mammals include the Rwenzori Shaggy Rat (GBIF)
Kityo's Serotine Pseudoromicia
kityoi (PLAZI),
and perhaps the Ugandan Lowland Shrew (IUCN)
(GBIF). Sometimes considered
full species are the Nkozi (or Ssese) Island Sitatunga (flickr)
and the Rwenzori Duiker (iNaturalist) (PLAZI).
Bwindi Forest
Gorilla Gorilla beringei bwindi
NP) is sometimes considered an endemic subspecies
distinct from the Mountain Gorilla Gorilla
beringei beringei.
Fox's Weaver (eBird) (iNaturalist) is the sole bird
species exclusive to
Uganda. The Karamoja Apalis (eBird) (iNaturalist) is also sometimes considered a full species distinct from the Maasai Apalis of Tanzania and Kenya.
known only from Uganda include Tolley's Forest
Chameleon Kinyongia
tolleyae (ResearchGate)
Acuminate Bush
Viper Atheris
acuminata (p. 15 of BHS
pdf) (Google Books), and the Lolui Island Skink Trachylepis
loluiensis (Reptile
Database) (Google
Amphibians unique to Uganda include the Lake Victoria Toad Sclerophrys vittata (BHL)
Roux's Puddle Frog Phrynobatrachus
rouxi (fig. 5 at BHL)
Freshwater fish known only from Uganda include a mochokid catfish Synodontis macrops
an elephantfish Mormyrus
macrocephalus (Mormyridae WM) (NaFIRRI),
the annual killifishes Nothobranchius
taiti (WildNothos)
and Nothobranchius
albertinensis (WildNothos)
and Nothobranchius
elucens (GBIF),
and a number of cichlids:
latifasciatus (Seriously
Fish), the Kachira Blue (FishBase),
Papyrus Mouthbrooder (ResearchGate),
the Bulera Haplo (iNaturalist),
argenteus (MBZ
Fund), Haplochromis katonga
schubotziellus (BHL) (BOLD),
and Neochromis
WM). Endemic cichlid genera include Paralabidochromis (NaFIRRI) (BHL),
WM) (ARKive
WM), and Schubotzia
(NaFIRRI) (Google
Arts & Culture) (BHL).
Butterflies exclusive to Uganda include Euphaedra christyi (iNaturalist),
Euphaedra olivacea
Acraea lequeuxi (p. 20 of SEF
Geritola wardi
Telipna sheffieldi
(p. 18 of Metamorphosis
pdf), Thermoniphas
albocaerulea (iNaturalist),
Pseudaletis barnetti
(p. 3 of Michel
Libert WM pdf), and Osmodes
minchini (iNaturalist) (fig. 1 on p. 28 of Yale
pdf). Endemic moths include Homaloxestis
Lithosiccia mikra
and Cyana nambi
Other endemic insects include the Moroto Agile Grasshopper (IUCN), a bush-cricket Dioncomena ugandana (iNaturalist), a damselfly Chlorocypha flammea (ADDO WM), the dragonflies Neodythemis munyaga (ADDO WM) and Idomacromia jillianae (ADDO WM), a goliath beetle Fornasinius hermes (ResearchGate), a jewel beetle Agrilus mungaii (ResearchGate), a leaf-chafer Pegylis ugandensis (p. 7 of Hannetons WM pdf), a ground beetle Kenyacus pusillus (GBIF), the longhorn beetles Conamblys spinicornis (Cerambycidae Species WM) and Guitelia nigrescens (Cerambycidae Species WM), a tortoise beetle Aspidimorpha karamojana (Cassidinae of the World WM), a flea beetle Ugandaltica wagneri (ZooKeys), a rove beetle Metocinus ugandensis (ResearchGate), a bark beetle Afromicracis depilata (GBIF), a soapberry bug Leptocoris ursulae (ResearchGate), a plant bug Gampsodema spissata (Discover Life), a leafhopper Phlogis kibalensis (GBIF), a bee Pachyanthidium obscurum (GBIF), a potter wasp Leptomenes baphomet (PLAZI), an ichneumonid wasp Epirhyssa quagga (WaspWeb WM), the ants Aenictus bayoni (AntWiki) and Polyrhachis transiens (AntWiki), and a hoverfly Mesembrius longipilosus (ZooKeys).
Other endemic invertebrates include an ant-mimicking jumping
spider Ugandinella
formicula (Salticidae
of the World WM), the jumping spiders Icius entebbensis (fig. 35 at EJT pdf) and Ajaraneola
pajakwandy (GBIF),
the pholcid spiders Buitinga
and Buitinga ruhiza
(both at Pholcidae
the scorpions Butheoloides
grosseri (Scorpion
Files) and Pandinus
ugandaensis (p. 13 of Euscorpius
pdf), a harvestman Tundabia
ugandensis (Fig.
24 at UFRJ WM
the freshwater crabs Potamonautes
morotoensis (ResearchGate)
and Potamonautes entebbe
a freshwater shrimp Caridina
bunyonyiensis (p. 11 of AToL
Decapoda pdf),
an earthworm Bettonia
budduensis (BHL),
a slug Dendrolimax
leprosus (ZooKeys),
the freshwater snails Gabbiella
kichwambae (Google
Books) and Bulinus
mutandensis (IUCN),
and several land snails: Oreohomorus
apio (p. 10 of DMG
pdf), Gulella
malasangiensis (fig. 7 at BHL),
Trochonanina pitmani (BHL), Nothapalus sagittula (MolluscaBase), and Africarion kagambahensis (fig. 18 at BHL).
Among the vascular plant species restricted to Uganda are a cycad Encephalartos
macrostrobilus (MBZ
Fund), the orchids Aerangis
jacksonii (JSTOR)
and Habenaria ugandensis
Aloe mubendiensis
Aloe ikiorum
Aloe tororoana
Aloe butiabana
(iNaturalist), Dracaena (or
subtilis (flickr), Sansevieria lalakana (BioOne),
Euphorbia petraea
WM), Helichrysum stuhlmannii (iNaturalist), Afrothismia ugandensis (ResearchGate), Crotalaria
macrantha (JSTOR), Echinops reticulatus (JSTOR), Baccharoides tayloriana (JSTOR),
Clerodendrum wallii
Sabicea entebbensis
Isolepis ruwenzoriensis
Tiliacora latifolia (GBIF), Solanecio gynuroides (JSTOR), Cyperus afromontanus (GBIF), and
Pavetta grumosa (GBIF).
Trees known only from Uganda include Ficus katendei (CBS), Euphorbia stapfii ( WM), Balsamocitrus dawei (UC Riverside), Diospyros katendei (ARKive WM), Uvariodendron magnificum (PLAZI) (JSTOR), and the cycads Encephalartos equatorialis (IUCN) and Encephalartos whitelockii (ARKive WM).
Endemic lichens include Arthonia
physcidiicola and Chiodecton
sorediatum (both at ResearchGate).
Endemic fungi include Phaeoclavulina
africana (GBIF)
and Marasmius
subalbidulus (FFTA).
Endemic non-vascular plants include the mosses Calyptothecium pterobryoides
and Isopterygium elodes
and the liverworts Acanthocoleus
elgonensis (MNHN
pdf) and Lopholejeunea
revoluta (GBIF).
The Albertine Rift region (Albertine
Rift Programme WM) is part of the Eastern
biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM).
Lake Victoria (IUCN
WM pdf)
is one of the world's richest lakes for endemic fish species. Many
endemic species are indicated in "Nationally Threatened Species for
Uganda" (National
Redlists WM pdf).