The False Shark Ray Rhynchorhina mauritaniensis (GBIF) represents an endemic genus known only from the Banc d’Arguin. A goby Didogobius lanceolatus (Spixiana pdf) is also known only from Banc d'Arguin. A three-bearded rockling Gaidropsarus mauritanicus (Wiley) is also currently known only from Mauritania. Possible new species of Gymnura and Torpedo (both at fig. 4 at Springer) are currently undescribed.
Mammals known definitely only from Mauritania include Robbins' Tateril Taterillus arenarius (IUCN) (BHL) and the Mauritanian Gerbil Gerbillus mauritaniae (GBIF) (iNaturalist) (BHL) which is sometimes considered a synonym of the Sudan Gerbil Gerbillus nancillus (GBIF).
Mauritanian Heron Ardea
monicae (iNaturalist)
is sometimes considered a species distinct from the Grey Heron Ardea cinerea.
Reptiles known only from Mauritania include the Adrar Blind Snake Xerotyphlops etheridgei (ResearchGate), the Adrar Semaphore Gecko Pristurus adrarensis (GBIF), and Riva and Padial’s Fan-footed Gecko Ptyodactylus rivapadiali (GBIF) (Reptile Database). An agama Agama castroviejoi (p. 16 of IRD pdf) (BHS pdf) is considered a full species by some, while others include it in the more widespread Mali Agama Agama boueti.
An undescribed Hoplobatrachus frog (ResearchGate) (p. 16 of ResearchGate) known as the Mauritanian Groove-crowned Frog may be endemic.
Endemic insects include the jewel beetles Brachelytrium mauritanicum (GBIF) and Anthaxia mauritanica (GBIF), an enigmatic scarab beetle Glaresis mauritanica (p. 10 of ZOBODAT pdf), a scarab Adraria monodi (GBIF), a ground beetle Graphipterus mauretensis (ZooKeys), a rove beetle Lithocharis mauretanica (GBIF), a mantis Eremiaphila maculipennis (MNHN), an assassin bug Holotrichius flavomarginatus (GBIF), a moth Camellocossus manat (fig. 4 at ResearchGate), a cockroach Hemelytroblatta zolotarevskyi (CSF WM), and a scale insect Lecanodiaspis zygophylli (BHL).
Scorpions unique to Mauritania include Mauritanobuthus geniezi (MNHN), Compsobuthus berlandi (Scorpion Files), Ananteroides inexpectatus (GBIF), Buthacus ehrenbergi (p. 6 of Euscorpius pdf), Orthochirus atarensis (p. 14 of Euscorpius pdf), Buthus occidentalis (GBIF), and Leiurus dekeyseri (ResearchGate).
Other endemic terrestrial invertebrates include a jumping spider Menemerus pulcher (p. 73 of Dr. Lech Borowiec pdf), the ground spiders Micaria bimaculata (GBIF) and Pterotricha mauritanica (World Spider Catalog), a long-legged sac spider Cheiracanthium nickeli (p. 10 of Nasmus WM pdf), a solifugid Blossia gluvioides (fr.wikipedia) (fig. 262e on p. 22 of WM pdf), the pseudoscorpions Nannowithius dekeyseri (p. 4 of AAS WM pdf) and Minniza occidentalis (Pseudoscorpions of the World), and a land snail Xerophila gautieri (GBIF) (BHL).
Endemic marine snails include Calliostoma bullatum (Sciency Thoughts), Granulina mauretanica (GBIF) (BHL), Chauvetia merianae (ResearchGate), and Ponderinella tornatica (WMSDB) (BHL). Other endemic marine invertebrates include the clam shrimps Eulimnadia adrarensis and Eulimnadia rogersi (OUP), a hermit crab Pagurus pectinidactylus (GBIF), an amphipod crustacean Victoriopisa atlantica (Naturalis pdf), a sea cucumber Thyone bacescoi (BHL), a bryozoan Smittina imragueni (GBIF), an octocoral Swiftia phaeton (ZooKeys), and a sponge Amphilectus utriculus (GBIF). A ghost shrimp Paracalliax bollorei (GBIF) known only from the Banc d’Arguin has recently been considered to be the sole member of an endemic family, the Paracalliacidae (p. 56 of Museums Victoria pdf).
Vascular plants that may be endemic include the thistle Centaurea monodii (JSTOR), Caralluma mouretii (JSTOR) (POWO), and a dill Anethum theurkauffii (GBIF) (note that the type locality Bir Moghrein is actually in Mauritania and not Morocco).
A lichen Caloplaca mauritanica (GBIF) is known only from Mauritania. Fungi described from Mauritania include Antrodia eutelea (BHL).
Several recently described species from Mauritania have come from the Adrar Plateau in the West Saharan Montane Xeric Woodlands ecoregion (WWF WM).