Mammals known only from Mongolia include the Gobi Long-eared Bat Plecotus gobiensis (p. 35 of Univ. Nebraska pdf) and Stubbe's Pipistrelle Hypsugo stubbei (ResearchGate). The Mongolian Saiga (WWF-Mongolia WM) (iNaturalist) is sometimes considered a full species (Google Books). The Gobi Brown Bear (Bear Conservation WM) (ARKive WM) is sometimes considered an endemic subspecies.
The Mongolian Accentor Prunella koslowi (eBird) is a bird that may be a breeding endemic.
Freshwater fish found solely in Mongolia include the Gobi Loach Barbatula dgebuadzei (p. 5 of Lehigh WM pdf), the loaches Barbatula karabanowi (GBIF) and Barbatula conilobus and Barbatula dsapchynensis (both at Springer) and Barbatula selengensis (MUNIS pdf), a river loach Triplophysa arnoldii (p. 18 of My Tropical Fish WM pdf), the Anudarini Gudgeon Microphysogobio anudarini (ACSI WM), the Hövsgöl Grayling Thymallus nigrescens (FishBase), the Upper Yenisei Grayling Thymallus svetovidovi (FishBase), the Lake Osman Oreoleuciscus angusticephalus (p. 29 of World Bank pdf), and the Dsapchyn River Osman Oreoleuciscus dsapchynensis (p. 110 of World Bank WM pdf).
Butterflies known only from Mongolia include Plebejus germani (BHL), Tongeia burte (p. 5 of Sergei Churkin WM pdf), Palaeophylotes svetlana (fig. 4 at ResearchGate), Lycaena ratushinskayae (GBIF), Neolycaena sapozhnikovi (BHL), Melitaea devyatkini (, and Erebia przhevalskii (BHL) (iNaturalist). Endemic moths include a hawk moth Hyles churkini (ResearchGate), a noctuid moth Isochlora hreblayi (fig. 3 at ResearchGate), and a grass-miner moth Elachista cultella (GBIF).
Other endemic insects include an ant Harpagoxenus zaisanicus (GBIF), the bees Epeolus mongolicus (GBIF) and Andrena angustula (PLAZI), a cuckoo wasp Cleptes mongolicus (ZooKeys), a stonefly Capnia khubsugulica (p. 57 of Zootaxa pdf), the ground beetles Calosoma fischeri (Calosoma of the World) (iNaturalist) and Nebria tsambagarav (GBIF), the longhorn beetles Eodorcadion oryx (figs. B & C at ResearchGate) and Pachytella churkini ( pdf), the leaf beetles Labidostomis yakovlevi (ResearchGate) and Crosita kowalewskii (, a click beetle Cardiophorus kaszabi (Elateridae), a water beetle Oreodytes mongolicus (fig. 7 at ResearchGate), a straight-snouted weevil Perapion terminassianae (SZMN WM), the grasshoppers Beybienkia lithophila (GBIF) and Mongolotmethis michidi (BioOne), and the katydids Zichya piechockii (OSF) and Mongolodectes kaszabi (OSF).
Other endemic invertebrates include a fairy shrimp Phallocryptus tserensodnomi
a bathynellid crustacean Altainella mongoliensis (BDJ), a freshwater snail Choanomphalus
mongolicus (fig. H at ResearchGate),
a pea clam Euglesa
mongolica (IUCN),
a wolf spider Acantholycosa
vahterae (ResearchGate), the jumping spiders Proszynskiana mongolica (PLAZI) and Dendryphantes
darchan (p. 3 of KMK
pdf), a sac spider Clubiona
yuri (ResearchGate),
a centipede Lithobius mongolicus (p. 7 of Zobodat pdf), and the millipedes Shearia
longa (GBIF)
and Ancestreuma sardyk
(p. 13 of AMNH
Among over 100 vascular plant species exclusive to Mongolia are Ranunculus sapozhnikovii
banzragczii (iNaturalist),
( WM), Iris schmakovii (ResearchGate),
Lagopsis darwiniana (iNaturalist),
Delphinium changaicum
klementzii (iNaturalist),
mongolica (iNaturalist),
Brachanthemum mongolorum
(p. 36 of National
Red Lists WM pdf), Saussurea saichanensis
( WM),
gubanovii (GBIF), Oxytropis bungei (iNaturalist),
Stellaria pulvinata
Aconitum gubanovii
changaicum (iNaturalist),
Rosa baitagensis (fig.
A2O at MDPI),
macrocarpa and Corydalis
grubovii (both on p. 34 of ResearchGate
pdf), Aquilegia
daingolica (iNaturalist),
chalchingolicum (fig. G at ResearchGate),
Stipa khovdensis
(ResearchGate), Caragana gobica (GBIF),
Veronica sapozhnikovii
(iNaturalist), Aster sanczirii (iNaturalist), and
pseudotuvinicum (fig. A1G at MDPI).
Lichens known solely from Mongolia include Echinothecium hypogymniae (ResearchGate) and Feltgeniomyces mongolicus (ResearchGate). Endemic fungi include Entoloma mongolicum (Zobodat pdf), Lycoperdon asiaticum (GBIF), Metacampanella coprophila (MycoKeys), Pholiotina sphagnicola (ResearchGate), and Colus giganteus (Index Fungorum).
Ecoregions restricted to Mongolia include the Gobi Lakes Valley Desert Steppe (WWF WM) and the Khangai Mountains Conifer Forests (WWF WM). Other important ecoregions include the Great Lakes Basin Desert Steppe (WWF WM), the Daurian Forest Steppe (WWF WM), and the Alashan Plateau Semi-desert (WWF WM). Lake Hövsgöl (ResearchGate) is important for freshwater endemics. Lists of endemic Mongolian plants are at (MDPI) and (ResearchGate) and some additional endemics are indicated at (ResearchGate) and (PhytoKeys).