Reptiles unique to Tajikistan include the Darvaz Snake-eyed Skink Ablepharus darvazi (Reptile Database) (iNaturalist) and the Tajik Even-fingered Gecko Alsophylax tadjikiensis (Google Books) (iNaturalist).
The Karakul Stone Loach Triplophysa lacusnigri (ResearchGate) (nature-images.eu WM) is a freshwater fish found nowhere else.
Butterflies known only from Tajikistan include Chazara rangontavica (Satyrinae of the W. Palearctic WM), Karanasa straminea (rusinsects.com), Hyponephele nurisha (GBIF), Plebejus aleremiticus (figs. 13-18 at zobodat pdf), Satyrium zabirovi (figs. 5 & 6 on p. 4 of entom.narod.ru pdf), and Paralasa ida (rusinsects.com). Endemic moths include a tiger moth Tajigyna gansoni (SZMN WM), a looper moth Archedontia agnesae (GBIF), a cossid moth Cossulus darvazi (GBIF), a tussock moth Euproctis kogistana (SZMN WM), and several owlet moths: Dasypolia rjabovi (SZMN WM), Ostheldera kondara (SZMN WM), and Lophoterges transiens (SZMN WM).
Other endemic insects include the longhorn beetles Phytoecia kubani (iNaturalist) and Mallosiola regina (BioLib WM) and Miniprionus pavlovskii (zin.ru), a jewel beetle Anthaxia kryzhanovskii (zin.ru), the scarabs Hemictenius kryzhanovskii (SZMN WM) and Lethrus asmodeus (cyberleninka.ru), a click beetle Melanotus hissaricus (Elateridae), the ground beetles Singilis makarovi (ZooKeys) and Carabus tadzhikistanus (insecta.pro WM), a long-toed water beetle Dryops renateae (GBIF), a bark beetle Cynanchophagus cornutus (p. 4 of zin.ru pdf), the grasshoppers Conophyma stebaevi (SZMN WM) and Tadzhikia pavlovskii (p. 100 of hifzitabiat.tj WM pdf), a katydid Pravdiniana mira (SZMN WM), the hoverflies Rohdendorfia khakimovi (GBIF) and Eumerus muratovi (ResearchGate), the bees Eremaphanta zhelochovtsevi (p. 15 of Atlas Hymenoptera WM pdf) and Andrena kryzhanovski (PLAZI), a cuckoo wasp Chrysis chalybeia (ResearchGate), and an ant Lasius nigrescens (GBIF), .
spiders include Pireneitega
Gorbiscape gorbachevi
Synaphosus saidovi
Karakumosa reshetnikovi
Trachelas crewsae
Spinozodium denisi
and Platnick sanglok
Other endemic invertebrates include the harvestmen Homolophus
chevrizovi (GBIF)
and Pamiropilio
tsurusakii (fig. 38 at ResearchGate),
a scorpion Olivierus
intermedius (ResearchGate),
a millipede Hyleoglomeris
bohaci (KMK
pdf), the centipedes Lithobius fomichevi (zenodo), Krateraspis sselivanovi (GBIF), the amphipods Tadzocrangonyx
schizurus (ResearchGate)
and Gammarus martynovi
and several freshwater snails: Lymnaea
tengriana (fig. 2F on p. 67 of ZMMU
pdf), Nurekia
triculiformis (figs. Q-R at ResearchGate),
shahdaraensis (p. 22 of hifzitabiat.tj
Cincinna pamirensis
(p. 13 of zin.ru
Tadzhikamnicola likharevi
(p. 20 of
Among 505 vascular plant species unique to Tajikistan are Anemone bucharica (iNaturalist),
involucrata (ResearchGate), Allium hissaricum (plantarium.ru)
and Allium kwakense
(p. 109 of ResearchGate
the irises Iris
zaprjagajewii (Wildbulbs WM)
and Iris tadshikorum
Scutellaria schugnanica
Cousinia grigoriewii
Archive), Papaver involucratum (Internet Archive),
Fessia vvedenskyi
Fritillaria regelii
Ungernia tadschicorum
Tragopogon alaicus
and Primula lactiflora
(both on Plate 1 of ResearchGate
pdf), Astragalus zaaminensis
(p. 7 of zobodat
pdf), Delphinium lipskii (Internet Archive), Ferula
koso-poljanskyi (plantarium.ru),
Eremurus micranthus
453 of
Scorzonera tadshikorum
Gagea villosula
and Tulipa
praestans (ResearchGate) (IUCN). Endemic genera include Bactria (ResearchGate),
Catenulina (GBIF), and Kafirnigania
Trees known only from Tajikistan include the Kayon Pear Pyrus cajon (iNaturalist), the Tajik Pear Pyrus tadshikistanica (POWO) (p. 46 of Univ. C Asia pdf), the Darvaz Dogwood Cornus darvasica (GardenBreizh WM) (Wikipedia), the Tajik Plum Prunus tadzhikistanica (p. 497 of hifzitabiat.tj WM pdf), and the birches Betula falcata (IUCN) and Betula potamophila (IUCN).
Non-vascular plants known only from Tajikistan include the
mosses Bryum
and Hydrogonium
mamatkulovii (GBIF).
of Tajikistan are included in the Gissaro-Alai Open
Woodlands terrestrial ecoregion (EoE)
and the Mountains of Central Asia biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM).
For an overview of Tajikistan's animals
and plants see the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (CBD).