Checklist of Endemic Marine Fish Species
This list of marine fish species found exclusively in Egypt is based on the taxonomy used in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes (2023). For further details on possible inaccuracies in the list see Sources & Caveats.
Fricke, R., Eschmeyer, W. N. & Van der Laan, R. (eds) 2023 Catalog of Fishes: Genera, Species, References. Version downloaded 9 February 2023
The current version can be accessed here
Plectorhinchus umbrinus
(Acanthuriformes Haemulidae)
Hoplolatilus geo
(Acanthuriformes Malacanthidae)
Parapriacanthus sharm
(Acropomatiformes Pempheridae) Sharm Sweeper
Pempheris orbis
(Acropomatiformes Pempheridae) Sinai Sweeper
Pempheris shirleen
(Acropomatiformes Pempheridae) Hurghada Sweeper
Pempheris tau (Acropomatiformes Pempheridae) Tau Sweeper
Uropterygius genie
(Anguilliformes Muraenidae) Toothy Snake Moray
Neenchelys microtretus
(Anguilliformes Ophichthidae) Smallfin Worm Eel
Adelotremus leptus
(Blenniiformes Blenniidae) Slender Blenny
Cynoglossus cleopatridis
(Carangiformes Cynoglossidae)
Cynoglossus dollfusi
(Carangiformes Cynoglossidae)
Cynoglossus pottii
(Carangiformes Cynoglossidae)
Plagiopsetta biocellata
(Carangiformes Samaridae) Biocellated Righteye
Aseraggodes macronasus
(Carangiformes Soleidae) Longnose Sole
Stalix davidsheni
(Cichliformes Opistognathidae) Bandfin Jawfish
Bathygobius fishelsoni
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae)
Cabillus nigrostigmus
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Blackspot Cabillus
Gobius koseirensis
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae)
Hetereleotris psammophila
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Sandlover Goby
Hetereleotris semisquamata
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae) Semiscaly Goggle Goby
Tomiyamichthys dorsostigma
(Gobiiformes Gobiidae)
springeri (Gobiiformes Microdesmidae) Springer's Wormfish
Schindleria edentata
(Gobiiformes Schindleriidae)
Schindleria elongata
(Gobiiformes Schindleriidae) Elongate
Paedomorphic Goby
Schindleria nigropunctata
(Gobiiformes Schindleriidae) Blackspotted
Paedomorphic Goby
Pteragogus clarkae
(Perciformes Labridae) Clark's Wrasse
Uranoscopus bauchotae
(Perciformes Uranoscopidae) Bauchot's
Ariomma dollfusi
(Scombriformes Ariommatidae)
Callionymus oxycephalus
(Syngnathiformes Callionymidae) Red Sea Spiny
Diplogrammus gruveli
(Syngnathiformes Callionymidae) Slender Dragonet
Parupeneus sinai
(Syngnathiformes Mullidae) Sinai Goatfish
Upeneus gubal (Syngnathiformes Mullidae)
Gubal Goatfish
Upeneus niebuhri
(Syngnathiformes Mullidae) Niebuhr's Goatfish
Hippocampus debelius
(Syngnathiformes Syngnathidae) Softcoral Seahorse
Brachaluteres fahaqa
(Tetraodontiformes Monacanthidae) Red Sea Pygmy Filefish
Torpedo alexandrinsis
(Torpediniformes Torpedinidae) Alexandrine Torpedo