fish known
only from Rwanda include the Bulera Haplo Haplochromis erythromaculatus
Rwasa Barb Labeobarbus ruasae
and the Rwandese Carp Labeobarbus platystomus (Fig.
2 in BHL)
Mammals unique to Rwanda include Hill’s Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus hilli (BCI)
and the Rwandan Shaggy Rat Dasymys
rwandae (
The Akagera Gracile Blind Snake Letheobia akagerae (GBIF) (iNaturalist) is an endemic reptile. The Rwandan Snake-eater Polemon leopoldi (original description on p. 107 of WM pdf) is sometimes considered a synonym of the more widespread Eastern Snake-eater Polemon christyi.
amphibians include Fischer's Caecilian Boulengerula fischeri
the Nyungwe Squeaker Arthroleptis
New to Science), Jackie's Reed Frog Hyperolius jackie (iNaturalist)
and the Rwanda Long Reed Frog Hyperolius
rwandae (iNaturalist)
(figs. C & E at zenodo).
Butterflies found solely in Rwanda include Acraea turlini (Dominique
Bernaud), Bebearia
dowsetti (,
Pilodeudorix nyungwe
(figs. L & P at ResearchGate).
Endemic moths include a silk moth Lobobunaea
turlini (African
Moths WM), the erebid moths Galtara
convergens (African
Moths WM) and Tumicla
turlini (fig. 19 at ResearchGate),
and a noctuid moth Dargeochaeta
turlini (AfroMoths
Other endemic insects include a dragonfly Neodythemis nyungwe (iNaturalist) (IUCN), a damselfly Pseudagrion kamiranzovu (ResearchGate), a praying mantis Dystacta tigrifrutex (flickr) (ZooKeys), the katydids Enyaliopsis guilielmi (OSF) and Horatosphaga karschi (OSF), the flower beetles Pachnoda rwandana (Nyungwe Lepidoptera WM) and Endoxazus vingerhoedti (Nyungwe Lepidoptera WM), a longhorn beetle Apiogaster rwandaensis (Cerambycidae Species WM), the darkling beetles Diaclina muehlei (GBIF) and Amenophis vingerhoedti (Charaxes WM), a net-winged beetle Flagrax ziminae (fig.1 at ResearchGate), the rove beetles Pomphopsilla cyanguguana (GBIF) and Carpelinus caecus (BHL), a carpet beetle Orphinus rusumoensis ( WM), a caddisfly Silvatares laetae (GBIF), and the ants Loboponera edentula (AntWiki) and Strumigenys murshila (AntWiki).
Other endemic invertebrates include a wolf spider Amblyothele kivumba
a ground spider Zelotibia
kanama (Wikispecies),
palp-footed spider Palpimanus
processiger (African
a harvestman Allereca
ruandana (p. 14 of UFRJ WM
pdf), a millipede Allantogonus
ruandensis (MilliBase),
the freshwater crabs Rotundopotamonautes
rwanda (GBIF)
and Potamonautes
kivu (PLAZI),
a woodlouse Aphiloscia
rwandaensis (Taylor
& Francis), a copepod Tropodiaptomus
kissi (p. 7 of
pdf) (IUCN),
and a freshwater snail Pettancylus
ruandensis (fig. 48 at BHL).
Among about 50 vascular plant species restricted to Rwanda are several
orchids including Liparis
harketii (Rolf
Fröhling), Disperis stefan-jetteri (DOG
pdf), Disperis
reklieberae (BIOPAT),
lebelii and
Polystachya bruechertiae
(both at Univ.
Koblenz-Landau WM), Polystachya
leonardina (iNaturalist),
Polystachya pamelae
liae (IOSPE),
Tridactyle nanne-ritzkae
hermannjosef-rothii (DOG
pdf), and Gastrodia
Koblenz-Landau WM).
Other endemic vascular plants include the world's smallest water lily Nymphaea thermarum (POWO) (Oryx), Beilschmiedia rwandensis (p. 170 of ResearchGate pdf), a cape primrose Streptocarpus bindseilii (Univ. Koblenz-Landau WM), Impatiens nyungwensis (iNaturalist), Impatiens versicolor (ResearchGate), Kniphofia vandeweghei (Species New to Science), Neoschumannia gishwatiensis (GBIF), Aframomum wuerthii (BIOPAT WM), Isoetes rwandensis (BioOne), Stemodiopsis ruandensis (Univ. Koblenz-Landau WM), Dorstenia nyungwensis (GBIF), Capparis lucens (JSTOR), Renealmia timmiorum (GBIF), a sedge Cyperus vandervekenii (iNaturalist) (BHL), the grasses Coelachne auquieri (GBIF) and Hyparrhenia ruandensis (JSTOR), Rhamnus mildbraedii (GBIF), and the ferns Dryopteris schizopaleata (GBIF) and Asplenium ramicola (Pteridophytes of Africa).
Endemic fungi include Amylohyphus
africanus (IUCN).
Endemic lichens include Synarthonia
pilosella (figs. E-F at ResearchGate)
and Heterodermia
pindurae (Phytotaxa)
Endemic non-vascular plants include the mosses Sematophyllum rheophyticum
and Rhynchostegium
omocrates (GBIF)
and the liverworts Amphicephalozia
africana (ResearchGate)
and Diplasiolejeunea
cyanguguensis (p. 255 of issuu
pdf). Red algae known only from Rwanda includes Kumanoa rwandensis (
Parts of Rwanda are included in the Eastern Afromontane biodiversity
hotspot (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM).
Nyungwe National Park (WCS
is especially rich
in endemic species. For a list of endemic vascular plants see (Flora of Rwanda).