The following account covers only the European portion of
(metropolitan France). The five overseas regions (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, and Reunion) each have their own
account. See also Clipperton Island, French Polynesia, French Southern and Antarctic Lands,
New Caledonia, Saint
Barthelemy, and Wallis and
The Corsican Nuthatch (eBird)
is France's only endemic bird species.
The Corsican Myotis Myotis nustrale (BioOne) is a recently described endemic bat.
unique to
France include the Corsican Painted Frog Discoglossus montalenti
the Corsican Brook Newt Euproctus
montanus (AmphibiaWeb)
and the Corsican Fire Salamander Salamandra
corsica (iNaturalist).
Freshwater fish found only in France include the Aquitanian Pike (flickr),
the Auverne Gudgeon (iNaturalist),
the Languedoc Minnow (iNaturalist),
the Garonne Minnow (INPN),
the Loire Minnow Phoxinus
fayollarum (GBIF)
the Lez Sculpin (iNaturalist),
the Dordogne Sculpin (iNaturalist),
the Savoy Sculpin (iNaturalist),
the Hérault Sculpin (iNaturalist),
the Beaked Dace
the Bearn Beaked Dace (INPN),
the Long-snout Dace (Ittiofauna
the Poitou Stickleback (INPN)
the Leopard Stone Loach (iNaturalist)
the Loire Grayling (INPN)
and an extinct whitefish Coregonus
bezola (Ittiofauna
Insects unique
to France include the Corsican
Gold Moth Axia napoleona
the moths
Nola dresnayi
and Hylaea pinicolaria
and Pareulype casearia
(, the katydids Rhacocleis
poneli (
and Corsteropleurus
chopardi (INPN),
the grasshoppers Arcyptera
kheili (IUCN)
and Prionotropis
rhodanica (IUCN),
a cave-cricket Dolichopoda
cyrnensis (IUCN),
the ants Formica corsica
and Lasius casevitzi
the bees Bombus
pereziellus (IUCN)
and Andrena
corssubalpina (INPN),
the ground beetles Carabus
hispanus (Bernard
Van Elegem WM) and Percus
corsicus (iNaturalist),
the cave-dwelling ground beetles Trichaphaenops
and Aphaenops ehlersi
a jewel beetle Agrilus
lacus (iNaturalist),
a cave-dwelling water beetle Siettitia
avenionensis (ResearchGate),
longhorn beetles Brachyta
borni (INPN)
and Chaetocnema bergeali
firefly Lampyris
lareynii (iNaturalist),
a cicada Cicadetta
fangoana (iNaturalist),
a cave-dwelling planthopper Coframalaxius
bletteryi (Subterr.
Biol.), a stonefly Dictyogenus
muranyii (GBIF),
and a dance fly Chelipoda
puschae (ZooKeys).
Other endemic invertebrates include the millipede families Cyrnosomatidae (MilliBase) and Galliobatidae (Entoflorachne WM) (p. 18 of CEN pdf), a centipede Lithobius raffaldii (ResearchGate), the spiders Nemesia corsica (Norbert Verneau WM) and Palliduphantes sanctivincenti (Les araignées de Belgique et de France) and Leptoneta convexa (INPN), the harvestmen Kalliste pavonum (ResearchGate) (iNaturalist) and Arbasus caecus (, a scorpion Buthus balmensis (HAL pdf) (iNaturalist), a pseudoscorpion Neobisium tuzeti (INPN), the isopods Porcellio provincialis (iNaturalist) and Caecosphaeroma virei (INPN), a fairy shrimp Chirocephalus spinicaudatus (ARKive WM), a cave-dwelling freshwater shrimp Gallocaris inermis (, the amphipods Niphargus renei (p. 7 of National Red List WM pdf) and Ingolfiella thibaudi (fig. 7 at MDPI), and the earthworms Gatesona rutena (ResearchGate) and Scherotheca portcrosana (ResearchGate),
molluscs inclug
a slug Deroceras
and several snails: Solatopupa
cianensis (INPN),
Corsican Snail Helix
Corneola crombezi (iNaturalist),
Tacheocampylaea raspailii
Marstoniopsis armoricana
WM), Bythinella
WM), Moitessieria
vidourlensis (fig. 3c at MDPI),
Paladilhia pleurotoma
and Xerosecta cespitum
Among the plant species that occur solely in France are the Rouen
Pansy Viola
hispida (ARKive
a cinquefoil Potentilla
delphinensis (,
broom Cytisus ardoini
mouse-ear chickweed Cerastium
soleirolii (iNaturalist), a columbine Aquilegia litardierei
rock jasmine Androsace
chaixii (,
a leopard's bane Doronicum
corsicum (iNaturalist),
a toadflax Linaria thymifolia (INPN),
a sea pink Armeria
leucocephala (Tela
Botanica), a buttercup Ranunculus marschlinsii
Saxifraga giziana (iNaturalist),
snowflake Acis
longifolia (iNaturalist),
the orchids Dactylorhiza
and Ophrys aveyronensis
in France WM), Angelica
heterocarpa (INPN),
arnaudii (iNaturalist),
trinervis (IUCN),
Potentilla delphinensis
(iNaturalist), Biscutella rotgesii
Erodium rodiei
Scabiosa corsica
insipida (,
Echium montenielluense
Pinguicula corsica
a whitebeam Karpatiosorbus
latifolia (iNaturalist),
and a fern Asplenium
jahandiezii (INPN).
Endemic lichens include Variospora epierodens (AFL) and Acarospora ubayensis (AFL). Endemic fungi include Chromosera ambigua ( pdf) and Russula vinosoflavescens (ResearchGate). Endemic mosses include Arvernella microclada (ResearchGate) and Leptodon corsicus ( pdf).
Portions of France are included in the Mediterranean Basin biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity Hotspots WM). Important terrestrial ecoregions include the Corsican Montane Broadleaf and Mixed Forests (EoE) and the Alps Conifer and Mixed Forests (EoE). France can also claim five of the world's most important caves for biodiversity ( WM pdf). Lists of French endemic species can be found at (fr.wikipedia) or generated from the database of the Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel (INPN for animals and INPN for plants).