Papua New Guinea
Checklist of Endemic Marine Fish Species
This list of marine fish species found exclusively in Papua New Guinea is based on the taxonomy used in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes (2023). For further details on possible inaccuracies in the list see Sources & Caveats.
Fricke, R., Eschmeyer, W. N. & Van der Laan, R. (eds) 2023 Catalog of Fishes: Genera, Species, References. Version downloaded 9 February 2023
The current version can be accessed here
Marine fishes known only from the deep-sea (below 200 m) are listed at the bottom of the page and are not included in species totals
+ = species added to the Catalog of Fishes after 9 Februrary 2023
Lethrinus mitchelli
(Acanthuriformes Lethrinidae) Mitchell's Emperor
Pentapodus berryae
(Acanthuriformes Nemipteridae) Deep Reef Whiptail
vanderloosi (Acanthuriformes Pomacanthidae) Vanderloos Angelfish
Atrobucca adusta
(Acanthuriformes Sciaenidae) Scorched Croaker
Callechelys papulosa
(Anguilliformes Ophichthidae) Blistered Snake Eel
Cirrhimuraena cheilopogon
(Anguilliformes Ophichthidae)
Hypoatherina villosa
(Atheriniformes Atherinidae) New Guinean
Ecsenius collettei
(Blenniiformes Blenniidae) Collette's
Ecsenius taeniatus
(Blenniiformes Blenniidae) Whitelined
Laiphognathus albifrons + (Blenniiformes Blenniidae)
Rhabdoblennius papuensis
(Blenniiformes Blenniidae) Papuan Blenny
Cynoglossus papuensis + (Carangiformes Cynoglossidae)
Symphurus polylepis
(Carangiformes Cynoglossidae) Smallscale
Stalix dicra (Cichliformes Opistognathidae)
Forked Jawfish
Stalix eremia (Cichliformes Opistognathidae)
Solitary Jawfish
Acanthoplesiops jessicae
(Cichliformes Plesiopidae) Jessica's Spiny
Chrysiptera niger
(Cichliformes Pomacentridae) Black Damselfish
Chrysiptera papuensis
(Cichliformes Pomacentridae) Papuan Blue Damselfish
Chrysiptera sinclairi
(Cichliformes Pomacentridae) Sinclair's
Enneapterygius frickei + (Cichliformes Pomacentridae)
Neopomacentrus simulatus + (Cichliformes Pomacentridae)
Pomacentrus colini
(Cichliformes Pomacentridae) Colin's Damselfish
Pycnochromis howsoni
(Cichliformes Pomacentridae) Howson's Chromis
Pictichromis aurifrons
(Cichliformes Pseudochromidae) Goldbrowned
Pseudochromis lugubris
(Cichliformes Pseudochromidae) Mournful
Unguitrema nigrum
(Gobiesociformes Gobiesocidae) Black Crinoid
Acentrogobius violarisi
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Alotau Goby
Amblyeleotris neumanni
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Neumann's Shrimpgoby
Bryaninops earlei
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae)
Callogobius swifti
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Swift's Goby
Cryptocentrus epakros
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Pointedfin Shrimpgoby
Drombus flavimentus + (Gobiiformes Gobiidae)
Eviota amphipora
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Twinpore Dwarfgoby
Eviota brahmi (Gobiiformes Gobiidae)
Brahm's Dwarfgoby
Eviota dorsopurpurea
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Purple Dwarfgoby
Feia seba (Gobiiformes Gobiidae)
Seba's Goby
Gobiodon bicalvolineatus + (Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Specklelined Coral Goby
Gobiodon cobenjaminsis + (Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Russet Coral Goby
Gobiopsis jackbrooksi
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Slender Mudgoby
Grallenia cinnamea + (Gobiiformes Gobiidae)
Grallenia compta
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Ornamented Goby
Grallenia dimorpha
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Dimorphic Goby
Grallenia emarginata + (Gobiiformes Gobiidae)
Lubricogobius nanus
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Tiny Goby
Lubricogobius tunicatus
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Tunicate Goby
Mahidolia paucipora
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Tiny Shrimpgoby
Priolepis billbrooksi
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Citron Mudgoby
Sueviota tubicola
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Tubeworm Dwarfgoby
Tomiyamichthys stuarti
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Nuakata Shrimpgoby
Tomiyamichthys zonatus
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Brownband Shrimpgoby
Trimma blematium
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Blueeyed Pygmygoby
Trimma chledophilum
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Mud Pygmygoby
Trimma irinae (Gobiiformes Gobiidae)
Irina's Pygmygoby
Trimma multiclitellum
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Multisaddle Pygmygoby
Trimma nauagium
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Shipwreck Pygmygoby
Vanderhorstia belloides
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Bella Shrimpgoby
Vanderhorstia flavilineata
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Yellowlined Shrimpgoby
Vanderhorstia vandersteene
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Electric Shrimpgoby
Ptereleotris crossogenion
(Gobiiformes Microdesmidae) Fringechin
Ostichthys kinchi
(Holocentriformes Holocentridae) New Ireland
Ostichthys spiniger
(Holocentriformes Holocentridae) Western Pacific
Spinysnout Soldierfish
Siphamia arnazae
(Kurtiformes Apogonidae) Cat's Eye
Siphamia brevilux
(Kurtiformes Apogonidae) Shortlight Siphonfish
Ungusurculus collettei
(Ophidiiformes Dinematichthyidae)
Ammodytoides idai
(Perciformes Ammodytidae)
Plectranthias normanby
(Perciformes Anthiadidae) Normanby Perchlet
Liopropoma incomptum
(Perciformes Liopropomatidae) Plain Basslet
Parapercis vittafrons
(Perciformes Pinguipedidae) Bandhead Sandperch
Ocosia sphex (Perciformes Synanceiidae)
Bismarck Waspfish
Callionymus alisae
(Syngnathiformes Callionymidae) Alis Dragonet
Callionymus boucheti
(Syngnathiformes Callionymidae) Bouchet's Dragonet
Callionymus colini
(Syngnathiformes Callionymidae) Tiny New Guinea
Longtail Dragonet
Callionymus madangensis
(Syngnathiformes Callionymidae) Madang Dragonet
Callionymus petersi
(Syngnathiformes Callionymidae) Peters' Dragonet
novaehiberniensis (Syngnathiformes
Callionymidae) New Ireland Dragonet
Gogolia filewoodi
(Carcharhiniformes Triakidae) Sailback
Spinilophus armatus
(Myliobatiformes Urolophidae) New Ireland
Hemiscyllium michaeli
(Orectolobiformes Hemiscylliidae) Leopard Epaulette
Rhinobatos manai
(Rhinopristiformes Rhinobatidae) Papuan Guitarfish
novaeguineae (Carangiformes Bothidae) New
Guinean Pelican Flounder
Protogobiesox asymmetricus
(Gobiesociformes Gobiesocidae) Asymmetrical
Deepwater Clingfish
Luciobrotula polylepis
(Ophidiiformes Ophidiidae)
Dieidolycus adocetus
(Perciformes Zoarcidae)
Pyrolycus manusanus
(Perciformes Zoarcidae) New Ireland Eelpout
Benthodesmus papua
(Scombriformes Trichiuridae) Papuan Frostfish
Photonectes venetaenia
(Stomiiformes Stomiidae)
Apristurus yangi
(Carcharhiniformes Pentanchidae) Yang's Longnose Catshark
Galeus corriganae
(Carcharhiniformes Pentanchidae) Corrigan's Catshark
Cephaloscyllium stevensi
(Carcharhiniformes Scyliorhinidae) Steven's Swellshark
Notoraja sereti
(Rajiformes Arhynchobatidae) Papuan Velvet
Etmopterus samadiae
(Squaliformes Etmopteridae) Papuan Lanternshark
Eptatretus astrolabium
(Myxiniformes Myxinidae) Astrolabe Hagfish