known solely
from Denmark include a species of eyebright Euphrasia dunensis (Biopix WM)
blackberry microspecies Rubus
hobroensis (Biopix WM),
and several microspecies of hawkweed including Hieracium alatipes (BioPix WM),
Hieracium subprolatescens
(BioPix WM),
and Hieracium contaminatum
(BioPix WM). Endemic dandelion
microspecies include Taraxacum
danicum (Naturbasen),
Taraxacum acutilimbatum
Taraxacum frondatum
and Taraxacum
viridans (AAU).
plant subspecies include another eyebright Euphrasia arctica minor
(Biopix WM),
a bedstraw Galium
valdepilosum slesvicense (Biopix WM),
and a marsh orchid Dactylorhiza
majalis calcifugiens (Danmarks
A marine jaw worm Rastrognathia
macrostoma (EurekAlert!) (ResearchGate) known
only from Ellekilde Hage in Zealand
is sometimes considered the sole member of the family Rastrognathiidae,
but it has also been considered to belong to the more widespread
endemic invertebrates include a possibly
extinct wolf spider Pardosa
(or Lycosa)
danica (Kobenhavns Univ.)
that is known only from the type specimen, the Jutland Bow-winged
Grasshopper Chorthippus
(Naturbasen) (iNaturalist),
a lycaenid butterfly subspecies Aricia
artaxerxes vandalica ( WM),
the parasitoid
wasps Aspilota spiracula
and Inostemma popovicii
(p. 5 of WM
pdf), and a springtail Friesea
danica (Google
Books). Many new species of scuttle flies were
described from Denmark in 2019 (Zootaxa)
and in 2021 (Zootaxa)
Fungi known only from Denmark include Cortinarius koldingensis
(GBIF), Volvariella similis (PLAZI), and
Entoloma indikon
(fig. 2C at ResearchGate).
For an overview of the Danish Biota see ( pdf). See also the Faroe Islands and Greenland.