Mammals found nowhere else include Sclater's Monkey (ARKive WM) (NEPC), the Niger Delta Red Colobus (Primate SG pdf) (Mongabay), Fox's Shaggy Rat (GBIF) (BHL), the Gotel Mountain Soft-furred Mouse (GBIF) (p. 11 of ZOBODAT pdf), the Savanna White-toothed Swamp Shrew (GBIF) (BHL), and Corbet's Forest Shrew (GBIF) (BHL). The Nigerian Klipspringer (GBIF) (IUCN) is also sometimes considered a full species.
The Ibadan Malimbe (iNaturalist)
Watch) is a bird
unique to Nigeria.
Endemic reptiles
include Dunger’s File Snake Mehelya egbensis (BHL) (OpenEdition), the Ibadan Thread Snake Tricheilostoma
greenwelli (ResearchGate)
Dunger's Four-fingered Skink Leptosiaphos
dungeri (Google
the Giant Forest Gecko Cnemaspis
gigas (p. 212 at IRD
pdf), the
Ondo Forest Gecko Cnemaspis
petrodroma (p. 216 at IRD
the West African Worm Lizard Baikia
africana (BHL),
and the worm lizards Cynisca
nigeriensis (BHL)
and Cynisca gansi
Amphibians unique to Nigeria include Perret's Toad Sclerophrys perreti (ZSE),
the Danko Puddle Frog Phrynobatrachus
danko (ResearchGate),
another puddle
frog Phrynobatrachus
rainerguentheri (GBIF).
Among the killifish restricted to Nigeria are Fundulopanchax scheeli (Killifish of West
Africa), Fundulopanchax
arnoldi (Killifish of West
Africa), Epiplatys
longiventralis (,
biafranus ( WM).
endemic freshwater fish
include the
Domino Neolebias Neolebias
powelli ( WM),
the cichlids Pelvicachromis sacrimontis
and Pelvicachromis
silviae (FishBase),
the Fog Bushfish Ctenopoma
nebulosum (FishBase),
Enteromius clauseni
62 of
WM pdf), Garra
trewavasae (GBIF),
the Blue Diamond Tetra Alestopetersius
smykalai (FishBase),
several catfishes: Synodontis
robbianus (PlanetCatfish),
Synodontis guttatus
buettikoferi (PlanetCatfish),
Doumea reidi
and Notoglanidium akiri
is an endemic genus.
Marine fish known only from Nigeria include Bathyblennius antholops (FishBase) and the Yellowtop Jewelfish Meganthias carpenteri (p. 62 of FAO pdf).
Butterflies known solely from Nigeria include Bebearia oshogbo (Semantic Scholar), Euphaedra eshu (ResearchGate), Neurellipes rhoko (GBIF), Alaena exotica (iNaturalist), Capys stuarti (p. 27 of Metamorphosis pdf). Acraea actinotina (Dominique Bernaud), Ceratrichia lewisi (iNaturalist), Charaxes chevroti ( WM), Pseudathyma legeri (ABDB WM pdf), Iolaus newporti (p. 120 of Metamorphosis pdf), Eresina schmitti (p. 10 of Metamorphosis pdf), and Euptera knoopi and Stempfferia boormani (both at Michel Libert WM). Endemic moths include a tiger moth Stenarctia griseipennis (African Moths WM), a lasiocampid Hypotrabala bettinae (fig. 11 at ResearchGate), and a noctuid Medlerana nigeriensis (GBIF),
Other endemic insects include a damselfly Pentaphlebia gamblesi (ADDO WM) (Mongabay), the ants Cardiocondyla zoserka (AntWiki) and Cataulacus boltoni (AntWiki), the bush crickets Anepitacta egestoides (OSF) and Pseudorhynchus crosskeyi (OSF), a rove beetle Metocinus ibadan (ResearchGate), the ground beetles Pheropsophus sonae (ResearchGate) and Eoclivina basilewskyi (PLAZI), the longhorn beetles Acutandra beninensis (Semantic Scholar) and Anthrococentrus nigerianus (p. 5 of pdf), a tortoise beetle Cassida nigeriana (GBIF), an earwig Spongovostox medleri (BHL), a leafhopper Dwightla medleri (GBIF), a green lacewing Chrysacanthia iwo (ZooKeys), a soldier fly Apotomaspis nigeriana (fig. 16 at ResearchGate), and an ichneumonid wasp Epirhyssa villemantae (WaspWeb WM).
endemic invertebrates include the Hercules Baboon
Spider Hysterocrates
hercules (
WM), the jumping spiders Pochyta minuta (GBIF)
and Peplometus
oyo (, a goblin spider Antoonops
iita (AMNH
a pholcid spider Smeringopona
ibadan (pholcidae
pdf), the
scorpions Butheoloides
charlotteae (GBIF)
and Leiurus nigerianus
woodlouse Mesarmadillo
albescens (p. 37 of Taylor
& Francis pdf), the millipedes Costabolus baculus (GBIF)
and Carinobolus complex
the freshwater crabs
pdf) and Sudanonautes nigeria (p. 204 of IRD
a freshwater shrimp Desmocaris
Books), an earthworm Vomia prima (BHL),
a clam Keletistes
rhizoecus (NMW)
Archive), and a sea pen Grasshoffia
Endemic land
snails include Ptychotrema
shagamuense (fig. 16 at BioOne),
Ennea nigeriensis (ZooKeys), and Costigulella mfamosingi
Among about 80 vascular plant species exclusive to
Nigeria (ResearchGate)
are the orchids Genyorchis
apertiflora (JSTOR), Habenaria phylacocheira (JSTOR) (IUCN),
and Diaphananthe
dorotheae (GBIF).
Other endemic plants include Costus
talbotii (GingersRus
Brachystelma bracteolatum
Aeschynomene neglecta
Saxicolella flabellata
(fig. 1 at Kew),
Anemia nigerica
Indigofera hutchinsoniana
Monodora unwinii
Impatiens nigeriensis
Books), Begonia
salisburyana (GBIF),
Mussaenda afzelioides
Urelytrum auriculatum
Tinnea gombea (PLOS),
Combretum baldwinii
Oldenlandia rhabdina
Pavetta obanica
and Rytigynia argentea
Trees known only from Nigeria include Cola gigas (JSTOR), Cassipourea eketensis (JSTOR), Dactyladenia dichotoma (GBIF), Talbotiella eketensis (JSTOR), Terminalia pennyana (JSTOR), Anisophyllea obanica (GBIF), Napoleonaea lutea (GBIF), and Dichapetalum obanense (GBIF).
Endemic fungi include Galerella nigeriensis (ResearchGate) and Crinipellis palmarum (FFTA). Endemic non-vascular plants include the mosses Fissidens nigerianus (GBIF) (Fig. 8 at ResearchGate) and Fissidens ezukanmae (ResearchGate) and a liverwort Riccia nigerica (GBIF).
Parts of Nigeria belong to the Guinean Forests of West Africa hotspot (Biodiversity Hotspots WM). Terrestrial ecoregions unique to Nigeria include the Jos Plateau Forest-grassland Mosaic (WWF WM), the Niger Delta Swamp Forests (WWF WM), and the Cross-Niger Transition Forests (WWF WM). Important freshwater ecoregions include the Northern Gulf of Guinea Drainages (FEOW WM), the Lower Niger-Benue (FEOW WM), and the Niger Delta (FEOW WM). For more information on endemic species in Nigeria see the "National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan" (CBD pdf).