBird), the Ryukyu Green
Pigeon (Cornell),
the Amami Woodcock (eBird),
and the Bonin Greenfinch (Lars
Petersson). Breeding endemics include
Ijima’s Leaf Warbler (eBird),
the Yellow Bunting (avesphoto.com
the Short-tailed Albatross (ARKive
WM), Matsudaira's
Storm-petrel (Seabirding
Japan), and Bannerman's Shearwater (Seabirding
found only in Japan include the Yaku Gecko (iNaturalist),
the Tokashiki Ground Gecko (IUCN),
the Green Grass Lizard (iNaturalist),
the Ryukyu Short-legged Skink (iNaturalist),
Kishinoue’s Giant Skink (IUCN),
the Japanese Coral Snake (Okinawa
Nature Photography), the Tokara Habu (Reptile
Database), the Tsushima Mamushi (iNaturalist),
the Himehabu (iNaturalist),
the Amami Odd-scaled Snake (ARKive
Iwasaki's Slug Snake (Wildlife
Okinawa), Pryer’s Keelback (Wildlife
Okinawa WM),
Pfeffer's Reed Snake (IUCN),
the Ryukyu Green Snake (iNaturalist),
the Ryukyu Odd-tooth Snake (iNaturalist),
Kikuzato’s Stream Snake (twitter
the Japanese Pond Turtle (iNaturalist),
and the Ryukyu Black-breasted Leaf Turtle (iNaturalist),
Amphibians restricted to Japan include the Japanese Giant Salamander (ARKive
the Oki Salamander (IUCN),
the Japanese Clawed Salamander (AmphibiaWeb),
Japanese Fire-bellied Newt (CalPhotos),
Japanese Stream Toad (AmphibiaWeb),
Hallowell’s Tree Frog (Japanese
Frogs WM),
Okinawa Rice Frog (iNaturalist),
Frog (iNaturalist),
the Amami Oshima Frog (Okinawa
Nature Photography),
Frog (ARKive
Kajika Frog (Japanese
Frogs), and the Forest Green
Tree Frog (iNaturalist).
Endemic freshwater fish genera include the Tokyo Bitterling Pseudorhodeus (tansuigyo.net),
the Golden Venus Chub
the Lakeweed Chub Ischikauia
and the Ishikawa Icefish Neosalangichthys
Other endemic freshwater fish include the Kunimasu Trout (Wikipedia),
Japanese Lates (Wikipedia),
Secret Loach (FIMSEA),
the Kissing Loach (IUCN),
the Japanese Eight-barbeled Loach (iNaturalist),
Lake Biwa Catfish (FishBase),
Stumpy Bullhead (ARKive
the Northern Medaka (FishBase),
the Biwa Gudgeon (IUCN),
the gobies Rhinogobius
biwaensis (IUCN)
and Luciogobius fonticola
a sleeper Odontobutis
hikimius (ffish.asia)
the Biwa Sculpin
the Kakure Ninespine Stickleback (PLAZI),
and the Japanese Brook Lamprey (ZooKeys).
Endemic marine fish include the Japanese Wedgefish (Species
New to Science), the Cinder Cloudy Catshark (tonysharks.com),
the Orange Pipefish (Izuzuki
Whitebar Anthias (Izuzuki
Diver), the Izu Islands
Triplefin (Izuzuki
Diver), Takeuchi's Angelfish (FishBase),
Iron Butterflyfish (Churaumi),
the Yellowtail Parrotfish
the Paradise Pencil Wrasse (ResearchGate),
a puffer Takifugu
chrysops (colorbeach.exblog.jp), a cardinalfish Siphamia senoui
the Moonstone Chromis (ResearchGate),
the Ogasawara Leaping Blenny (ZooChat),
the Izu Velvetfish (diving.tank.jp),
and a soldierfish Myripristis
kochiensis (Reef
Life Survey).
Butterflies known solely from Japan include the Japanese Luehdorfia (iNaturalist),
the Japanese Treebrown (iNaturalist),
the Honshu White Admiral (iNaturalist),
the Fujisan Green Hairstreak (Aomori's
the Ogasawara Blue (ikilog.biodic.go.jp
the Golden
Butterflies), the Jezo Green Hairstreak (Field),
and a skipper Parnara
ogasawarensis (chou-album.sakura.ne.jp
Endemic moths include the Japanese Owl Moth (Japanese
Moths WM), Smerinthus tokyonis
and Loepa sakaei (iNaturalist).
Other endemic insects include the Genji Firefly (Yoshihito Furukawa), the dragonflies Epiophlebia superstes (Odonata of Kobe) and Boninthemis insularis (Odonata on Stamps WM), a damselfly Coeliccia ryukyuensis (iNaturalist), a cicada Platypleura yayeyamana (Cicadae in Japan WM), a grasshopper Epacromius japonicus (Ehime Red Data Book), a katydid Psyrana amaiensis (iNaturalist), a raspy cricket Neanias ogasawarensis (iNaturalist), a tiger beetle Cicindela bonina (tigerbeetle.world.coocan.jp WM), the ground beetles Carabus insulicola (iNaturalist) and Ishikawatrechus intermedius (Living With Insects) and the cave-dwelling Ryukyuaphaenops pulcherrimus (Species New to Science), a riffle beetle Podonychus gyobu (GBIF), the longhorn beetles Rosalia batesi (iNaturalist) and Anoplophora oshimana (iNaturalist), the stag beetles Prismognathus tokui (A.L.F. WM) and Neolucanus okinawanus (biodiversity.okinawa), the Yanbaru Long-armed Beetle (IUCN), an ant Camponotus hemichlaena (iNaturalist), a bumblebee Bombus honshuensis (Hanamaru Project WM), a mantis Acromantis satsumensis (iNaturalist), a stick insect Entoria miyakoensis (iNaturalist), and the mayfly family Dipteromimidae (iNaturalist).
Endemic molluscs include the Japanese Flapjack Octopus (Wikipedia), Semisulcospira freshwater snails (Bishogai), a freshwater mussel Obovalis omiensis (pref.kyoto.jp), and several land snails: Ezohelix gainesi (EurekAlert!), Hirasea operculina (Ogasawara WM), Euhadra peliomphala (iNaturalist), Japonia sadoensis (iNaturalist), and Plectotropis vulgivaga (iNaturalist). Other endemic invertebrates include a land crab Geothelphusa tenuimana (Wildlife Okinawa WM), a freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium shokitai (ffish.asia), a crayfish Cambaroides japonicus (iNaturalist), the spiders Coelotes eharai (Ehime Red Data Book) and Mendoza ibarakiensis (pontaxx.blog WM), the Ryukyu Rabbit Tick (twitter WM), the millipedes Parafontaria laminata (Royal Soc.) and Spirobolus akamma (ResearchGate), a cave-dwelling centipede Arrup akiyoshiensis (ZooKeys), a land planarian Bipalium kisoense (iNaturalist), an earthworm Metaphire sieboldi (IUCN), a sea slug Melibe minuta (Sea Slug Forum WM), the Skeleton Panda Sea Squirt (Wikipedia), and the corals Porites okinawensis (Corals of the World WM) and Sympodium subtilis (GBIF).
Endemic invertebrate
include worms Biwadrilidae (fig. 1 on p. 5 of Opuscula
Zoologica pdf) and Limpluvidae (fig. 9 at Oxford) and Ohtakianidae (fig. 7 at Oxford),
the amphipods Luciobliviidae (PLAZI)
and Protodulichiidae (GBIF),
copepods Protolatiremidae (p. 58 of HUSCAP
pdf), harvestmen Nippononychidae (iNaturalist),
tardigrade Thermozodiidae (BioOne),
a sea slug Showajidaiidae (iNaturalist)
the bryozoans Labiostomellidae (figs. D-E at Google
Books) and Pseudolepraliidae (bryozoa.net),
a hydrothermal vent inhabiting barnacle Probathylepadidae (GBIF),
a sea anemone Spongiactinidae (Actiniaria.com
a ribbon worm Eopilidiidae (GBIF),
and a
hemichordate Atubaridae (J-STAGE
pdf) (kahaku.go.jp).
Trees known only from Japan include the Star Magnolia (IUCN),
the Amami Maple (World
the Sasanqua Camellia (iNaturalist),
the Japanese Holly (iNaturalist),
Ficus boninsimae
the Oshima
Cherry (iNaturalist),
the Japanese Beech (iNaturalist),
the Okinawa Oak (Monumental
Trees), the Japanese Stone Oak (iNaturalist),
the Magnificent Katsura (IDS),
the Japanese Hornbeam (iNaturalist),
the Pillar Apple (iNaturalist),
Hibiscus glaber
the Tall Stewartia (IDS),
Koyama's Spruce (RBGE),
the Amami Pine (RBGE),
and the Japanese Douglas Fir (RBGE). Endemic tree genera
the Satake Palm (PACSOA
WM) and
the Asunaro (Wikipedia). The Japanese Umbrella
Pine (ARKive
WM) (iNaturalist)
is the sole member of the endemic family Sciadopityaceae.
Other vascular plants unique to Japan include Callianthemum miyabeanum (flickr), Chrysanthemum japonense (iNaturalist), Allium inutile and Oreocharis primuloides (both at pref.kyoto.jp), Asarum monodoriflorum (iNaturalist), Arisaema limbatum (iNaturalist), Arachniodes dimorphophylla (iNaturalist), the Golden-rayed Lily (iNaturalist), Rhododendron kaempferi (iNaturalist), Viola utchinensis (IUCN), Gardenia boninensis (Mano Nomoto), Aquilegia buergeriana (iNaturalist), Primula nipponica (iNaturalist), the Garden Weigela (iNaturalist), Paris japonica (POWO), Hosta kiyosumiensis (Hosta Library pdf), Silene miqueliana (iNaturalist), a fern Lepisorus boninensis (Wiley), Ophiorrhiza yamashitae (Tsukuba BG), and the orchids Calanthe izu-insularis (Biglobe) and Galearis fauriei (Biglobe).
Other endemic vascular plant genera include the Nippon Daisy (iNaturalist), the Japanese Forest Grass (iNaturalist), Dupontiopsis (iNaturalist), Sasaella (Pl@ntNet), Dendrocacalia (ogasawara-syokubutusi WM), Ranzania (wildplants.sakura.ne.jp WM), Ancistrocarya (hanamist.sakura.ne.jp WM), Spuriomitella (Wikispecies), Glaucidium (iNaturalist), Pteridophyllum (botanic.jp), Perillula (Masao Takeno), Japonolirion (Hokkaido Univ.), Miricacalia (Japanese Wild Flowers), Anemonopsis (alpine-plants-jp.com WM), Relictithismia (ResearchGate), Daphnimorpha (env.go.jp), Apodicarpum (arakawasaitama.com), and Comospermum (Asian Flora WM).
fungi include Boninogaster
phalloides (IUCN),
Rhizopogon togasawarensis
and Echinodontium
japonicum (IUCN).
Endemic lichens include Anisomeridium
yoshimurae (Chiba
Pref. Museum) and Gyalidea
izuensis (ResearchGate).
Endemic non-vascular plants include the liverworts Cavicularia densa (Hiroshima
and Riccia oryzicola
and the mosses Rhachithecium
nipponicum (p. 1 of J-STAGE
pdf) and Gollania
splendens (GBIF).
Endemic marine algae include Sargassum
spathulophyllum (TBG
and Setoutiphycus
delamareoides (ResearchGate).
Japan is its own biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM).
Japan has exceptional marine endemism and portions
of the
are included in the Southern Japan, Taiwan and Southern China coral
reef hotspot (Columbia
Univ. WM pdf). Lake Biwa (LBM
pdf) is one ot the world's most ancient lakes and has many unique