found only in
Vietnam include the Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey (ARKive
Delacour's Langur (ARKive
the Cat Ba Langur (NEPC)
Silver-backed Chevrotain (Mongabay),
the Puhoat Muntjac (PLAZI),
Sa Pa White-toothed Shrew (ResearchGate),
the Small-toothed Mole (ResearchGate),
the Fansipan Shrew Mole (Species
New to Science), the Dalat Gymnure Hylomys
macarong (p. 26 of WWF pdf),
Suntsov's Marmoset Rat (ResearchGate),
Millet's Long-tailed Giant Rat (fig. 7A at ResearchGate),
the Southern Blind Tree Mouse (BDJ), the Hon Khoai Squirrel (ResearchGate)
a treeshrew Tupaia
danghuyhuynhi (ARPHA
Bat (ARKive
Phan Luong's Myotis (iNaturalist), and Beezlebub's
Tube-nosed Bat (ASM
Daovantien’s Limestone Rat (ResearchGate) is an endemic genus.
Birds unique to Vietnam include Edward’s Pheasant (ARKive
the Tonkin Partridge (Cornell),
Black-crowned Fulvetta (eBird),
the White-throated Wren Babbler (eBird),
the Orange-breasted Laughingthrush (eBird),
the Collared Laughingthrush (eBird),
the Golden-winged Laughingthrush (eBird),
the Gray-crowned Crocias (eBird),
and the Vietnamese Greenfinch (eBird).
The Annam Grasshopper-warbler (eBird)
and the Annam Prinia (eBird)
are also sometimes recognized as distinct species.
Reptiles exclusive to Vietnam include the Ta Kou Marbled Gecko (Reptile
the Huu Lian Leopard Gecko (ResearchGate),
the Psychedelic Rock Gecko
the Black-eyed Bent-toed Gecko (fig. 8b at Vertebrate
the Giant Butterfly Lizard (iNaturalist),
the Vietnamese Forest Lizard (iNaturalist),
Sokolov's Glass Lizard (Reptile
Database), the Cha Noi Water Skink (
the Three-banded Forest Skink (iNaturalist),
Han's Grass Lizard (,
Greer's Snake Skink (Reptile
Database), the Hon Son Pitviper (iNaturalist), the
Quang Binh Pitviper (iNaturalist),
the Long-tailed Kukri Snake (iNaturalist),
Dominic's Reed Snake (GBIF),
a sunbeam snake Xenopeltis
intermedius (Species
New to Science), the Truong Son Rough Water Snake (iNaturalist),
Vietnamese Pond Turtle
and the Southern Vietnamese Box Turtle (Turtle
Sanctuary). Nguyen Van Sang's Snake
is an endemic genus of snake.
Amphibians known solely from Vietnam include Ryabov's Bug-eyed
Frog (iNaturalist),
the Bana Frilled Tree Frog (Vietnam
Creatures WM), the Vampire Flying Frog (CalPhotos),
Jodi's Tree Frog (Species
New to Science), the Limestone Small Tree Frog (CalPhotos),
Quang’s Tree Frog (Mongabay),
Nguyens' Fanged Frog (iNaturalist),
Mutschmann's Odorous Frog (ResearchGate),
the Spiny Torrent Frog (CalPhotos),
the Langbian Plateau Frog (CalPhotos),
Botsford’s Litter Toad (IUCN),
Sterling's Toothed Toad (IUCN),
the White-eyed Spadefoot Toad (IUCN),
a toad Bufo rubroventromaculatus (figs. 4 & 5 at ResearchGate), the Painted Narrow-mouth Frog (iNaturalist),
Cuong's Dwarf Frog (Species
New to Science), the Vietnamese Crocodile Newt (IUCN),
and the Cha Lo Caecilian (ResearchGate).
Freshwater fishes restricted to Vietnam include the Redback Paradise
Fish (Seriously
the Toothy Blackhand Paradise Fish Polynemus
bidentatus (p. 17 of WWF
WM pdf), the Tiger Hillstream Loach (Seriously
Fish), the
Hovering Zebra Loach
Fish), the
catfishes Pseudobagarius
similis (PlanetCatfish)
and Tachysurus spilotus
and Silurus caobangensis
(fig. 1 at VNUA
WM pdf),
a priapiumfish Phallostethus
cuulong (Zootaxa
pdf), the Orange Seam Snakehead (FishBase),
a goby Rhinogobius
phuongae (GBIF),
the Mekong Mahseer (GBIF),
a bitterling Rhodeus
rheinardti (Jörg
Bohlen WM), and the Vietnamese White Cloud Minnow (Seriously
Endemic genera include Draconectes
(p. 65 of,
Garroides (TNU
WM pdf), Hongiastoma (ResearchGate), and Pareuchiloglanis (ResearchGate).
Endemic marine fishes include the gobies Feia ranta (FishBase)
and Eviota maculibotella
the Ha Long Thryssa (Semantic
Scholar WM), the Yellowblotched Tilefish (GBIF),
a damselfish Amblypomacentrus
vietnamicus (
pdf), a gurnard Lepidotrigla
firmisquamis (GBIF),
Pavlov's Goatfish (GBIF),
the Longbody Snake Eel (ResearchGate),
a tonguefish Symphurus
brachycephalus (ResearchGate),
a batfish Halieutaea
dromedaria (
pdf), the Vietnamese Longtail Dragonet (figs. 2 & 3 at ResearchGate),
and a moray Strophidon
dawydoffi (Semantic
Scholar WM).
Butterflies found nowhere else include Tanaecia (or Cynitia) stellata (,
uemurai (Vietnam
Creatures WM),
cham (Butterflies
in Indo-China), Graphium
wenlingae (Species
New to Science), Ypthima
daclaca (p. 19 of KMNH
pdf), Halpe annamensis
(figs. 7-8 at zobodat
pdf), and Dodona
katerina (BHL).
Endemic moths include a silk moth Lemaireia
inexspectata (zobodat
pdf) and the noctuids Wittstrotia
behouneki (
and Catocala katsumii
Other endemic insects include a stag beetle Lucanus dongi (Vietnam Insect WM), the longhorn beetles Thermistis annamensis (GBIF) and Casiphia takakuwai (Vietnam Insect WM), a flower beetle Protaetia dianae (GBIF), a long-armed scarab Cheirotonus battareli (Vietnam Creatures WM), a cave-dwelling ground beetle Tonkinaphaenops anthonyi (GBIF), a cave-dwelling darkling beetle Harvengia vietnamita (fig. 8F at MDPI), a jewel beetle Coomaniella simulatrix (fig. 26 at BHL), a mantis Phasmomantella nuichuana (iNaturalist), the stick insects Calvisia kneubuehleri (iNaturalist) and Phryganistria tamdaoensis (ResearchGate), a leaf insect Cryptophyllium phami (, a katydid Lipotactes azureus (figs. 2A-C at ResearchGate), a grasshopper Caryanda tamdaoensis (iNaturalist), a cicada Pomponia brevialata (ResearchGate), a lanternfly Pyrops buomvoi (ResearchGate), an ant Opamyrma hungvuong (AntWiki), a bee Bathanthidium paco (JHE), a mud dauber wasp Chalybion tanvinhensis (GBIF), a dragonfly Merogomphus tamdaoensis (VietOdonata), and the damselflies Chlorogomphus nakamurai (IUCN) and Matrona taoi (Odonata Vietnam).
Other endemic invertebrates include a tarantula Selenocosmia kovariki (, the jumping spiders Langerra easoensis (GBIF) and Eupoa ninhbinh (ZooKeys), a cave-dwelling scorpion Vietbocap thienduongensis (ScienceDirect), a harvestman Euepedanus vietnamicus (GBIF), a whip spider Weygoldtia condao (Semantic Scholar), a cave-dwelling pseudoscorpion Lagynochthonius fragilis (fig. 6I at MDPI), a springtail Tomocerina annamitica (PLAZI), the millipedes Sellanucheza hoffmani (Rufford) and Eostemmiulus caecus (IUCN), a centipede Tonkinodentus lestes (ZooKeys), a velvet worm Eoperipatus totoro (Species New to Science), an earthworm Drawida angiang (ZooKeys), the cave-dwelling shrimps Macrobrachium phongnhaense (Species New to Science) and Caridina namdat (ResearchGate), and the freshwater crabs Potamiscus cucphuongensis (Vietnam Creatures WM) and Tiwaripotamon edostilus (iNaturalist).
Endemic molluscs include a nudibranch Eubranchus flexus (ResearchGate), the freshwater mussels Lanceolaria bogani (BHL) and Pseudobaphia banggiangensis (ResearchGate), and the cave-dwelling snails Macrochlamys psyche and Speleocyclotus macrocoryphe (both at fig. 5 at MDPI). Endemic land snails include Amphidromus ngai (MNHN), Cyclophorus cucphuongensis (Science Trends), Angustopila psammion (GBIF), Chuatienpupa megacanalis (Ruthenica WM pdf), Camaena chuongi (iNaturalist), and Bertia cambojiensis (IUCN).
A fly family, the Circumphallidae (
pdf), has been described based on a single individual from Ba Be
National Park. Other endemic families include at
webspinner Embonychidae
a nematode Neotripylidae (ResearchGate),
and a parasitic rotifer Clariaidae (
Among the orchids confined to Vietnam are Vanda christensoniana
Paphiopedilum delenatii
ochraceum (IOSPE),
Corybas annamensis
Bulbophyllum phanquyetii
annamensis (figs. 4a-b at ResearchGate).
Other endemic plants include Nepenthes
thorelii (ResearchGate),
interruptus (IAS
bataiensis (IUCN), Impatiens annamensis
Rhododendron fleuryi
Creatures WM), Cycas
condaoensis (Cycad
Pages WM), Zingiber
yersinii (IUCN),
Strobilanthes obesa
Primulina drakei
Hoya hanhiae
Aristolochia tonkinensis
Petrocodon vietnamensis
Solanum robinsonii
Curcuma tuanii
Leptomischus hiepii
and Ornithoboea
emarginata (IUCN).
Trees known only from Vietnam include the palms Pinanga declinata (Palmpedia) and Livistona halongensis (iNaturalist), the Tonkin Cypress (ResearchGate), Krempf's Pine (RBGE), Poilane's Catkin-yew (iNaturalist), Bombax albidum (Vietnam Plants), Elaeagnus bonii (iNaturalist), Ridsdalea bakanensis (PhytoKeys), Magnolia quangninhensis (ResearchGate), Mangifera dongnaiensis (iNaturalist), Quercus sontraensis (GBIF), Acer erythranthum (flickr), Camellia langbianensis (ResearchGate), Knema saxatilis (Wikipedia), Vatica subglabra (p. 6 of Rufford pdf), Shorea falcata (Flora of the World) (Thien Nhien), and Boniodendron parviflorum (iNaturalist). Endemic tree genera include Leoheo (Species New to Science), Oligoceras (GBIF), Quangnamia (Species New to Science), and Xantonneopsis (GBIF).
Other endemic vascular plant genera include the orchids Deceptor (IOSPE) and Bidoupia (flickr) and Apetalanthe (ResearchGate), a palm Truongsonia (PLAZI), Hiepia (Turczaninowia pdf), Billolivia (BHL), Newmania (IUCN), Nianhochloa (MNHN WM pdf), Khoonmengia (Phytokeys), Cochinchinochloa (Species New to Science), Langbiangia (PLOS), Chlorohiptage (, Yersinochloa (Species New to Science), Aschistanthera (fig. 1H at Google Books), Heliacria (ResearchGate), Nephoanthus (GBIF), Vietnamocasia (ResearchGate), Michaelmoelleria (PhytoKeys), Cyclacanthus (Fauna & Flora of Vietnam), and Ixodonerium (p. 2 of Field Museum pdf).
Endemic lichens include Arthophacopsis
heterodermiae (fig. 2 at ResearchGate)
and Acanthothecis
verrucosa (ResearchGate).
Endemic fungi include Tylopilus
subotsuensis (Fungal
Planet WM pdf), Volvariella
orientalis (GBIF),
and Fistulinella
aurantioflava (Fungal
Planet WM pdf). Endemic non-vascular plants include the
mosses Neckera
praetermissa (zenodo)
and Trichosteleum
vietnamense (GBIF)
and the liverworts Drepanolejeunea
bidoupensis (MNHN)
and Cololejeunea
vietnamensis (GBIF).
Vietnam is
included in the Indo-Burma
biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity
Hotspots WM).
The Annamite
Forests (Wonders
of the Annamites)
are especially notable for endemic species. The Mekong
River (ResearchGate)
has one of the world's richest freshwater faunas.