Checklist of Endemic Amphibian Species
This list of amphibian species found exclusively in Cambodia is based on the species recognized in AmphibiaWeb as of 28 October 2018. For further details on possible inaccuracies in the list see Sources & Caveats.
Additional species added to AmphibiaWeb after 28 October 2018 are listed at the bottom of this page.
See also (ResearchGate) for further information on amphibians endemic to Cambodia
auralensis (Anura
- Megophryidae) Aural Horned Frog
damrei (Anura - Megophryidae) Damrei Horned Frog
samkosensis (Anura
- Rhacophoridae) Samkos Bush Frog
cardamonus (Anura
- Rhacophoridae) Cardamom Bush Frog
Recently described species added to AmphibiaWeb after 28 October 2018 are listed below:
Leptobrachella neangi (Anura - Megophryidae) Cardamon Leaf-litter Frog