Vascular plants found nowhere else the orchids Satyrium mirum (IOSPE) and Aeranthes parkesii (IOSPE) and Ypsilopus zimbabweensis (ResearchGate), Brachystelma richardsii (Flora Africa pdf), Aloe haroniensis (flickr), Sansevieria richardsii (Sansevieria Online WM pdf), Gladiolus flavoviridis (Flora of Zimbabwe), the Nyanga Fireball Scadoxus pole-evansii (Flora of Zimbabwe), Protea asymmetrica (Flora of Zimbabwe), Lippia oatesii (Flora of Zimbabwe), Jamesbrittenia fodina (Flora of Zimbabwe), Delosperma steytlerae (Flora of Zimbabwe), Cyphia alba (Flora of Zimbabwe), Euphorbia wildii (Flora of Zimbabwe), Lindernia monroi (Flora of Zimbabwe), Huernia occulta (Llifle), Indigofera serpentinicola (Flora of Zimbabwe), Lantana moldenkei (Flora of Zimbabwe), Marsdenia chirindensis (Flora of Zimbabwe), Barleria molensis (Flora of Zimbabwe), Ceropegia cordifolia (Flora of Zimbabwe), Tragia mazoensis (Flora of Zimbabwe), Tephrosia festina (Flora of Zimbabwe), Syncolostemon ornatus (Flora of Zimbabwe), Kalanchoe wildii (Flora of Zimbabwe), Dicliptera nyangana (Flora of Zimbabwe), Coleus porphyranthus (Flora of Zimbabwe), and Streptocarpus cynandrus (Flora of Zimbabwe). An orchid genus Oligophyton (POWO) (JSTOR) (Flora of Zimbabwe) is known only from Zimbabwe, but is likely to also occur in Mozambique.
Trees known only from Zimbabwe include the Great Dyke
Raisin-berry Ozoroa
longipetiolata (Flora
of Zimbabwe), Gymnosporia
matoboensis (Flora
of Zimbabwe), Euphorbia memoralis (iNaturalist), Encephalartos
concinnus (Cycad
Pages WM), Adenia karibaensis
of Zimbabwe), Vitellariopsis
ferruginea (iNaturalist), Homalium chasei (JSTOR), and Pavetta bridsoniae (Springer) (JSTOR).
unique to Zimbabwe include Marshall's Pygmy Chameleon (iNaturalist),
Tasman’s House Gecko (iNaturalist)
the Regal Girdled Lizard (BioLib),
the Zimbabwe Blind Legless Lizard (Reptile
Database) (figs. A at Sabinet
the Nyanga Dwarf Gecko (iNaturalist),
the Ferocious Round-headed Worm Lizard (GBIF),
the Zimbabwe Slug-eater Duberria
rhodesiana (iNaturalist), and the Nyanga Rinkhals (PLOS One) (IUCN).
Arnold's Montane Skink (iNaturalist)
is sometimes considered to exclude related skinks from Malawi.
Endemic amphibians include the Matetsi Reed Frog Hyperolius rhodesianus (CalPhotos), the Cave Squeaker Arthroleptis troglodytes (Species New to Science), the Highland Primitive Rain Frog Probreviceps rhodesianus (Google Books) (p. 14 of BioNames WM pdf), the Inyanga River Frog Amietia inyangae (fig. 12E-F at ResearchGate) (GBIF), and the Inyanga Toad Vandijkophrynus inyangae (IUCN).
The Selinda Veld Rat Aethomys silindensis (IUCN) (fig. 5 at Google Books) is known with certainty only from Zimbabwe, although it is likely to occur in adjoining areas of Mozambique.
Freshwater fish known only from Zimbabwe include a suckermouth catfish Chiloglanis carnatus (ZooKeys).
Endemic butterflies
alpinus (BOLD),
Mashuna mashuna
Explorer WM),
Rubraea (or Acraea) pseudatolmis (p. 17 of CTEET
pdf), Bicyclus condamini (Flora
of Zimbabwe), Axiocerses susanae (p. 11 of Metamorphosis pdf), Aloeides mullini
and Lepidochrysops
violetta (both on p. 22 of ResearchGate
pdf), and Lepidochrysops
barnesi (p. 26 of Metamorphosis
pdf). Endemic moths include a
slug moth Vansoniella
a grass moth Crambus
frescobaldii (BHL),
an ermine moth Yponomeuta
zambesica (AfroMoths WM), and a twirler moth Ethmia
judicialis (African
Other insects known only from Zimbabwe include the ants Strumigenys mesahyla (AntWiki) and Hypoponera obtunsa (AntWiki), a masked bee Hylaeus chimani (GBIF), a potter wasp Afrepipona cellularis (PLAZI), the damselflies Elattoneura lapidaria (ADDO WM) and Platycypha inyangae (Warwick Tarboton) and Pseudagrion vumbaense (Warwick Tarboton), a hoverfly Paragus cooksoni (p. 2 of Ann. Natal Mus. pdf), a dung beetle Onthophagus decedens (fig. 5 at BHL), the scarabs Xinidium davisi (iNaturalist) and Aliaclitopa precalva (Hannetons WM) and Oedanomerus bidentatus (GBIF), a velvet ground beetle Graphipterus mashunus (iNaturalist), a vivid metallic ground beetle Chlaenius simbabwensis (p. 44 of Entomofauna WM pdf), a longhorn beetle Zimbabobrium schmidi (Cerambycidae Species WM), a weevil Tapinomorphus latipennis (GBIF), a katydid Enyaliopsis matabelensis (iNaturalist), and the grasshoppers Rhachitopis brachypterus (OSF) (Smaller Majority) and Coryphosima vumbaensis (OSF). Hypochthonella caeca (Univ. Delaware) is a subterranean planthopper from southern Zimbabwe and is the sole member of the endemic family Hypochthonellidae.
Other endemic invertebrates include a freshwater crab Potamonautes mutareensis (Troutbeck School) (iNaturalist), a fairy shrimp Streptocephalus wirminghausi (Sabinet pdf), the jumping spiders Dendryphantes sanguineus (Jumping Spiders) and Langelurillus sibandai (Jumping Spiders WM), a ground spider Titus lugens (fig. 3 at BHL), a wolf spider Hogna interrita (fig. 254 at naturalsciences.be pdf), a solifuge Solpuga matabelena (BHL), the millipedes Bicoxidens aridis (ResearchGate) and Spirostreptus batokensis (GBIF), a woodlouse Armadillo salisburyensis (Internet Archive), and several land snails: Cyathopoma chirindae (ResearchGate), Gymnarion chirindicus and Gymnarion vumbae (both at SANBI pdf), Bruggenina sandgroundi (fig. 3 at BHL), Afropunctum quadrisculptum (figs. 15-17 at BHL), and Gulella ceciliae (Internet Archive).
Non-vascular plants known only from Zimbabwe include the mosses Neophoenix matoposensis (ResearchGate) (GBIF) and Barbula salisburiensis (GBIF). Fungi known solely from Zimbabwe include Russula terrena (figs. 7-11 at ResearchGate), Lactarius sciaphilus (MNHN pdf), and Marasmius cremeopileatus (FFTA).
Parts of Zimbabwe are included in the Eastern Zimbabwe Montane Forest-grassland Mosaic terrestrial ecoregion (WWF WM) and the Eastern Afromontane biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity Hotspots WM). For lists of endemic plant species see (Flora of Zimbabwe) and (ResearchGate).