plants unique to Slovakia include Daphne
arbuscula (,
Hesperis slovaca (BioLib), Poa margilicola
Poa sejuncta
Koeleria tristis
Bromus monocladus
(, Gentianella fatrae (,
Ranunculus altitatrensis
(, Pulsatilla subslavica
Sorbus pekarovae
Sorbus margittaiana
(, Sorbus amici-petri (
pdf), Sorbus
hornadensis (
pdf), Sorbus
dolomiticola (
pdf), Rubus tenuimollis (
pdf), Knautia slovaca (GBIF),
an eyebright Euphrasia
stipitata (,
the lady's mantles Alchemilla
amauroptera (JSTOR)
and Alchemilla
grandiceps (GBIF),
a hawkweed Hieracium
zajacii (ResearchGate),
and the dandelions Taraxacum
erythrocarpum (
and Taraxacum rupicaprae
Insects known only from Slovakia include the bush crickets Isophya
fatrensis (BioLib) (IUCN)
and Isophya beybienkoi
the grasshoppers Pseudochorthippus
tatrae (BioLib) (IUCN)
and Chorthippus smardai
a twirler moth Eulamprotes
gemerensis (Nota
Lepidopterologica), the long-legged flies Systenus slovakiensis
and Medetera
longisurstylata (ResearchGate),
a comb-clawed beetle Mycetochara
melandryina (ZOBODAT
pdf) (IUCN),
a rove beetle Leptotyphlus
kovaci (Akademický
repozitár WM pdf), a death-watch beetle Gastrallus slovacicus
and the weevils Otiorhynchus
( WM)
and Ceutorhynchus
tatricus (AEMNP
Other endemic invertebrates include a freshwater snail Hauffenia lozekiana (PLAZI), the snails Spelaeodiscus tatricus (Malacologica Bohemoslovaca) and Bythinella steffeki (ResearchGate), a harvestman Metaplatybunus femoralis (UFRJ WM pdf), the cave-dwelling millipedes Mecogonopodium carpathicum (GBIF) and Cibiniulus slovacus (GBIF), the amphipod crustaceans Niphargus plurispinosus (Subterranean Biology) and Niphargus dudichi (ResearchGate), a fairy shrimp Chirocephalus slovacicus (GBIF), a gastrotrich Chaetonotus iratus (PLAZI), and several cave-dwelling springtails: Deuteraphorura muranensis (ResearchGate), Arrhopalites slovacicus (BHL), Neelus koseli (Collembola), Megalothorax dobsinensis (GBIF), and Protaphorura borinensis (ResearchGate).
Fungi known only from Slovakia include Hygrocybe fulgens (Fungal Planet WM pdf), Crepidotus pini (fig. 7 at ResearchGate), and Pleuroflammula pannonica (Fungal Planet WM pdf). An endemic non-vascular plant is the moss Platyhypnum (or Ochyraea) tatrense (IUCN) (
An important terrestrial ecoregion for endemic species is the Carpathian Montane Forests (EoE) and the Slovak Karst (SAS Kosice WM) has important cave faunas. For more on the endemic species of Slovakia see (p. 8 of CBD pdf).