found nowhere
else include the
Kafue Flats Lechwe (flickr)
the Black
Lechwe (ARKive
WM) (iNaturalist),
Zambian Mole-rat (ARKive
WM) (BioLib),
Micklem's Mole-rat (ResearchGate)
Gent pdf),
the Kafue Mole-rat (GBIF),
Rosevear’s Striped Grass Mouse (GBIF)
Ansell's White-toothed Shrew (GBIF)
Pitman's White-toothed Shrew (GBIF),
and the Sakeji Horseshoe Bat (iNaturalist)
The Luangwa (or Thornicroft's) Giraffe (iNaturalist)
has sometimes been considered a full species.
Birds unique to Zambia include the Zambian Barbet (eBird) (BHL)
and perhaps the Black-cheeked Lovebird (ABC)
The White-chested Tinkerbird (N.J.
Collar WM pdf) is known from a single specimen and
recent research (ResearchGate)
suggests that it is not distinct from the more widespread Yellow-rumped
Reptiles unique to Zambia include Branch's Tree Agama Acanthocercus branchi (iNaturalist), the Kafue Round-snouted Worm Lizard Zygaspis kafuensis (iNaturalist) (Google Books), Roux's Blind Dart Skink Typhlacontius gracilis (BHL) (IUCN), and Schmitz's Legless Skink Acontias schmitzi (fig. 3D on p. 8 of ARC pdf) (Google Books).
include the Barotse Shovel-snout Frog Hemisus barotseensis
Books) (GBIF)
the Mutinondo Grass Frog Ptychadena
mutinondoensis (GBIF)
The Kafue Reed Frog Hyperolius
pyrrhodictyon (CalPhotos)
is frequently considered a synonym of the more widespread Margined Reed
Frog Hyperolius
marginatus (ASW).
Lake Tanganyika cichlids known solely from Zambia include Cyprichromis zonatus and Petrochromis horiii
(both at Tetsumi
Takahashi), Pseudocrenilabrus
pyrrhocaudalis (GBIF),
prochilus (Hippocampus),
caudopunctatus (iNaturalist),
Orthochromis mporokoso
and Greenwoodochromis christyi
freshwater fish include the killifish
Nothobranchius rosenstocki (WildNothos)
cooperi (WildNothos),
a lampeye Lacustricola
matthesi (FishBase),
the barbs Enteromius owenae (GBIF)
and Coptostomabarbus
bellcrossi (Persée),
a spiny eel Mastacembelus
apectoralis (ResearchGate),
an elephantfish
Petrocephalus frieli
the Banded Neolebias (ARKive
Nannocharax skeltoni
& Herp. pdf), and the catfishes
lucipinnis (PlanetCatfish)
and Congoglanis sagitta
(ResearchGate). Endemic genera include
the catfishes Pseudotanganikallabes
New to Science) and Bathybagrus
and the cichlids Palaeoplex
and Lufubuchromis
Butterflies exclusive to Zambia include Lepidochrysops ella
variata (iNaturalist)
Charaxes williami
Graphium deliae
Libert WM),
Teratoneura zambiae
lofua (Dominique
Cerautola fisheri
Libert WM), Cooksonia gardineri
pinheyi (BOLD), and Iolaus ivani
moths include Oedipygilema
anomoia (GBIF),
Tumicla fisheri
Mutinondia smithi
(fig. 1 at ResearchGate),
and Strigocossus takanoi
Endemic grasshoppers include Uvaroviobia luanensis (iNaturalist), Thamithericles croceosignatus (iNaturalist), Odontomelus zambiensis (iNaturalist), Stenothericles jagoi (iNaturalist), Brachyphymus siloana (iNaturalist), and Pseudoschulthessiella cerciata (iNaturalist). Other endemic insects include the katydids Naskreckiella kalamboi (iNaturalist) and Lamecosoma tenuis (OSF), a dragonfly Onychogomphus kitchingmani (ADDO WM), the leaf beetles Aspidomorpha zambiana (Cassidinae of the World WM) and Afrophthalma medvedevi (Cassidinae of the World WM pdf), a scarab beetle Eulepida mbala (GBIF), the flower beetles Xeloma minettii (GBIF) and Polystalactica touroulti (GBIF), the longhorn beetles Hospes abercornensis (Cerambycidae Species WM) and Molorchus lusakaensis (Cerambycidae Species WM), the ground beetles Manticora hrdyi (BioLib) and Chlaenius deuvei (p. 41 of Entomofauna pdf), an ant Tetramorium yarthiellum (AntWiki), a bee Hylaeus sambiensis (GBIF), a potter wasp Pseudagris apicalis (GBIF), and a cockroach wasp Ampulex bredoi (WaspWeb WM).
endemic invertebrates
include a freshwater crab Platythelphusa
praelongata (p. 14 of Univ.
Arizona pdf), a freshwater shrimp Atyella longirostris
a spider Palfuria
hirsuta (Internet
Archive), a millipede Helicochetus
aberrans (MilliBase),
a land snail Streptostele
unidentata (fig. 42 at BHL)
and the freshwater snails
Tanganyicia michelae
and Gabbiella
balovalensis (Google
Among over 200 species of vascular plants restricted to Zambia
are Crinum
binghamii (Flora
of Zambia), the orchids Polystachya
moreauae (flickr)
Habenaria binghamii
of Zambia),
Amorphophallus richardsiae
Aloe mkushiana (Flora
of Zambia),
Moraea brevifolia (Flora
of Zambia), Protea
matonchiana (Flora
of Zambia),
Euphorbia debilispina
Euphorbia luapulana
of Zambia), Ceropegia
leptotes (iNaturalist),
dolichorrhachis (Flora
of Zambia),
serenjensis (Flora
of Zambia),
Cucumis zambianus
Bidens rubicundula
of Zambia), Adenia
ovata (Flora
of Zambia), Cissus
crusei (Flora
of Zambia), Combretum
mweroense (Flora
of Zambia), Cyphostemma
nanellum (Flora
of Zambia), Eriocoelum
lawtonii (Flora
of Zambia), Spermacoce
bangweolensis (Flora
of Zambia),
Zygotritonia atropurpurea
Crepidorhopalon mutinondoensis
and Chlorophytum
delicatulum (ResearchGate).
Dacryotrichia (GBIF)
is an endemic genus.
Trees known only from Zambia include Pteleopsis (or Terminalia) pteleopsoides (Flora of Zambia), Aphanocalyx trapnellii (Flora of Zambia), Dichaetanthera rhodesiensis (African Plants WM), Baphia rosa (ResearchGate), Vepris whitei (JSTOR), Triumfetta grandistipulata (JSTOR), Kotschya suberifera (JSTOR) (GBIF), Boscia cauliflora (JSTOR), Cassipourea fanshawei (JSTOR), Tricalysia zambesiaca (GBIF), and Pachylobus trapnellii (GBIF) (ResearchGate).
Fungi known only from Zambia include Afroboletus azureotinctus
(GBIF), Lactarius pruinatus (FFTA),
Inosperma boeticum
and Tylopilus
ochraceosquamosus (GBIF).
Lake Tanganyika (SIAL
is one of the richest lakes in the world for endemic freshwater
species. An important terrestrial ecoregion is the Central
Zambezian Miombo Woodlands (Wikipedia).
lists of endemic vascular plant species see (Flora
of Zambia) or (Internet