Freshwater fish found exclusively in Montenegro include the Zeta Trout Salmo taleri (FishBase) (ittiofauna WM), the Zeta Softmouth Trout Salmo zetensis (p. 2 of ZOBODAT pdf), the Zeta Stone Loach Barbatula zetensis (ittiofauna WM), the White Roach Leucos albus (Hrcak pdf) (GBIF), and the Montenegro Goby Knipowitschia montenegrina (ResearchGate).
Endemic insects include a twirler moth Caryocolum srnkai (Lepiforum), a grasshopper Miramella demissa (ResearchGate), a bush-cricket Poecilimon nonveilleri (OSF), the cave-dwelling round fungus beetles Anthroherpon sinjajevina (GBIF) and Rozajella jovanvladimiri (ResearchGate) and Bathyscidius orjensis (fig. 45 at ResearchGate), a ground beetle Pterostichus walteri (GBIF), the cave-dwelling ground beetles Jalzicaphaenops poljaki (CBSS WM) and Adriaphaenops petrimaris (BHL), a firefly Luciola novaki (ResearchGate), the rove beetles Pseudamaurops calcaratus (Taylor & Francis pdf) and Nonveilleria lepida (fig. 11 at pdf) and Seracamaurops delici (ResearchGate), a click beetle Dima marvani (flickr), a water beetle Hydraena biltoni (fig. A at ResearchGate), the weevils Sciaphobus formaneki (figs. I-K at ResearchGate) and Sciaphobus pelikani (figs. A-D at ResearchGate), a planthopper Issus montenegrus (ResearchGate), a bristletail Lepismachilis alexandrae (ResearchGate), a stonefly Leuctra visitor (ZooKeys), the hoverflies Merodon luteomaculatus (IUCN) and Eumerus incisus (ScienceDirect), and an ant Crematogaster montenigrinus (p. 10 of AntWiki pdf).
Snails unique to Montenegro include Radomaniola montana (ZooKeys), Agathylla regularis (AnimalBase WM) Spelaeodiscus obodensis (ZooKeys), Bracenica vitojaensis (ResearchGate), Klemmia magnicosta (AnimalBase WM), Agardhiella dabovici (AnimalBase WM), Bythinella taraensis (figs. 4-6 at ResearchGate), Cochlostoma erika (iNaturalist), Bythiospeum bogici (ResearchGate), Gyraulus ioanis (ResearchGate), Paladilhiopsis matejkoi (ResearchGate), Virpazaria adrianae (ResearchGate), Travunijana djokovici (Subterranean Biology), Limax pseudocinereoniger (BDJ) (Pensoft), Zospeum dubokidoense (PLAZI), Cochlostoma pallgergelyi (PLAZI), and Montenegrina cattaroensis (AnimalBase WM). A freshwater mussel Unio carneus (figs. 8A & 8B at MDPI) is also known only from Montenegro.
Other endemic invertebrates include a cave-dwelling scorpion Euscorpius studentium
the pseudoscorpions Roncus
hors (BHL)
and Cthnonius
globocicae (doiSerbia
pdf), a dwarf sheet spider Cryphoecina
deelemanae (BHL),
the cave-dwelling spiders Folkia
mrazeki (ResearchGate)
and Centromerus
obenbergeri (ResearchGate),
the harvestmen Nemaspela
borkoae (ResearchGate)
and Cyphophthalmus
gordani (p. 13 of UFRJ
WM pdf), the cave-dwelling millipedes Macrochaetosoma bertiscea
and Heterolatzelia
durmitorensis (fig. 25 at ResearchGate),
a water mite Hygrobates
lacrima (ResearchGate),
an amphipod Niphargus
podgoricensis (Niphargus
a cave-dwelling isopod Cetinjella
monasterii (GBIF),
a woodlouse Porcellio krivosijensis (iNaturalist), a leech Dina
crnogorensis (EM
pdf), an earthworm Allolobophora
ruzsai (p. 37 of ELTE
pdf), and a cave-dwelling gastrotrich Chaetonotus
antrumus (GBIF).
Plant species known only from Montenegro include Draba bertiscea (POWO),
pulevicii (Alpines DK) (p. 14 of SRGC
pdf), Edraianthus
glisicii and Edraianthus
pilosulus (both at Alpines DK) (both at WM),
(ResearchGate), Centaurea gjurasinii
nicolai (
austroadriatica (ResearchGate),
baldaccii (POWO) (GBIF),
Festuca rohlenae
Cardamine montenegrina
(ResearchGate), Alchemilla vincekii (p. 277 of PLAV pdf),
Alchemilla rubidula
Arenaria halacsyi
Berteroa gintlii (JSTOR), and Gentianella laevicalyx (GBIF). Microspecies include a dandelion Taraxacum
validum (fig. 5 at ZOBODAT
pdf) and the hawkweeds Hieracium gusinjense (GBIF) and Hieracium krendlii (POWO). Petrolamium (Species New to Science) is an endemic genus.
Endemic fungi include Rutstroemia punicae (ResearchGate) and Cenangiopsis raghavanii (ResearchGate). Lichens known only from Montenegro include Porpidia circumnigrata (GBIF) and Lecanora sphalera (GBIF).
Portions of Montenegro are included in the Mediterranean Basin biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity Hotspots WM). Skadar Lake (CEPF pdf), shared with Albania, is important for endemic freshwater biodiversity. An overview of Montenegro's cave-dwelling invertebrates can be found at (Božidar Ćurčić pdf). An overview of biodiversity in Montenegro is at ( pdf).