has an exceptionally distinctive flora and fauna with over 90% of the
species in many groups found nowhere else (Cambridge
pdf). Madagascar is even
more remarkable at higher taxonomic levels. Despite being the
world's 45th largest country, Madagascar is second (after Australia) in endemic
vertebrate and vascular plant families and also is in the top
four in endemic genera for both groups. Madagascar is
part of the Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands biodiversity
hotspot (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM). For
a summary of freshwater endemism see (IUCN
Best known of Madagascar's unique mammals are the lemurs which include
five endemic families: the Aye-aye (EDGE)
in the Daubentoniidae, the Indriidae (iNaturalist)
includes the Indri (NEPC),
the Lemuridae (iNaturalist)
includes the Ring-tailed Lemur (ARKive
the Lepilemuridae (iNaturalist)
includes Seal's Sportive Lemur (Google
Books) (Lemurs
Portal WM), and the Cheirogaleidae (iNaturalist)
includes the Rufous
Mouse Lemur (Joel
Other endemic mammal families are the Eupleridae (iNaturalist)
includes the Fossa (ARKive
WM), the Myzopodidae including the Eastern Sucker-footed Bat (ARKive
WM), and the Tenrecidae (iNaturalist)
the Web-footed Tenrec (IUCN).
Other endemic mammals include the Madagascar Flying Fox (iNaturalist),
Commerson's Leaf-nosed Bat (iNaturalist),
a subfamily of rodents Nesomyinae (iNaturalist)
that includes the Giant Jumping Rat (ARKive
and the Long-tailed Big-footed Mouse (Google
Representatives of bird families found only in Madagascar include the
Long-tailed Ground Roller (eBird),
the Yellow-bellied Sunbird-asity (eBird),
and the Cryptic Warbler (Creagrus
WM) (eBird).
The three species of mesites (iNaturalist)
represent an endemic order, the
Mesitornithiformes. Other endemic birds include the Helmet Vanga (eBird),
the Madagascar Serpent-eagle (eBird),
the Madagascar Pochard (eBird),
the Madagascar Crested Ibis (eBird),
the Madagascar Jacana (ABC),
the Madagascar Partridge (eBird),
the Madagascar Pygmy Kingfisher (eBird),
the Gray-headed Lovebird (WPT),
the Forest Fody (ABC),
and the Giant Coua (eBird).
Madagascar's rich endemic chameleon fauna includes the world's largest
species, Parson’s Chameleon (ARKive
and the world's smallest, Brookesia
nana (Species
New to Science).
Labord’s Chameleon (iNaturalist)
has the shortest lifespan of any land vertebrate, while
the Radiated Tortoise (ARKive
has the longest documented one. Other endemic reptiles include the
Madagascar Iguana
the Yellow-headed Day Gecko (flickr),
the Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko (iNaturalist),
a mermaid skink Voeltzkowia
mobydick (Wikipedia),
the Diving Skink (iNaturalist),
the Giant Girdled Lizard (Joel
Sartore), the Madagascar Speckled Hognose Snake (iNaturalist),
the Twig Mimic Snake (iNaturalist),
Patton's Bright Snake (ResearchGate),
the Madagascar Big-headed Turtle (iNaturalist),
and the Flat-tailed Tortoise (iNaturalist).
The Madagascar Blind Snake (EDGE)
is the sole member of the family Xenotyphlopidae and the four
species of boa in Madagascar (iNaturalist)
form an endemic subfamily.
Madagascar is the sole home to some of the world's most colorful frogs
including the Golden Mantella (iNaturalist),
Harlequin Mantella (AmphibiaWeb),
and the Blue-legged Mantella (IUCN).
Other endemic frogs include the Northern Tomato Frog (ARKive
the Madagascan Lined Frog (AmphibiaWeb),
the Madagascan Rainbow Frog (iNaturalist),
Angel's Madagascar Frog (AmphibiaWeb),
the Madagascan Jumping Frog (AmphibiaWeb),
Stump-toed Frog (ResearchGate),
the Ambana Web-foot Frog
angolafa (BBC WM),
and the Masoala Bright-eyed Frog
Freshwater fish restricted to Madagascar include two endemic families:
Bedotidae (Seriously
Fish) (FishBase)
and the Anchariidae (PlanetCatfish)
endemic freshwater fish genera include a
silverside Teramulus
the sleeper gobies Typhleotris
and Ratsirakia
the round herrings Sauvagella
and several cichlids: Oxylapia
Katria (IUCN),
Paretroplus (Cichlids
de Madagascar WM), Paratilapia
and Ptychochromis
Endemic marine fish include Corazon's Damsel (ResearchGate),
the Redtail Sweeper (Figure 26 at ResearchGate),
the Madagascar Sandperch (GBIF),
the Loosejaw Longfin Plesiops
the Madagascar Dottyback Pseudochromis
madagascariensis (BOLD),
the Fringed Perchlet Plectranthias
maugei (BHL) (p. 29 of SAIAB pdf),
the Rough Shortnose Seabat (GBIF),
Holleman's Frogmouth (GBIF),
the Malagasy Bluespotted Guitarfish (GBIF),
and the Madagascar Numbfish (ResearchGate).
Insect families confined to Madagacar include damselflies in
Protolestidae (iNaturalist),
stick insects in
Damasippoididae (flickr) (iNaturalist),
moths in Whalleyanidae (BOLD) (ResearchGate),
and beetles in Belohinidae (R.O. SA pdf).
Endemic butterfly genera include the Madagascar Giant Swallowtail (iNaturalist), Smerina (iNaturalist), Saribia (iNaturalist), Strabena (iNaturalist), Galerga (iNaturalist), Malaza (iNaturalist), Fulda (iNaturalist), and Hovala (iNaturalist). Other endemic butterflies include Charaxes andara (iNaturalist), Hypolimnas dexithea (iNaturalist), and Graphium cyrnus (iNaturalist). Endemic moths include the Madagascar Moon Moth (iNaturalist), the Sunset Moth (Wikipedia) (iNaturalist), a Malagasy polkadot moth Dubianaclia contigua (iNaturalist), and a sphinx moth Xanthopan praedicta (NHM-London) (iNaturalist).
Beetles unique to Madagascar include the Giraffe Weevil (iNaturalist), the flower beetles Pygora lenocina (iNaturalist) and Euchroea urania (, a jewel beetle Polybothris sumptuosa (iNaturalist), and a longhorn beetle Stellognatha maculata (flickr). Other endemic insects include the Dracula Ant (Alexander Wild), the world’s largest mayfly Proboscidoplocia (BioFresh), the Malagasy Striped Whirligig Beetle (fig. f at ResearchGate), a tiger beetle Peridexia hilaris (Beetles in the Bush), a flatid bug Phromnia rosea (iNaturalist), a cave-dwelling assassin bug Mangabea troglodytes (ResearchGate), a cicada Yanga andriana (iNaturalist), a conehead katydid Malagasopus desutterae (Species New to Science), the grasshoppers Phymateus saxosus (iNaturalist) and Notocerus formidabilis (iNaturalist), the Lemur Skimmer (iNaturalist), and a stick insect Achrioptera manga (EurekAlert! WM).
Other endemic invertebrates families include scorpions in Heteroscorpionidae (SEA WM pdf) (iNaturalist) and Microcharmidae (MCD), amphipods in Sandroidae (GBIF) and Austroniphargidae (ResearchGate), mites in Nosybelbidae (BHL), and earthworms in Kynotidae (ResearchGate).
Other endemic invertebrate species include the Madagascar fire millipedes (iNaturalist),
a giant pill-millipede Zoosphaerium
neptunus (ResearchGate),
a huntsman spider Olios
coenobita (Blue
Chameleon Ventures WM) living in snail shells, Darwin's Bark
Spider (iNaturalist),
the Ornamental Wandering Spider (Wikimedia
Commons), a pelican spider Eriauchenus
workmani (iNaturalist),
a tarantula Encyocrates
raffrayi (iNaturalist),
a harvestman Decarynella
gracilipes (iNaturalist),
a freshwater crab Madagapotamon
humberti (iNaturalist),
the freshwater crayfish Astacoides
the land snails Helicophanta
and Tropidophora
cuveriana (iNaturalist),
a freshwater mussel Germainaia
geayi (ResearchGate),
a land planarian Humbertium
girardi (iNaturalist),
and a coral Stylophora
madagascarensis (EDGE) (Corals of the World WM).
A distinctive marine ecoregion off southern Madagascar includes such
endemic mollusc species as a volute Lyria patbaili (VLIZ),
a chiton Stenoplax
lavanonensis (ResearchGate),
a cone snail Conus
chiapponorum (IUCN),
a rock snail Chicoreus
kantori (GBIF),
and Vokesimurex
rectaspira (GBIF).
Endemic trees include Grandidier’s
Baobab (iNaturalist),
a rosewood Dalbergia
xerophila (iNaturalist),
the Tapia (Wikipedia),
and the Flamboyant (iNaturalist).
Endemic tree genera include the Octopus Tree (iNaturalist), Melanophylla (MOBOT),
Cinnamosma (iNaturalist),
Humbertia (GBIF), Kaliphora (GBIF),
Abrahamia (iNaturalist),
Neobeguea (iNaturalist),
the Forest Coconut (iNaturalist),
Ravenala (iNaturalist),
the Forest Bismarckia (ARKive
WM), the
Tahina Palm
and Takhtajania
WM). Endemic tree families include Asteropeiaceae (MOBOT),
Physenaceae (iNaturalist),
and Sphaerosepalaceae (iNaturalist).
humbertii (iNaturalist)
is also sometimes considered to represent an
additional endemic tree family
Other endemic plants include the medically important Madagascar Rosy Periwinkle (iNaturalist), Euphorbia geroldii (iNaturalist), Achyrocalyx decaryi (iNaturalist), the Madagascar Rubbervine (iNaturalist), Carlephyton (iNaturalist), Herreriopsis elegans (iNaturalist), Centauropsis (iNaturalist), Dialypetalum (iNaturalist), Perichlaena richardii (iNaturalist), Cathariostachys (ResearchGate), Perrierosedum (iNaturalist), Tachiadenus (iNaturalist), Xerosicyos (iNaturalist), Socratina (iNaturalist), Koehneria (, Radamaea (iNaturalist), Nematostylis (iNaturalist), the Elephant's Foot Plant (iNaturalist), Darwin's Orchid (iNaturalist), and the orchid genera Grammangis (iNaturalist) and Sobennikoffia (iNaturalist). Barbeuiaceae is an additional endemic family (Flora of the World WM).
Endemic lichens include Chiodecton pustuliferum (100 New Lichens) and Clandestinotrema minutum and Pseudoramonia psoromica (both at ResearchGate). Endemic fungi include Marasmius brunneoaurantiacus (Mushroom Observer), Lentinula madagasikarensis (ResearchGate), Cantharellus albidolutescens (fig. A at Springer), Gymnopus tamatavae (ResearchGate), and Russula antsikana (p. 26 of MNHN pdf). Endemic non-vascular plants include the liverworts Caudalejeunea grolleana (ResearchGate) and Fossombronia isaloensis (ResearchGate) and the mosses Fissidens hookerioides (GBIF) and Macromitrium onraedtii (GBIF). Endemic marine macroalgae include Yonagunia atimo-vatae (ResearchGate) and Lobophora antsirananaensis (fig. A at ResearchGate).