South Georgia & south sandwich islands
South Georgia Pipit (eBird)
breeds farther south than any other songbird. The South Georgia Pintail
Anas georgica
is sometimes considered distinct from the more widespread Yellow-tailed
Pintail Anas spinicauda.
The South Georgia Shag (eBird)
is also sometimes restricted to populations from South Georgia. The
South Georgia Gentoo Penguin (Species
New to Science) (iNaturalist)
has recently been recognized as a full species.
Marine fish known exclusively from South Georgia include the Antarctic
Sculpin Bathylutichthys
taranetzi (FishBase),
dragonfishes Parachaenichthys
and Psilodraco breviceps (BHL),
a snailfish Careproctus georgianus (BHL), the South Georgian Plunderfish Artedidraco
mirus (FishBase),
the Permitin Spiny Plunderfish Harpagifer
permitini (Semantic
Scholar WM),
the Narrowhead Rockcod Gobionotothen
angustifrons (BHL),
the Orange Notothen Pseudotrematomus
vicarius (BHL).
Arthropods unique to South Georgia include the perimylopid beetles Hydromedion sparsutum
(p. 20 of MTU
(iNaturalist) and Perimylops
antarcticus (flickr) (iNaturalist),
a water beetle Lancetes
claussi (flickr),
a midge Eretmoptera
murphyi (flickr),
a chalcidoid wasp Notomymar
aptenosoma (Bishop
Museum WM pdf), a springtail Friesea grisea (Semantic
Scholar WM), and the spiders Notiomaso grytvikensis
Georgia Newsletter WM) and Notiomaso
spei (Academia). Entrychid worms known only from South Georgia include Marionina fusca (GBIF) and Marionina collpites (GBIF).
marine molluscs include Margarella achilles (Eddie Hardy), Gigantopelta chessoia (Wikipedia), Provanna cooki (ResearchGate), Bruceiella indurata (Species New to Science), Spinaxinus caldarium (ResearchGate),
powelli (GBIF), Lissotesta (or Submargarita) notalis (fig. 10 at
Chlanidota paucispiralis
Proneptunea duplicarinata
13 at BHL),
Skenella wareni
C at BHL),
distantelamellatus (WMSDB),
and Neolepton
georgianum (BHL).
Other endemic marine invertebrates include a sponge Iophon husvikensis
(fig. 4 at ResearchGate)
and the isopod crustaceans Vanhoeffenura
eltaniae (GBIF)
and Rectisura sepigia
A family of copepod crustaceans, the Codobidae (BHL)
is a parasite of brittle stars and known only from South Georgia.
There are no endemic vascular plant species (the sedge previously known
as Uncinia smithii
is a synonym of Uncinia
macrolepis). Endemic non-vascular plants include the liverworts Acrolophozia sulcata (GBIF) (Taylor & Francis) and Gymnomitrion minutulum (BHL) and a moss Bucklandiella longtonii (Schweizerbart).
There are four endemic algae species (Internet
South Georgia is an overseas territory of the United
Kingdom and part of the Scotia Sea Islands Tundra terrestrial
ecoregion (EoE).
Information on levels of endemism for marine species can be
found at (PLOS).
A list of endemic marine gastropods can be
found at (BHL).