Among the freshwater fish species found nowhere else are many catfish including Corydoras surinamensis (FishBase), Corydoras boesemani (IUCN), Corydoras coppenamensis (iNaturalist), Chasmocranus surinamensis (fig. 1 at BHL), Paralithoxus pallidimaculatus (iNaturalist), Hypostomus micromaculatus (PlanetCatfish), Pseudancistrus kwinti (GBIF), and Harttiella crassicauda (iNaturalist) (Google Books). Other endemic freshwater fish include the cichlids Geophagus borkopondo (Seriously Fish) and Crenicichla sipaliwini (ACT Suriname) and Aequidens paloemeuensis (, the killifishes Anablepsoides amphoreus (It Rains Fishes) and Kryptolebias sepia (It Rains Fishes), and a headstander Petulanos spiloclistron (iNaturalist). An endemic genus of characin Scissor (fig. 7 at BHL) (GBIF) is sometimes recognized.
Amphibians unique to Suriname include the Wilhelmina Cochran Frog Cochranella geijskesi (Google Books), the Greater Tiny Caecilian Microcaecilia grandis (ResearchGate), the White-bellied Caecilian Caecilia albiventris (flickr) (IUCN), the Leopard Rocket Frog Anomaloglossus leopardus (AmphibiaWeb), the rocket frogs Anomaloglossus saramaka and Anomaloglossus vacheri (both at Species New to Science), a poison frog Allobates vicinus (GBIF), and undescribed frogs in Hypsiboas and Scinax (both at Guardian).
Reptiles known only from Suriname include a worm lizard Amphisbaena myersi (Reptile Database) (twitter) and a slender snake Tachymenis surinamensis (Internet Archive) of questionable validity.
A bat Myotis clydejonesi (BHL) is known from a single specimen from Sipaliwini.
The Arrowhead Piculet (eBird) (Google Books) is a bird that may be restricted to Suriname as a breeding species.
Insects exclusive to Suriname include the skippers Spicauda ambiguus (Butterflies of America) (iNaturalist) and Elbella (or Microceris) bicuspis (Butterflies of America), a tortoise beetle Calliaspis surinamensis (Cassidinae of the World WM), a longhorn beetle Oxylymma surinamensis (GBIF), a scarab beetle Blackburneus surinamensis (figs. 155-159 at ResearchGate), a riffle beetle Hexacylloepus maierae (ResearchGate), a travertine beetle Lutrochus leeanneae (GBIF), a weevil Phymatophosus enodis (GBIF), a lace bug Zetekella caroli (Wikispecies), an assassin bug Belosternella surinamensis (Internet Archive), a damselfly Lestes trichonus (GBIF), a cicada Proarna proximorubrovenosa (GBIF), a katydid Acanthodis unispinulosa (OSF), and the bees Tetragona korotaii (GBIF) and Corynurella brokopondoi (fig. 14 at ResearchGate). Among about 60 species new to science discovered in the Upper Palumeu Watershed are new genera of katydids and water beetles (both at Guardian).
Other endemic invertebrates include the scorpions Ananteris pierrekondre (Scorpion Files) and Tityus kukututee (ResearchGate), an orb-weaver spider Micrepeira smithae (BHL), the harvestmen Cynorta magnifica (fig. 51 at UFRJ pdf) and Metagryne elegans (fig. 104 at UFRJ pdf), a mite harvestman Neogovea matawai (Harvard), a millipede Leptherpum loomisi (GBIF), an earthworm Meroscolex hoogmoedi (Internet Archive), a freshwater crab Microthelphusa wymani (iNaturalist), a land snail Incidostoma morrisoni (Internet Archive), and a freshwater snail Doryssa geijskesi (fig. 11.76G at Google Books).
Orchids found solely in Suriname include Quekettia vermeuleniana (orchidées de guyane WM), Xylobium wilhelminae (GBIF), Oncidium surinamense (GBIF), and Oncidium sipaliwinense (GBIF). Other endemic vascular plants include the bromeliads Aechmea lanjouwii (FCBS WM) and Disteganthus morii (figs. D-H at ResearchGate), Smilax tafelbergensis (ResearchGate), Philodendron pokigronense (p. 16 of MBG pdf), Dichapetalum schulzii (GBIF), Swartzia rediviva (GBIF), Apinagia petiolata (GBIF), Justicia wilhelminensis (Flora of the Guianas), Cladocolea elliptica (BHL), Hippeastrum vanleestenii (GBIF), Ouratea sipaliwiniensis (JSTOR), Tachia longipes (JSTOR), Sabicea surinamensis (JSTOR), Rhynchospora bakhuisensis (GBIF), and Doryopteris surinamensis (GBIF).
Trees known only from Suriname include Corythophora labriculata (Humboldt) (NYBG), Oxandra surinamensis (World Annonaceae), Swartzia rediviva (GBIF), Copaifera epunctata (GBIF), Licania stricta (GBIF), Sloanea ferruginea (GBIF), Aniba percoriacea (GBIF), Eugenia sipaliwinensis (GBIF), Erythroxylum grisebachii (GBIF), Byrsonima surinamensis (GBIF), Clusia lunanthera (GBIF), Malmea surinamensis (GBIF), Angostylis tabulamontana (GBIF), Calycorectes batavorum (GBIF), Inga calanthoides (GBIF), Duguetia amplexifolia (GBIF), and Pouteria pullei (JSTOR).
Endemic lichens include Calenia surinamensis (Semantic Scholar). Endemic non-vascular plants include the mosses Fissidens geijskesii (GBIF) and Ectropothecium neotropicum (PBJ WM pdf).
Important terrestrial ecoregions in Guyana include the Tepuis (EoE) and the Guianan Moist Forests (EoE). Freshwater ecoregions rich in endemic species include the Essequibo (FEOW WM), the Guianas (FEOW WM), and the Amazonas Guiana Shield (FEOW WM). A number of undescribed species were discovered on a 2010 Conservation International expedition near Kwamalasumutu (SmugMug).