fish found
exclusively in Lake Issyk Kul include Schmidt’s
Dace Leuciscus schmidti
Issyk-Kul Dace Leuciscus
bergi (iNaturalist)
and the
Issyk-Kul Minnow Phoxinus
issykkulensis (BHL).
Other endemic fish include another loach Dzihunia
turdakovi (IUCN).
The Issyk-Kul Gudgeon Gobio
latus (BHL)
is sometimes recognized as a species distinct from the more widespread Gobio gobio (FishBase).
found nowhere else include the Alay Viper Gloydius rickmersi (Species
New to Science) (iNaturalist),
the Tien Shan
Even-fingered Gecko Altiphylax
tokobajevi (iNaturalist)
Books), Szczerbak's Racerunner Eremias szczerbaki (
and the Naryn Thin-toed Gecko Mediodactylus
narynense (iNaturalist)
Other endemic insects include a jewel beetle Acmaeodera lopatini (, a ground beetle Cyclocarabus pseudolamprostus (p. 13 of JSTAGE pdf), the longhorn beetles Kirgisobia bohnei ( and Dorcadion danilevskyi (iNaturalist), the click beetles Cardiophorus terskeyensis (Elateridae) and Hypnoidus narynensis (Elateridae), the rove beetles Scymbalopsis kirghizica (fig. 2 at aemnp pdf) and Lathrobium klimenkoi (ResearchGate), an earth-boring dung beetle Lethrus toropovi (GBIF), a flea beetle Longitarsus nadiae (GBIF), the bees Melitta engeli (ResearchGate) and Thyreomelecta kirghisia (BHL), a cuckoo wasp Hedychridium karakolense (ResearchGate), and the grasshoppers Conophyma alajense (OSF) and Ferganacris mushketovi (SZMN WM).
endemic invertebrates include Ovchinnikov's
Relic Spider Tricholathys
relicta (p. 248 of Living
Asia WM pdf),
spider Chalcoscirtus
nenilini (
WM), a wolf spider Karakumosa tashkumyr
harvestmen Pamiropilio
naukat (fig. 45 at ResearchGate)
and Homolophus
milkoi (GBIF),
a dipluran Kyrgyzstancampa
sanare (MNHN),
a cave-dwelling pseudoscorpion Chthonius
kirghisicus (Subterranean
Biology), a centipede Escaryus
kirgizicus (CHILOBASE),
a millipede Elongeuma
reductum (fig. 1 at KMK
pdf), an amphipod crustacean Tadzocrangonyx
alaicus (GBIF),
a freshwater snail Chirgisia
alaarchaensis (Semantic Scholar),
and several land snails: Archaica
suspecta (MSU),
moltschanovi (Femorale WM),
and Leucozonella
crassicosta (SZMN WM).
Among about 326 vascular plant species restricted to Kyrgyzstan are Seseli eryngioides
(fig. 2G at ResearchGate),
zoae (,
Tulipa zonneveldii
pseudowinklerianum (,
Jurinea narynensis (,
knorringianum (,
Gagea spelaea
Phlomoides korovinii
Silene fetissovii
(fig. 7G at ResearchGate), Acantholimon knorringianum (,
Iris rodionenkoi
Tanacetopsis ferganensis
(fig. 7H at ResearchGate)
Astragalus bosbutooensis
(, Primula eugeniae (,
Corydalis subverticillata
pdf), Atraphaxis
toktogulica (,
Campanula eugeniae
(p. 180 of FAO
pdf), Ligularia
philanthrax (ResearchGate),
brachanthemoides (, Prunus susakensis (,
Leibnitzia knorringiana
knorringiana (,
the legumes Chesneya
villosa (p.
150 of
Asia WM pdf)
and Hedysarum sultanovae
botbaevae (,
and Salvia
vvedenskyi (
The endemic plant genus Tianschaniella (
is often treated as distinct from Eritrichium.
Lichens known only from Kyrgyzstan include Aspicilia digitata (ResearchGate) and Seirophora tenera (Graphis Scripta pdf).
Fungi known only from Kyrgyzstan include Hemimycena phlomisii
Endemic non-vascular plants include the mosses Bryum congestiflorum
and Tortula paulsenii
Kyrgyzstan is included in the Mountains of Central Asia biodiversity
hotspot (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM).
Lake Issyk Kul (FEOW)
is one of the world's oldest lakes. For more information on
country's endemic animals and plants see the Biodiversity Strategy and
Action Plan (CBD
pdf) and for endemic plant species see (FAO
pdf). Plant species endemic to both Kyrgyzstan and the Tian Shan
Mountains are listed at (ResearchGate).