known only
from Malaysia include the Sabah Grizzled
Langur (iNaturalist),
the Selangor Silvery Langur (iNaturalist),
the Bornean Ferret Badger (ARKive
WM), the Bornean Smooth-tailed Treeshrew (Mammals
of Borneo),
the Upland Squirrel (Ecology
Asia), the Selangor Pygmy
Flying Squirrel (Google
Books), the Greater
Pencil-tailed Tree Mouse (flickr),
Margaret's Ranee Mouse (ARKive
WM), the Kinabalu Rat (iNaturalist),
the Malayan Water Shrew (GBIF)
Museum WM pdf), Doria's False Serotine (ARKive
the Coppery Sprite (ASM
Cox's Leaf-nosed Bat (iNaturalist),
and two endemic genera: the Sculptor Squirrel
of Borneo) and the Bornean Tree Rat Pithecheirops (Mammals of Borneo) (BHL). The Malayan Tiger (Cat
is an endemic subspecies.
Birds unique to Malaysia include the Mountain
Peacock-pheasant (ARKive
the Malay Peacock-pheasant (eBird),
the Malay Partridge (eBird),
the Sabah Partridge (flickr),
the Dulit Partridge (fig. 7 at Borneo
Bird Images) (BioOne),
the Black-headed Pitta
the Friendly Grasshopper Warbler (eBird),
the Malay Whistling Thrush (eBird),
Everett's Thrush (eBird),
and the Malay Bullfinch (OBC
The Malaysian Crested Argus Rheinardia
nigrescens (ResearchGate) (flickr)
has recently been elevated to a full species (BioOne).
The Bornean Swiftlet Collocalia
dodgei (Borneo
Bird Images) (eBird) and the Malayan Cuckooshrike Coracina larutensis (iNaturalist) are also sometimes considered full species.
Endemic reptiles include the Tioman Blind Lizard (BHL),
the Jelawang Bent-toed Gecko (Species
New to Science), the Kinabalu Flying Gecko (iNaturalist),
the Cameron Highlands Forest Skink (iNaturalist),
the Kinabalu Giant Blind Snake (iNaturalist),
the Tioman Reed Snake (ARKive
Schaefer’s Spine-jawed Snake (ResearchGate),
the Mirkwood Forest Slug Snake (ResearchGate),
and the Cameron Highlands Pitviper (Ecology
Asia). Endemic genera include the Kinabalu Brown Pitviper (iNaturalist),
the Mountain Dwarf Snake (flickr),
Hanitsch's Reed Snake (iNaturalist),
the Selangor Mud Snake (ResearchGate),
the Pahang Water Snake Kualatahan
(fig. 8 at ResearchGate),
the Kinabalu Crested Dragon (iNaturalist),
the Kinabalu Forest Lizard (iNaturalist),
and Robinson's Anglehead Lizard
Amphibians found nowhere else include the Mesilau Toad (IUCN),
the Api Dwarf Toad (Frogs
of Borneo WM), Kobayashi's Horned Frog (Frogs
of Borneo WM), the Rough-sided Dwarf Litter Frog (Frogs
of Borneo WM), the Kinabalu Large-Eyed Litter Frog (Frogs
of Borneo WM), the Kajang Slender Litter Frog (BHL),
the Lowland Grainy Frog (ARKive
the Minute Narrow-mouthed Frog (AmphibiaWeb),
the Malaysian Treehole Frog (Ecology
the Tanah Rata Wart Frog (ARKive
the Western Torrent Frog (Frogs
of Borneo WM), the Kerangas Bush Frog (Frogs
of Borneo WM), the very small Matang Narrow-mouthed Frog (Frogs
of Borneo WM),
and a caecilian Ichthyophis
pauli (Species
New to Science).
The Sabah Earless Toad (Frogs
of Borneo WM)
and Tung's Narrow-mouthed Frog (GBIF)
represent endemic genera.
Freshwater fish known solely from Malaysia include numerous bettas such
as Betta persephone
Betta pulchra
Fish), and
Betta ibanorum (ibc).
Endemic catfish include Encheloclarias
Hemibagrus semotus
kinabatanganensis (GBIF),
Akysis microps
and Micronema platypogon
Other endemic fish include a licorice gourami Parosphromenus
harveyi (Seriously
Fish), a goby Pseudogobiopsis
festivus (flickr),
the minnows Nematabramis
borneensis (Seriously
Fish) and Osteochilus
chini (FishBase),
Paedocypris micromegethes
the Terengganu Rasbora (iNaturalist),
and the Striped Redeye Puffer (Species
New to Science). Endemic genera include the Bearded Gudgeon Pogoneleotris (ResearchGate),
the Estuary Croaker Sonorolux
and several loaches: Engkaria
(fig. 54e at BHL),
(p. 65 of Raffles
Museum WM pdf), and Speonectes
(ResearchGate) (mybis).
Butterflies restricted to Malaysia include Tanaecia
amisa (,
Zeuxidia mesilauensis
Lethe perimede
Heliophorus kiana
talboti (iNaturalist),
Graphium procles
Allotinus otsukai
and Atrophaneura
matsudai (p. 7 of ResearchGate
pdf). Endemic moths include Antheraea
ulrichbroschi (iNaturalist), Synegia punctinervis (Moths of Borneo),
Artaxa gentia (iNaturalist), Nyctemera kinabaluensis (iNaturalist), and Trabala
rotundapex (Moths
of Borneo).
Spectacular insects restricted to Malaysia include the world's longest insect, Chan's Megastick (iNaturalist) (Mongabay), and the world's largest leaf insect Phyllium giganteum (iNaturalist). Other endemic insects include a damselfly Elattoneura mauros (Odonata of Pen. Malaysia), a dragonfly Leptogomphus tioman (GBIF), a grasshopper Willemsella bicolor (ResearchGate), a katydid Eulophophyllum kirki (GBIF), an ant cricket Camponophilus irmi (AntWiki), the Jungle Nymph (iNaturalist), a lacewing Semachrysa jade (Mongabay), a cicada Nabalua gogalai ( WM pdf), a lanternfly Pyrops whiteheadi (iNaturalist), a herdsmen ant Dolichoderus maschwitzi (AntWiki) (iNaturalist), the flower beetles Pseudochalcothea spathulifera (iNaturalist) and Theodosia chewi (flickr), a synchronous flashing firefly Pteroptyx balingiana (fig. B at ResearchGate), the longhorn beetles Apriona brunneomarginata (iNaturalist) and Thompsoniana vodozi (iNaturalist), a leaf beetle Chrysolina kinabaluensis (iNaturalist) and the stag beetles Cyclommatus chewi (flickr) and Odontolabis leuthneri (iNaturalist).
Other endemic invertebrates include the tarantulas Phlogiellus pelidnus (ResearchGate) and Coremiocnemis hoggi (Tarantupedia), a jumping spider Sparbambus gombakensis (ResearchGate), a trapdoor spider Liphistius kanthan (IUCN), a scorpion Spelaeolychas hosei (iNaturalist), a harvestman Sandokan malayanus (iNaturalist), a centipede Sterropristes metallicus (figs. A-B at ResearchGate), a millipede Orthomorpha fluminoris (ResearchGate), a woodlouse Adinda malaccensis (iNaturalist), a freshwater crab Johora gapensis (ARKive WM), the Sarawak Land Crab Lepidothelphusa cognetti (ARKive WM), a freshwater shrimp Alpheus cyanoteles ( WM), a land planarian Bipalium choristosperma (iNaturalist), an earthworm Pheretima saba (GBIF), the freshwater mussels Hyriopsis bialata (p. 10 of National Red List WM pdf) and Khairuloconcha lunbawangorum (Sci-News WM), and several land snails: Opisthostoma vermiculum (IISE WM), Japonia alticola (mybis), Rhinocochlis chlorosoma (iNaturalist), Hypselostoma elephas (Malay Pen. Terr. Molluscs), Plectostoma umbilicatum (fig. B at ResearchGate), Hemiplecta malaouyi (iNaturalist), Kaliella busauensis (ZooKeys), and Everettia jucundior (Bornean Land Snails).
A parasitic mite Hystrichonyssus
turneri (p. 212 of Univ.
pdf) currently known only from Malaysia, but collected from
non-endemic species, is the sole member of the family
Hystrichonyssidae. Another parasitic mite Audyana thompsoni (BHL)
is apparently known only from specimens collected in peninsular
Malaysia and is the sole member of the family Audyanidae (BHL).
Trees known only from Malaysia include
the Kinabalu Kauri (ARKive
WM), Atuna
penangiana (iNaturalist),
Dacrydium gibbsiae
Ficus endospermifolia
of Borneo), Saurauia
rubens (iNaturalist),
Sarcotheca monophylla
(Pl@ntNet), Durio gerikensis (GBIF), Jarandersonia pereirae (ResearchGate),
Hopea auriculata
rotundifolius (mybis),
Shorea maxima
(iNaturalist), and Payena khoonmengiana (ResearchGate).
Endemic tree genera include Borneodendron (ResearchGate), Hexapora
and Kochummenia
Orchids unique to Malaysia include Dimorphorchis rossii (IOSPE), Dendrobium serena-alexianum (IOSPE), Paphiopedilum rothschildianum (IUCN), Bulbophyllum cameronense (IOSPE), and Thrixspermum erythrolomum (p. 5 of WWF pdf). Other endemic plants include Rafflesia tuan-mudae (Parasitic Plant Connection WM), the Joey on a Stick (ARKive WM), Alpinia murdochi (IUCN), Monophyllaea sarangica (iNaturalist), the Parasol Palm (PACSOA WM), Hoya endauensis (Vermont Hoyas), Rhododendron benomense (RBGE pdf), a pitcher plant Nepenthes rajah (iNaturalist), Amorphophallus julaihii (IAS WM), Cycas cantafolia (mybis), Begonia lowiana (iNaturalist), Argentina kinabaluensis (iNaturalist), Epithema involucratum (p. 52 of ASEAN pdf), and Orchidantha longiflora (flickr).
Additional endemic vascular plant genera include the orchids Dilochiopsis (mybis) and Jejewoodia (iNaturalist), Emarhendia (Genera of Gesneriaceae WM), Senyumia (Genera of Gesneriaceae WM), Boycea (iNaturalist), Schottariella (aroid pictures WM), Bakoa (ResearchGate), Tawaia (ResearchGate), Pichinia (ResearchGate), Bayabusua (Flora Malesiana), Borneosicyos (Flora Malesiana), Acrymia (Flora Malesiana), and Lampas (Google Books).
Endemic fungi include Spongiforma
squarepantsii (IUCN), Durianella
echinulata (IUCN),
and Chlorogaster
dipterocarpi (IUCN).
Endemic lichens include Astrothelium
tanianum (figs. D-E at ResearchGate)
and Leiorreuma
convariata (Tropical
Lichens). Endemic non-vascular plants include the liverworts Thiersianthus silamensis
WM pdf) and Diplophyllum
kinabaluense (ResearchGate)
and the mosses Bryobrothera
tambuyukonensis (ResearchGate)
and Benitotania elimbata
Malaysia is included in the Sundaland biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM).
Important terrestrial ecoregions include
the Kinabalu Montane Alpine Meadows (EoE)
and the Peninsular Malaysian Montane Rain Forests (EoE).
Important freshwater ecoregions for endemic species include
the Malay Peninsula Eastern Slope (FEOW
and the Northeastern Borneo (FEOW