French Guiana
fish unique
to French Guiana include the tetras Creagrutus
planquettei (INPN)
and Serrapinnus littoris
(fig. 9 at Vertebrate
Myleus knerii
(fig. 5 at BHL),
killifishes Laimosemion cladophorus
Rains Fish) and Anablepsoides
gaucheri (INPN),
a glass knifefish Eigenmannia
guchereauae (ResearchGate),
and several catfishes: Harttiella
longicauda (INPN),
capitulata (PlanetCatfish),
longispinis (INPN),
approuaguensis (INPN),
Mastiglanis durantoni
and Paralithoxus
boujardi (ScotCat).
The Snub-nose Snake Eel Kertomichthys
blastorhinos (Google
Books) (GBIF)
is the only member of a marine genus known by a single specimen taken
off French Guiana.
Amphibians found solely in French Guiana include the caecilians Microcaecilia
dermatophaga (PLOS
ONE), Microcaecilia
unicolor (iNaturalist),
and Caecilia
museugoeldi (Species
New to Science), the Central Coast
Stubfoot Frog Atelopus
franciscus (
the stubfoot frogs Atelopus
barbotini (CalPhotos)
and Atelopus
vermiculatus (BHL),
a glass frog
tricolor (iNaturalist),
espedeus (AmphibiaWeb),
a tree frog Scinax jolyi
and several rocket frogs: Anomaloglossus
blanci (GBIF),
degranvillei (ResearchGate),
and Anomaloglossus
dewynteri (ResearchGate).
The Cayenne Nightjar (Neotropical
Birds WM) (ResearchGate)
is known by a single specimen.
Butterflies exclusive to French Guiana include Argyrogrammana chicomendesi
Antirrhea ornata
Siderus nouraguensis
Chloreuptychia amethysta
laugieri (BOLD),
Aponarope beneluzi
lalitae (Butterflies
of America), Mesosemia
esmeralda (iNaturalist),and
Strephonota bicolorata
of America).
Endemic moths include Orotermes
monstrosa (p. 10 of SLS
pdf), a tiger moth Phaeomolis
de Guyane Française WM) and a geometrid moth Oospila poirieri (iNaturalist).
Other endemic insects include the dragonflies Micrathyria wasscheri ( WM) and Navicordulia tumucurakensis (GBIF), the longhorn beetles Physopleurus tritomicros (iNaturalist) and Ctenodes guianensis (INPN), a masked chafer Cyclocephala toulgoeti (iNaturalist), the ground beetles Eucheila mirifica (KMK pdf) and Guyanemorpha spectabilis (ResearchGate), a click beetle Platycrepidius interruptus (SEAG), a clown beetle Baconia katieae (Sci-News WM), a scarab beetle Gymnetis rhaegali (GBIF), the tiger beetles Ctenostoma brulei and Ctenostoma dalensi (both on p. 17 of SEAG pdf), a false-form beetle Guyanemorpha spectabilis (ZooKeys), the weevils Rhynchoneus giuglarisi (Entomofauna Guyane WM) and Crassocopturus guyanensis (p. 88 of SEAG pdf), a mantis Microphotina viridula (GBIF), a treehopper Heteronotus modestus (iNaturalist), a lantern bug Odontoptera toulgoeti (INPN), a plant bug Cyrtotylus henryi (AZARA pdf), a cicada Selymbria guianensis (Semantic Scholar), the ants Corrieopone nouragues (iNaturalist) and Azteca andreae (ResearchGate), the stick insects Paraprisopus multicolorus (PLAZI) and Jeremiodes guianensis (iNaturalist), a cricket Eneoptera guyanensis (iNaturalist), and a grasshopper Copiocera portentosa (GBIF).
Other endemic invertebrates include the tarantulas Ephebopus cyanognathus
and Neostenotarsus
guianensis (
a curtain-web spider Harmonicon
oiapoqueae (iNaturalist),
a jumping spider Eustiromastix
guianae (ZooKeys),
a whip spider Charinus
bromeliaea (GBIF),
an armored trapdoor spider Idiops
opifex (GBIF),
the harvestmen Neogovea
virginie (GBIF)
and Cynorta sigillata
the scorpions Guyanochactas
flavus (ResearchGate)
and Ananteris
kalina (ZooKeys),
a millipede Orthoporus
lomonti (flickr),
a centipede Schendylops
an earthworm Martiodrilus
gaucheri (GBIF),
and several land snails: Cyclopedus
anselini (INPN),
Neocyclotus arataiensis
Scolodonta lutea
Alcadia pellucida
Lilloiconcha galbao (ZooKeys), and Pseudosubulina
theoripkeni (INPN).
Among about 150 vascular plant species endemic to French Guiana (see IRD
pdf) are the
orchids Epidendrum
foulquieri (ResearchGate),
Phragmipedium guianense
Vanilla corinnae
Dichaea virginalis (IOSPE
Maxillaria ventricosa
Octomeria purpurascens
(fig. 2B at ResearchGate),
Palmorchis pabstii
de Guyane).
Other endemic
plants include a
palm Asterogyne
guianensis (Palmpedia),
a bromeliad Bromelia
agavifolia (Flore
de Guyane), Goeppertia
dilabens (
Ruellia schnellii
de Guyane), Disciphania
moriorum (NYBG), Passiflora saulensis (iNaturalist),
Ombrophytum guayanensis
saulensis (NYBG),
Voyria bicolor
Palicourea granvillei
Lecythis pneumatophora
Anemopaegma kawense
Xanthosoma nodosum (iNaturalist),
Rudgea billietiae
de Guyane), Laxoplumeria
aberrans (iNaturalist),
Adiantum krameri (Parc Amazonien de Guyane), and Anthurium
moonenii (Trésor
Rainforest WM).
Trees known only from French Guiana include Vantanea maculicarpa (Species New to Science), Pouteria benai (ARKive WM), Coussarea granvillei (Flore de Guyane), Miconia sastrei (INPN), Tapirira bethanniana (INPN), Virola kwatae (INPN), Guatteria ouregou (iNaturalist), Sloanea erythrocarpa (fig. 22b at MNHN pdf), Zygia sabatieri (Pl@ntNet), Qualea tricolor (fig. 60b at MNHN pdf), Rinorea pectinosquamata (Flore de Guyane), Homalolepis morettii (fig. 56a at MNHN pdf), Lecythis pneumatophora (Flore de Guyane), Eugenia morii (Flore de Guyane), and Caraipa parvifolia ( WM).
Endemic vascular plant genera include Degranvillea (Flore de Guyane), Cremersia (Flore de Guyane), Graciemoriana (INPN) (iNaturalist), and Hekkingia (JSTOR) (ResearchGate).
Endemic fungi include Polyporus
minutosquamosus (Semantic
Scholar) and Nectria
septospora (GBIF).
Endemic lichens include Astrothelium
cayennense (figs. D-F at ResearchGate)
and Mazaediothecium
uniseptatum (fig. 1 at ResearchGate).
Endemic non-vascular plants include a moss Vesicularia eligiana
Most of French Guiana is part of the Guianan Moist Forests terrestrial
ecoregion (EoE)
and the Guianas freshwater ecoregion (FEOW
French Guiana is an overseas region of France.
The Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel provides lists of endemic
animals (INPN)
and endemic plants (INPN).