found nowhere
else include the Vanuatu Scrubfowl (eBird) (VPAI
the Vanuatu Imperial-pigeon (eBird),
the Tanna Fruit-dove (eBird),
the Vanuatu Kingfisher (eBird),
Vanuatu Honeyeater (eBird),
the Vanuatu White-eye (eBird),
the Vanuatu Streaked Fantail (eBird),
the Santo Thicketbird (eBird),
and the Mountain Starling (VESS
pdf). Additional species sometime recognized as distinct are the Royal
Parrotfinch (eBird)
and the Vanuatu Petrel (eBird)
which may be a breeding endemic. The Buff-bellied Monarch (eBird)
is an endemic genus. Extinct species include the Tanna Ground-dove (Wikipedia).
Mammals unique to Vanuatu include the Vanuatu Flying Fox Pteropus anetianus (VESS
pdf) (iNaturalist)
and the Banks Flying Fox Pteropus fundatus
(fig. 1B at ResearchGate)
reptiles include the Toupeed Skink Emoia
sanfordi (WTEC
the Vanuatu Coppery Vine Skink Emoia
nigromarginata (iNaturalist),
the Anatom Tree Skink Emoia
aneityumensis (iNaturalist),
the Erronan Tree Skink Emoia
erronan (Google
Books) (iNaturalist),
the Vanuatu Snake-eyed Skink Cryptoblepharus
novohebridicus (Reptile
Database) (iNaturalist),
the Vanuatu Saw-tailed Gecko Perochirus
guentheri (ResearchGate),
the Vanuatu Forest Gecko Lepidodactylus
vanuatuensis (Reptile
Database) (iNaturalist),
and the Vanuatu Ant-nest Gecko Lepidodactylus
Freshwater fish restricted to Vanuatu include the gobies Stiphodon astilbos (Ryan
Photographic pdf), Stiphodon
kalfatak (ResearchGate),
aiensis (ResearchGate),
(or Sicyopus) vanuatu (Species
New to Science).
Endemic marine fish include the Hooded Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus efatensis
a flounder Engyprosopon
vanuatuensis (Springer)
the Vanuatu Goatfish Upeneus
vanuatu (GBIF),
the Vanuatu Scorpionfish Neomerinthe
harenartis (Kagoshima
Univ.), a collared wriggler Xenisthmus
chapmani (BHL),
a finless snake eel Apterichtus
jeffwilliamsi (GBIF),
the Lemon Pygmygoby Trimma
citrum (FishBase)
a duckbill eel Nettenchelys
paxtoni (PLAZI),
and the Strange Skate Notoraja
inusitata (Internet
Butterflies known solely from Vanuatu include Polyura sacco (iNaturalist)
12 at BHL),
Hypolimnas aurifascia
and Deudorix mathewi
Endemic moths include a swallowtail moth Lyssa curvata (iNaturalist),
a sphinx moth Gnathothlibus
saccoi (BOLD)
and an erebid moth Tabwecala
Other endemic insects include the damselflies Vanuatubasis
santoensis (ResearchGate)
and Vanuatubasis
kapularum (ZooKeys),
a dragonfly Gynacantha
vanuatua (GBIF),
a grasshopper Hebridea
rufotibialis (ResearchGate),
the katydids Ityocephala
francoisi (ResearchGate)
and Salomona
the crickets Microbinthus
santoensis (IUCN)
and Cardiodactylus
enkraussi (iNaturalist),
a raspy cricket Hugelgryllacris
tchancha (GBIF),
the stick insects Megacrania
speiseri (BioOne)
and Asprenas crassipes
the ants Leptogenys
and Metapone nivanuatu
the bees Homalictus
tannaensis (GBIF)
Lasioglossum vanuatu (p. 6 of Atlas
Hymenoptera WM pdf),
a termite Cryptotermes
penaoru (ZooKeys),
the flower beetles Poecilopharis
flavens (iNaturalist)
and Glycyphana mirei
a stag beetle Bomansius
cheesmanae (ResearchGate),
a firefly Atyphella
maritimus (GBIF),
a hister beetle Acritus
sanma (Internet
Archive), a lace bug Idiocysta
vanuatuensis (p. 4 of EJE
pdf), a checkered beetle Omadius
santo (p. 15 of LSU
pdf), a darkling beetle Uloma
vanuatensis (ResearchGate), the
longhorn beetles Psalidocoptus
scaber (iNaturalist)
and Melanesiandra
anatomensis (Univ.
Nebraska pdf), the weevils Elytrurus
caudatus (iNaturalist)
and Celeuthetes
hebridarum (iNaturalist),
a hoverfly Ceriana
oceanica (GBIF),
a fruit fly Bactrocera
neoxanthodes (PLAZI),
and a mayfly Caenis
vanuatensis (ResearchGate).
A rich endemic land mollusc fauna includes a slug Semperula solemi (BHL)
and several snails: Partula
auraniana (IUCN),
(fig 8 at BHL),
Georissa obsoleta
Reticharopa latecosta
198G at,
Diplomorpha delautourii
202G at,
Dendrotrochus layardi
201G at,
and Placostylus bicolor
(fig. 202A at
Other endemic molluscs include a freshwater snail Fluviopupa
espiritusantoana (ResearchGate)
and the marine snails Conus
hervillardi (GBIF)
and Liotipoma
magna (Eddie
Other endemic invertebrates
include a springtail Yuukianura
judithae (ResearchGate),
a jumping spider Araneotanna
ornatipes (iNaturalist),
a crab spider Diaea
(fig. 4 at BHL)
a trapdoor spider Nihoa
vanuatu (iNaturalist),
a scorpion Lychas
santoensis (p. 4 of MNHN
pdf) (iNaturalist),
the harvestmen Santobius
spinitarsus (ResearchGate)
and Zalmoxis bilbo
(p. 11 of Sharma
Lab WM pdf),
the millipedes Eutrichodesmus
communicans (flickr)
and Lobiferodesmus
vanuatu (KMK
pdf), a tree-climbing
mangrove crab of the genus Scandarma
(p. 7 of SNF
pdf), a cave-dwelling crab Karstarma
umbra (J-Stage
pdf), a freshwater hermit crab Clibanarius
fonticola (1.023world)
a freshwater isopod Exosphaeroides
quirosi (GBIF),
an earthworm Pheretima
speiseri (BHL),
a starfish Iconaster
vanuatuensis (GBIF)
(p. 19 of Smithsonian
pdf), Nautilus
vanuatuensis (ZooKeys)
a bryozoan Drepanophora
gutta (,
a crinoid Capillaster
squarrosus (ResearchGate).
A parasitic flatworm Gekkonotrema
postporum (Internet
Archive) discovered in geckos from Vanuatu is the sole member
of the family Gekkonotrematidae.
About 150 vascular plant species are exclusive to
Vanuatu including
several orchids include Dendrobium
pseudorarum (IOSPE),
mooreanum (Prof.
Summer's Web Garden WM) (iNaturalist),
Bulbophyllum vutimenaense
Agrostophyllum clausum
Phreatia vanuatensis
pdf), and Malaxis
iwashinae (Prof.
Summer's Web Garden WM). Other endemic plants include
an ant plant Squamellaria
vanuatuensis (ResearchGate),
longifolium (POWO),
vanuatuense (iNaturalist),
Hoya vanuatensis
heteromorphophylla (fig. 4C at BioOne),
Cyrtandra efatensis
Salacia aneityensis
WM), Peperomia
pallidinervis (iNaturalist),
vanuatuensis (GBIF)
Phaleria pentecostalis
macgillivrayi (Vanuaflora),
Ventilago vanuatuana
(fig. 6 at BioOne),
Hibiscus cooperi
and Tmesipteris
vanuatensis (fig. 2B at BioOne).
Trees known only from Vanuatu include the Santo Kauri Agathis silbae (RBGE) (VESS pdf), the Variegated Clown Fig Ficus aspera (, Gardenia tannaensis (JSTOR), Syzygium aneityense (fig. 4G at BioOne), Pittosporum campbellii (Vanuaflora WM) (iNaturalist), Plerandra (or Schefflera) vanuatua (p. 32 of SNF WM pdf), Geissois denhamii (p. 9 of Springer pdf), Pterophylla denhamii (ResearchGate), Polyscias schmidii (ResearchGate), Eumachia (or Psychotria) aneityensis (JSTOR) (Vanuaflora), Ixora asme (Vanuaflora WM), Kermadecia (or Turrillia) lutea (Internet Archive), Didymocheton aneityensis (fig. 4D at zenodo), Claoxylon gillisonii (Vanuaflora WM), Cryptocarya tannaensis (Vanuaflora), Astronidium aneityense (Vanuaflora), Maesa banksiana (Vanuaflora WM), Ochrosia alyxioides (Vanuaflora WM), Oxera vanuatuensis (iNaturalist), Pandanus halleorum (fig. 3D at BioOne), Endiandra aneityensis (Vanuaflora WM), Glochidion namilo (iNaturalist), and a number of palms: Caryota ophiopellis (PACSOA WM), Veitchia metiti (Palmpedia), Clinostigma harlandii (PACSOA WM), Heterospathe uniformis (IPS WM pdf), Cyphosperma voutmelense (ResearchGate), and an endemic genus Carpoxylon (iNaturalist) (ARKive WM).
Lichens known only from Vanuatu include Gassicurtia albomarginata
and Herpothallon alae
(p. 65 of ANBG
pdf). Endemic non-vascular plants include the mosses Epipterygium vanuatuicum
and Barbula aneitensis
and the liverworts Plicanthus
difficilis (p. 5 of Phytotaxa
pdf) and Cololejeunea
retusula (GBIF).
Vanuatu is included in the Vanuatu Rain Forests terrestrial
ecoregion (EoE)
and the East
Melanesian Islands biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM).
For more information on the endemic
species of Vanuatu see the National Biodiversity Conservation Strategy (CBD
pdf) and "The Natural History of Santo" (IRD