Freshwater fish species unique to Thailand include a rich assortment of cave-dwelling forms such as the Cave Sheatfish (PlanetCatfish), the Blind Cave Loach (Loaches Online), Poropuntius speleops (ARKive WM), the Cave Brook Carp (iNaturalist), and an endemic genus: the Cave Angel Fish (Species New to Science). Other endemic freshwater fish include the Redtail Sharkminnow (Seriously Fish), Somphongs' Rasbora (ARKive WM), the Five Bar Danio (Seriously Fish), the Siamese Chameleonfish (Seriously Fish), the Krabi Mouth-brooding Betta (FishBase), the Enigmatic Loach (FishBase), the Siamese Archerfish (Aquarium Glaser), the Chiangmai Stream Goby (Seriously Fish), a pufferfish Pao ocellaris (GBIF), a torrent minnow Psilorhynchus tysoni (GBIF), and several catfishes: Kryptopterus hesperius (GBIF), Glyptothorax buchanani (PlanetCatfish), Oreoglanis omkoiensis (iNaturalist), Akysis pulvinatus (FishBase), and an endemic genus Platytropius (BHL) (GBIF).
Marine fish known only from Thailand include the Cavern Triplefin (, , the Gold Sheen Silver-biddy (Semantic Scholar WM), the Andaman Sole (Fig. 13 at Cybium pdf), a silverside Doboatherina salangensis (figs. f-g at Semantic Scholar WM), the Phuket Viviparous Brotula (BHL), the Sunrise Thryssa (Species New to Science), a goosefish Lophiomus immaculioralis (ResearchGate), and the gobies Trimma ukkriti (GBIF) and Cryptocentrus callopterus (fig. B at BHL).
Amphibians found only
in Thailand include the Doi Inthanon Torrent Frog (iNaturalist),
Phu Luang Cliff
Frog (Thai
National Parks), the
Khorat Big-mouthed Frog (iNaturalist),
the Inthanon Stream Toad (iNaturalist),
the Tak
Horned Frog (Species
New to Science), the Chiang Mai Litter
Frog (ResearchGate), the Orange Bush Frog (ResearchGate),
Camouflaged Paddy Frog (iNaturalist),
Crocodile Newt (iNaturalist),
and the Doi Suthep
Caecilian (ResearchGate).
The Tenasserim Cave Frog Siamophryne
is an endemic genus.
Reptiles that occur nowhere else include the Kanburi Pitviper (Thai
National Parks),
the Omkoi Lance-headed Pitviper (Herping
Thailand WM),
the Arrow-vented Krait (ZSE), the Banded Green Cat Snake (Google
Books), the False Striped Kukri Snake (iNaturalist),
Chanard's Mud Snake (Species
New to Science), the Orange-tailed Leaf-toed Gecko (Thai
National Parks), the Kaeng Krachan Parachute Gecko (GBIF),
the Siamese Green-eyed Gecko ( WM),
Lauhachinda's Cave Gecko (GBIF),
the Saraburi Cave Gecko (iNaturalist),
Somsak's Blind Skink (Google
Books), the Phuket Tree Dragon (Thai
National Parks), the Khao Nan Long-headed Lizard
Gyldenstolpe’s Snake Skink (Reptile
and Miriam's Legless Skink
Endemic genera include Jarujin's Two-legged Skink
New to Science) and Boonsong's Stream Snake (bangkokherps).
The Turquoise-throated Barbet (Thai
National Parks) is a bird known only from Thailand.
The White-eyed River-martin (OBC)
(BioOne) is known only from birds seen outside breeding season and may have
occurred in Thailand only as a migrant. Deignan’s
Babbler Stachyris
rodolphei (Ayuwat)
has sometimes been considered distinct
from the more widespread
Rufous-fronted Babbler (eBird)
and the
Siamese Partridge Arborophila
diversa (iNaturalist)
is sometimes treated as distinct from the Chestnut-headed Partridge (eBird).
Endemic mammals include the Limestone White-bellied Rat (th.wikipedia),
the Thailand Horseshoe Bat
Pendlebury's Leaf-nosed Bat (ARKive
WM), and the Bala Tube-nosed Bat (GBIF).
Thongaree's False-vampire (GBIF)
is an endemic genus so far known only from the Bala Forest.
The extinct Schomburgk's Deer (Wikipedia)
was known only from Thailand.
Beetles exclusive to Thailand include a jewel beetle Chrysochroa corbetti (Coleoptera
Atlas WM), a stag beetle Hexarthrius
nigritus (iNaturalist),
a flower beetle Euselates
delponti (Thailand
Nature Project WM), a dung beetle Enoplotrupes
sharpi (iNaturalist),
a tiger beetle Prothyma
rapillyi (Phuket
Nature Tours), the rove beetles Schedolimulus
komatsui (GBIF)
and Tribasodites
thailandicus (ResearchGate),
and the longhorn beetles Astathes
nigrofasciata (iNaturalist) and Anomophysis modesta
Nature Project WM).
Endemic butterflies include Masae's Silverline (Butterflies of Thailand), the Thai Bushbrown (iNaturalist), Deramas tayutae (Butterflies in Indo-China), and the Dark-eyed Five-ring ( Endemic imoths include a spider wasp mimic moth Melanosphecia paolo (GBIF), a hawk moth Leucophlebia frederkingi (BOLD), and a cossid moth Lakshmia zolotuhini (Thailand Nature Project WM).
Other endemic insects include the katydids Kuzicus aspercaudatus
and Trachyzulpha siamica
the grasshoppers Squamobibracte
doipui (iNaturalist)
and Erianthus
sukhothaiensis (iNaturalist),
a cricket Patiscus
thaiensis (iNaturalist),
a mantis Paratheopompa
siamensis (iNaturalist),
a cicada Chremistica
inthanonensis (Thailand
Nature Project WM), a lanternfly Saiva constanti (PLAZI), the ants Carebara panhai (ResearchGate)
and Camponotus
aureus (AntWiki),
a resin bee Megachile
chiangmaiensis (GBIF),
a dragonfly Stylogomphus
thongphaphumensis (GBIF),
the Khao Soi Dao Shadow Damsel (thaiodonata),
a stick insect Calvisia
torquata (iNaturalist),
leaf insect Pulchriphyllium
maethoraniae (iNaturalist),
a mayfly Cymbalcloeon
sartorii (PLOS).
Other endemic invertebrates include the Shocking Pink Dragon Millipede (ResearchGate),
a cave-dwelling millipede Eutrichodesmus gremiali (fig. 6 at MDPI), the Giant Mountain Crab Indochinamon bhumibol (Thai PBS World WM),
the Phuket Waterfall Crab (iNaturalist),
a cave-dwelling microshrimp Theosbaena
loko (BDJ),
a cave-dwelling freshwater prawn Macrobrachium
spelaeus (ResearchGate),
the tarantulas Taksinus
bambus (ZooKeys)
and Chilobrachys
huahini (Tarantupedia),
a jumping spider Ptocasius
sakaerat (iNaturalist),
a scorpion Chaerilus
kautti (GBIF),
a harvestman Gagrella
thaiensis (,
a cave-dwelling springtail Coecobrya
troglobia (Subterranean
Biology), a centipede Sterropristes
violaceus (fig. C at ResearchGate),
an earthworm Glyphidrilus
nanensis (ZooKeys),
the freshwater mussels Songkhlanaia
tamodienica (fig. 2C-H at MDPI)
and Modellnaia
siamensis (MUSSELp),
a cone snail Conus
rawaiensis (IUCN), and a coral Acropora sirikitiae (ResearchGate).
Endemic land snails include Alycaeus somnueki ( WM), Quantula doma (Species New to Science), Perrottetia dermapyrrhosa (ResearchGate), Pupina siamensis (ZooKeys), Amphidromus schomburgki (iNaturalist), Landouria elegans (MSU), Plectostoma panhai (Opisthotoma), Sarika lactospira (ZooKeys), Anauchen smokon (ResearchGate), Rhiostoma housei (GBIF), Cyclophorus occultus (fig. 5C at ResearchGate), and Carinartemis vesperus (Species New to Science).
include a harvestman Suthepiidae (ResearchGate)
family of mites Chulacaridae (ResearchGate).
crustacean Lipkecallianassa
abyssa (ResearchGate) once considered the
sole member of the family
Lipkecallianassidae is now usually placed in the more
widespread family Callianassidae.
plant species restricted to Thailand include the orchids Paphiopedilum exul ( WM)
and Dendrobium
(IOSPE) and Sirindhornia mirabilis (IOSPE),
Sapria ram (iNaturalist), Phanera siamensis (flickr),
Delphinium siamense
( WM),
Begonia vagans (iNaturalist),
Selliguea hirsuta
of Thailand), Nepenthes
suratensis (IUCN),
Curcuma supraneeana
Paraboea tarutaoensis
Caulokaempferia saxicola
Petrocosmea pubescens
Crinum thaianum
(IUCN), Phyllagathis nanakorniana (p. 118 of WM pdf), Peperomia ranongensis (fig. 3 at TFB pdf),
aurantiiflora (fig. 2A at ResearchGate),
Aeschynanthus garrettii (iNaturalist), Amorphophallus macrorhizus (iNaturalist), and
Impatiens phuluangensis (iNaturalist).
Trees known only from Thailand include Magnolia sirindhorniae (ARKive WM), Caryota kiriwongensis ( pdf), a stone oak Lithocarpus eiadthongii (GBIF), a maple Acer pseudowilsonii (iNaturalist), Hopea macrocarpa (TFB pdf), Spondias bipinnata (iNaturalist), Ilex phanganensis (fig. 4 at TFB pdf), Gardenia thailandica (iNaturalist), Madhuca krabiensis (iNaturalist), Camellia connata (PhytoKeys), Goniothalamus maewongensis (iNaturalist), Diospyros bambuseti (GBIF), Mitrephora winitii (iNaturalist), Wrightia karaketii (BHL), Terminalia glaucifolia (Chula), and Cycas petrea (Cycad Pages WM). Endemic tree genera include the White Elephant Palm (PACSOA WM), Chorisandrachne (Flora of Thailand), and Santisukia ( WM).
Endemic vascular plant genera include Rachunia (ResearchGate), Tribounia (ResearchGate), Somrania (Species New to Science), Khaosokia (ResearchGate), Marcania (iNaturalist), Remirema (ResearchGate), Sigmoidala and Kanburia (both at PhytoKeys), a bamboo Phuphanochloa (Bamboos of Thailand), Hanseniella (fig. 4.13 in RMUTP pdf) (BKF), Hayarum (Taiwania pdf), and a ginger Siamanthus (ARKive WM).
Endemic fungi include Erythrophylloporus suthepensis (IUCN), Amanita ballerina (IUCN), Rostrupomyces sisongkhramensis (MycoKeys), and Russula siamensis (IUCN). Endemic lichens include Aderkomyces thailandicus (100 New Lichens) and Badimia multiseptata (100 New Lichens). Endemic non-vascular plants include the mosses Barbula subdenticulata (GBIF) and Racopilum siamense (GBIF), the liverworts Drepanolejeunea actinogyna (ResearchGate) and Microlejeunea moniliata (figs. 2-3 at ResearchGate), and a hornwort Notothylas depressispora (figs. 2-9 at MNHN pdf).
Portions of Thailand are included in two biodiversity hotspots: the Indo-Burma (Biodiversity Hotspots WM) and the Sundaland (Biodiversity Hotspots WM). The Chao Phraya (FEOW WM) is an important freshwater ecoregion and the Mekong River (ResearchGate) has one of the world's richest freshwater faunas. Endemic millipedes are indicated at (ResearchGate).