Spratly Islands And Paracel islands
Spratly Islands
and the Paracel Islands are part of the South China Sea Islands terrestrial ecoregion (EoE)
and are claimed by several different countries.
A shrimp goby described from the Spratlys is Amblyeleotris taipinensis
(p. 7 of Fish
Database of Taiwan WM pdf) (PLAZI). The Macclesfield Bank, another disputed region north of the Spratlys, is the only known home of the Whitespotted Perchlet Chelidoperca leucostigmata (frontiers), a velvetfish Prosoproctus pataecus (J-Stage pdf), a spikefish Paratriacanthodes abei (BHL), the dragonets Callionymus luridus (BHL) and Callionymus macclesfieldensis (fig. 55 at ResearchGate), and a cusk-eel Neobythites longispinis (p. 39 of zmuc.dk WM pdf).
Among the crab species known exclusively from these islands are Globopilumnus (or Eupilumnus) fragaria
Museum pdf), Cymo mazu (PLAZI), Vellumnus tki (ResearchGate), and
the following: Pilumnus
comatus, Pilumnus
rubroseta, and Pilumnus
capillatus (all at Raffles
pdf). Other endemic crustaceans include the mud shrimps
Acutigebia serrifera
and Acutigebia laticauda
(both at Raffles
Museum pdf), a copepod Tortanus
tumidus (Marine
Planktonic Copepods), and an amphipod Byblis nanshaensis (ioz.ac.cn WM pdf).
Other endemic invertebrates include a sphinx moth Cephonodes sanshaensis (ScienceDirect), a marine bug Hermatobates lingyangjiaoensis (GBIF), the bryozoans Cradoscrupocellaria nanshaensis (WoRMS) and Conescharellina nanshaensis (WoRMS), and several marine molluscs: Fulgurofusus nanshaensis (WMSDB), Periploma nanshaense (WMSDB), Siphonalia nanshaensis (Springer), Sinum nanhaiense (ResearchGate), Conus nanshaensis (WoRMS), Nassarius nanshaensis (AOS WM), Acanthochitona nana (zin.ru pdf), Acmaea nanshaensis (fig. 2 at ResearchGate), Leptoplax duongae (fig. 5 at zenodo), Cryptoplax acerocostata (PLAZI), and Kanamarua wangae (ResearchGate).