the invertebrates known solely from Luxembourg are several springtails
including Orchesella
hoffmanni (ResearchGate), Orchesella erpeldingae (p. 230 of Ferrantia
pdf), Superodontella
euro (Bull.
Soc. Nat. luxemb. WM pdf), Hymenaphorura
arantiana (Bull.
Soc. Nat. luxemb. pdf), Protaphorura
eichhorni (p. 5 of Cite
Seer X WM pdf), and Kalaphorura
ludzaki (ISEZ PAN
WM pdf). Other endemic invertebrates include the proturans Eosentomon paucrum
and Eosentomon umbrosum
(both at Internet
Archive), a cave-dwelling dark-winged fungus gnat Camptochaeta luxemburgensis
and a chironomid fly Micropsectra
robusta (lb.wikipedia)
(fig. 16 at Oxford).
Vascular plants known only from Luxembourg include the dandelion
microspecies Taraxacum
leucosquameum (SEKJ
pdf) and Taraxacum rivulare (lb.wikipedia). A subspecies of marsh orchid Dactylorhiza incarnata cungsii ( is also endemic.
Lichens known only from Luxembourg include Synarthonia leproidica (ProQuest) and Gelatinopsis hysteropatellae (GBIF).