Reptiles unique to Senegal include the Gabou File Snake Gonionotophis (or Mehelya) gabouensis (IRD pdf) and the worm lizards Cynisca manei (IRD pdf) and Cynisca senegalensis (BHL). The skink Trachylepis breviparietalis (BHL) known from a single specimen is considered a synonym of Trachylepis perrotetii (BHL).
An endemic subspecies of shrew, Crocidura smithii debalsaci (ResearchGate) (GBIF) may represent a full species distinct from the Desert White-tailed Shrew which is otherwise known only from Ethiopia.
A freshwater fish known solely from Senegal is the Senegal
Giraffe Catfish Auchenoglanis
senegali (PlanetCatfish)
is usually considered a synonym of the more widespread Auchenoglanis biscutatus.
Marine fish known with certainty only from Senegal include the
Senegal Goby Corcyrogobius
pulcher (ResearchGate)
and a snake eel Dalophis
multidentatus (p. 74 of IRD
Beetles found only in Senegal include a flower beetle Leucocelis
morettoi (GBIF),
the dung beetles Onthophagus
quiproquo (fig. 3 at ResearchGate)
and Jossonthophagus
coachei (fig. 6 at ResearchGate),
the longhorn beetles Phyllocnema
jeanneli (
and Prosopocera
subsenegalensis (GBIF),
the hister beetles Hister
rectisternus (fig. 28 at ResearchGate)
and Hypocaccus
coachei (fig. 60 at ResearchGate),
a tortoise beetle Cassida
a ground beetle Chlaenius
oligochrysus (Carabidae
of the World WM), the skin beetles Anthrenus coacheorum
and Ctesias dakariensis
and a weevil Afroryzophilus
kuscheli (Fig. 1g at ResearchGate).
Other endemic insects include a butterfly Chilades serrula (p. 4 of Metamorphosis pdf), the moths Sesamia monodi (AfroMoths WM) and Aspidifrontia senegalensis (AfroMoths WM) and Chiasmia gueyei (AfroMoths WM), a katydid Anepitacta gaillardi (GBIF), a cricket Thiernogryllus rufipes (GBIF), the ants Monomorium dakarense (AntWiki) and Aenictus nyuyi (GBIF), a wasp Micatagla senegalense (fig. 7 at ResearchGate pdf), the plant bugs Dominiquella vitellina (figs. 3-4 at AMNH pdf) and Laemocoris fetensis (AMNH pdf), a planthopper Lophops sigwalti (GBIF), and a long-legged fly Thinophilus sigwalti (ResearchGate).
Other endemic terrestrial invertebrates include the scorpions Buthacus villiersi (GBIF) and Buthacus clevai (p. 5 of zobodat pdf), a pholcid spider Pholcus berlandi (Fig. 1534 at BHL), a ground spider Micaria parvotibialis (GBIF), the jumping spiders Stenaelurillus senegalensis (ResearchGate) and Rhene sulfurea (Jumping Spiders), a harvestman Chilon royi (p. 2 of UFRJ WM pdf), a springtail Sensilatullbergia senegalensis (p. 3 of ResearchGate pdf), the freshwater crabs Potamonautes senegalensis (p. 19 of AToL Decapoda pdf) and Potamonautes lipkei (Google Books) (IUCN), the millipedes Prionopetalum etiennei (Internet Archive) and Peridontopyge kaolackensis (BHL), and a land snail Succinea dorri (
marine invertebrates include a sponge Axinyssa djiferi (MDPI),
a brittle star Ophioderma
africanum (ResearchGate),
a nudibranch Berghia
marinae (Fig. E at ResearchGate),
a ribbed miter Vexillum
leucaspis (GBIF),
a top snail Calliostoma
pini (Neptunea
pdf), and 15 species of cone snails (GREDOS
pdf) including Conus
pineaui (Eddie
Hardy), Conus
unifasciatus (ARKive
cloveri (IUCN),
echinophilus (IUCN),
Conus hybridus
Vascular plants restricted to Senegal include Abutilon
macropodum (JSTOR),
(or Paspalum)
gentilis (GBIF),
Oldenlandia parva
Pandanus columellatus
Panicum calocarpum
Spermacoce galeopsidis
Cyperus subtilis
Cyperus crassicuspis
Scleria chevalieri
and the endemic genus Afraurantium
Fungi known only from Senegal include Microporellus ellipsosporus (p. 2 of Czech Mycology WM pdf) and Micropsalliota elata (JSTOR). Endemic non-vascular plants include a moss Octoblepharum leptoneuron (GBIF).
Terrestrial ecoregions in Senegal include the West Sudanian Savanna (WWF WM), the Sahelian Acacia Savanna (WWF), and the Guinean Forest-savanna Mosaic (Wikipedia). For an overview of the biota see the "Senegal Biodiversity and Tropical Forests Assessment" (USAID WM pdf). For an alternative list of endemic plants see (p. 150 of pS-Eau pdf).