Malawi has the world's richest freshwater fish fauna with many species
restricted to the portion of the lake in Malawi. Endemic
include the
Sulphurhead Peacock
WM), Copadichromis
mbenjii (ARKive
Chisumulu Pearl (ARKive
WM), Tramitichromis
lituris (FishBase),
the Red Top Cobalt
the Golden Sandeater (Hippocampus), Melanochromis chipokae
Lavender Mbuna (IUCN),
Mylochromis plagiotaenia
the Golden Tropheops (iNaturalist),
Mchenga conophoros (IUCN),
Nyassachromis breviceps
the Likoma Island Clown (IUCN),
Petrotilapia genalutea
the Cyan Hap (
Fish endemic to other portions of Malawi include a killifish Nothobranchius wattersi
Seymour's Barb (ResearchGate),
a yellowfish Labeobarbus
nthuwa (IUCN),
the Dwarf
Sanjika (, and the catfishes Zaireichthys lacustris
and Bathyclarias
euryodon (GBIF).
Reptiles found only in Malawi include the Mount Mulanje Chameleon (Chameleon
Database WM) (iNaturalist), Chapman's Pygmy Chameleon (iNaturalist),
the Mount Mulanje Pygmy Chameleon (iNaturalist),
Mitchell's Flat Lizard (iNaturalist),
King Dwarf Gecko Lygodactylus
rex (ResearchGate),
Bons' Dwarf Gecko (iNaturalist), the Nyika Girdled
Lizard (Reptile
Database), the Mulanje Skink (iNaturalist),
and the Nyika Serpentiform Skink (fig.
1 at BHL).
skink Proscelotes
mlanjensis (Taylor
& Francis) (iNaturalist)
is also sometimes considered distinct from
Proscolotes arnoldi
(which occurs in Zimbabwe).
Endemic amphibians include the Mulanje
River Frog Amietia
Broadley's Ridged Frog
broadleyi (fig. 3C at GBIF)
and Friedemann's Long Reed Frog Hyperolius
friedemanni (GBIF).
The distribution of the Mulanje Mongrel Frog Nothophryne broadleyi
(p. 8 of BirdLife
pdf) has recently been restricted to Malawi.
The Yellow-throated Apalis Apalis flavigularis
is an endemic bird.
Mammals known solely from Malawi include the Nyika Mouse Shrew Myosorex
gnoskei (PLAZI)
Museum pdf),
and Johnston’s African Dormouse Graphiurus johnstoni
The Kalwe Galago (Dwarf
Galagos WM) is a possible undescribed species in the genus Galagoides.
Butterflies restricted to Malawi include Cooksonia aliciae (Namizimu
Charaxes martini
Charaxes dowsetti
murphyi (metafro),
Euphaedra ceramica
Cymothoe zombana
Semalea malawi
(p. 76 of Univ.
Nebraska pdf), and Mimacraea
Endemic moths include the
Tiger Moth Callioratis
grandis (p. 45 of Metamorphosis
pdf), a silk moth Epiphora
murphyi (RBINS),
and a tortricid Prophaecasia
malawiana (GBIF).
Other endemic insects include the Mulanje Damselfly Oreocnemis phoenix (iNaturalist), a cicada Murphyalna mughessensis (GBIF), a leafhopper Xerophytavorus furcillatus (Sciency Thoughts), a thorny lacewing Rhachiella malawica (Species New to Science), an ant Camponotus lamborni (AntWiki), a stalk-eyed fly Diopsis malawiensis (Semantic Scholar), a vivid metallic ground beetle Chlaenius ruthmuellerae (p. 42 of ZOBODAT pdf), a caterpillar hunter Calosoma nyassicum (Calosoma of the World), the dung beetles Tomogonus chauvetorum (GBIF) and Epidrepanus nyika (GBIF), the longhorn beetles Frea nyassana (iNaturalist) and Afroartelida quentini (ResearchGate), a rove beetle Zuluclavodes minor (GBIF), a tortoise beetle Cassida kantnerorum (GBIF), an ant nest beetle Paussus buettikeri (ResearchGate), several caddisflies of the genus Chimarra (Zootaxa pdf), a mantis Galepsus dudleyi (ZooKeys), the crickets Pseudolebinthus lunipterus (Species New to Science) and Malawitrella sotshivkoi (p. 4 of pdf), the grasshoppers Kassongia subfuscata (OSF) and Chokwea malawii (OSF), and several katydids: Enyaliopsis ilala (iNaturalist), Enyaliopsis mulanje (OSF), Eulioptera bilobata (OSF), and Dioncomena bulla (iNaturalist).
Other endemic invertebrates include a baboon spider Ceratogyrus hillyardi
(Tarantupedia) (iNaturalist),
a daddy
long-legs spider Ninetis
russellsmithi (ResearchGate),
a tree sheet-web spider Umwani
anymphos (figs. D-F at BHL),
a wolf spider Trabea
nigristernis (BHL),
the scorpions Uroplectes
malawicus (BHL)
and Pandinus
pantinii (p. 51 of Onychium
pdf), an earthworm Dichogaster
frickei (BHL),
freshwater crab Potamonautes
mulanjeensis (iNaturalist),
a freshwater shrimp Caridina
kaombeflutilis (PLAZI),
and several land snails: Austromarconia
hamiltoni (Semantic
Scholar), Cyathopoma
meredithae (fig A at ResearchGate),
Dadagulella meredithae
(fig. 37 at ResearchGate),
Fauxulus grayi
(fig. 2 at Google
Books), and Gulella
systemanaturae (Wikipedia).
Among about 50 endemic vascular plant species are several orchids
including Aerangis
distincta (IOSPE),
livingstoniana (JSTOR),
Angraecum umbrosum
Cynorkis brevicalcar
of Malawi),
Polystachya minima
and Polystachya
johnstonii (Flora
of Malawi).
Mount Mulanje is especially rich in endemic plants (Oxford
WM) including Impatiens shirensis
Kniphofia mulanjeana
oreogena (JSTOR),
Cleome densifolia
Town Botanist), Isoglossa
perdita (ResearchGate),
bellus (Flora
of Malawi),
Geranium mlanjense
whyteanum (JSTOR),
Streptocarpus milanjianus
of Malawi), and Streptocarpus
Town Botanist).
Plants unique to the Nyika Plateau include Brachythrix pawekiae
of Malawi), Cyphia nyikensis (Flora
of Malawi), Osteospermum
Phyllanthus nyikae
Aloe canis
(Figure 6 at ResearchGate),
Brachystelma malawiensis
Africa pdf), and Plectranthus
elegans (flickr)
are also endemic to Malawi.
Trees known only from Malawi include the Mulanje Cedar Widdringtonia whytei (ARKive WM) (iNaturalist), Buxus nyasica (GBIF) (IUCN), Erica nyassana (GBIF) (IUCN), Deinbollia nyasica (GBIF) (IUCN), and Vepris elegantissima (IUCN).
Endemic non-vascular plants include the liverworts Fossombronia nyikaensis (SIU WM) and Sauteria nyikaensis (Internet Archive) and a moss Porotrichum dentatum (GBIF). Fungi known only from Malawi include Gloiocephala mucrocystidiata and Marasmius longicystidiatus (both at FFTA).
Parts of Malawi are included in the South Malawi Montane Forest-grassland Mosaic (WWF WM) and the Eastern Afromontane biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity Hotspots WM). The South East Africa Montane Archipelago ecoregion (Nature) is especially notable for endemism. Lake Malawi (FEOW WM) likely has over 800 fish species found nowhere else and is also rich in endemic invertebrates. Many of the endemic plant species can be found in the Malawi Plant Red Data List (see National Red Lists WM pdf) or at (Flora of Malawi).