Guadeloupe has up to 30 vascular plant species found nowhere else (CBAF WM) (see also p. 11 of pdf) including several orchids: Specklinia mazei (iNaturalist), Octomeria ffrenchiana (iNaturalist) (Google Books), Stelis dussii (iNaturalist) (INPN), and Pseudocentrum guadalupense (iNaturalist) (INPN). Other endemic plants include a bromeliad Aechmea flemingii (FCBS WM) (INPN), Lobelia persicifolia (iNaturalist), a false buttonweed Spermacoce dussii (INPN) (Tela Botanica), Miconia vulcanica (CBAF WM), a rush Juncus guadeloupensis (INPN), Anthurium dussii (HTBG WM), Ipomoea walpersiana (flickr), Vernonia albicaulis (CBAF WM), Verbesina guadeloupensis (INPN), Lindsaea lherminieri (, a lacefern Ctenitis (or Megalastrum) macrotheca (CBAF WM), and a dwarf polypody Grammitis stipitata (p. 7 of pdf) (INPN).
Endemic trees include Inga sastreana ( (GBIF), Meliosma pardonii (GBIF), Ocotea l'herminieri (CBAF WM), and Ocotea dussii (GBIF).
Birds unique to Guadeloupe include the Guadeloupe Woodpecker (eBird) and the recently extinct Guadeloupe Amazon (WPT) and Guadeloupe Parakeet (Wikipedia).
The Guadeloupe Big Brown Bat Eptesicus guadeloupensis (p. 6 of OFB pdf) (ASFA pdf) is an endemic mammal.
Endemic reptiles include the Guadeloupe Racer (ASFA WM), the Terre-de-Bas Racer (iNaturalist), the Terre-de-Haut Racer (iNaturalist), the Guadeloupe Blindsnake Antillotyphlops guadeloupensis (caribherp WM) (GBIF), the Les Saintes Dwarf Gecko (INPN), the Kahouanne Anole (, the Les Saintes Anole (p. 38 of ResearchGate pdf) (iNaturalist), the Petite Terre Anole (iNaturalist), the La Desirade Anole (iNaturalist), the Marie Gallant Sail-tailed Anole (iNaturalist), the Guadeloupe Anole (iNaturalist), the Marie-Gallante Skink Capitellum mariagalantae (PLAZI), the DeĢsirade Skink (iNaturalist), the Petite Terre Skink Mabuya (ResearchGate), the Cochons Skink Mabuya cochonae (PLAZI), and the extinct Guadeloupe Whiptail (GBIF).
Amphibians restricted to Guadeloupe include
the Guadeloupe Stream Frog Eleutherodactylus
barlagnei (CalPhotos)
and the Guadeloupe Forest Frog Eleutherodactylus
pinchoni (INPN)
Insects known only from Guadeloupe include a tiger moth Eriphioides toddi (INPN),
a noctuid moth Eriopyga
herbuloti (GBIF),
a damselfly Protoneura
romanae (,
a cicada Fidicina guadeloupensis (PLAZI), the
stick insects Bacteria
donskoffi (iNaturalist)
and Clonistria
guadeloupensis (iNaturalist),
the katydids Karukerana
aguilari and Xerophyllopteryx
fumosa (both at ResearchGate)
and Acantheremus
the crickets Rhumosa
bolognei (GBIF)
and Paragryllus martini
the bees Megachile
vitraci (
and Melipona
variegatipes (Karunati),
a pleasing fungus beetle Iphiclus
guadeloupensis (INPN),
a firefly Photinus
discoideus (,
an ox beetle Strategus
syphax (iNaturalist),
the weevils Palliolatrix
and Ixanchonus hustachei
(INPN), a
ground beetle Semiardistomis
laevistriatus (GBIF),
a scarab Dyscinetus
questeli (iNaturalist),
a darkling beetle Lorelus
guadeloupensis (p. 348 of ResearchGate
pdf), and several longhorn
beetles: Adesmus
nigriventris (,
Elaphidion excelsum
Gourbeyrella romanowskii
Rosalba arawakiana
Strangalia bonfilsi
Taeniotes insularis
and Carneades
bicincta (INPN). A
butterfly Chlorostrymon
lalitae (INPN)
is sometimes considered distinct from the more widespread Chlorostrymon clenchi.
Other endemic invertebrates include a tarantula Holothele sulfurensis (, a goblin spider Scaphiella etang (AMNH WM), a long-jawed orb weaver Chrysometa guadeloupensis (figs. 85-89 at BHL), a harvestman Stygnoplus flavitarsis (iNaturalist), the scorpions Oiclus cousteaui (ResearchGate) (iNaturalist) and Oiclus nanus (ResearchGate) and Oiclus tite (fig. 18 at pdf), a whip-spider Charinus desirade (ResearchGate), a centipede Ityphilus mauriesi (ResearchGate), a millipede Iomus thibaudi (BHL), a velvet worm Peripatus bavaysi (iNaturalist), the earthworms Dichogaster etaspiqui (GBIF) and Periscolex nevoi (ResearchGate), and a bryozoan Disporella guada (EJT pdf).
Endemic land snails Pleurodonte pachygastra (, Schrammia schrammi (fig. 1 on p. 9 of ResearchGate pdf), Oleacina guadeloupensis (p. 12 of OFB pdf), Bulimulus lherminieri (, Pellicula depressa (iNaturalist), Amphicyclotulus schrammi (fr.wikipedia), and Amphicyclotulus beauianus (fig. 2 on p. 9 of ResearchGate pdf). Endemic marine gastropods include the nudibranchs Felimare lalique (GBIF) and Corambe osculabundus (GBIF), Triphora guadaloupensis (Internet Archive), and the cone snails Conus piti and Conus desiradensis (both at ResearchGate).
Endemic fungi include Gomphus guadelupensis (IUCN) and Lactifluus guadeloupensis (fig. 2C at ResearchGate). Endemic lichens include Enterographa serusiauxii (ResearchGate) and Ocellularia dussii (GBIF). Endemic non-vascular plants include the liverworts Frullania trigona and Riccardia innovans and a moss Trichosteleum glaucinum (all at ResearchGate). A red algae Crassitegula bouchetii (fig. 2 at EJT pdf) is also known only from Guadaloupe.
The world's largest bacteria Thiomargarita magnifica (Nature) is known only from Guadeloupe.
Guadeloupe is an overseas region of France and part of the Caribbean Islands biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity Hotspots WM). Most of the island is part of the Leeward Islands Moist Forests ecoregion (EoE). An overview of Guadeloupe's biodiversity is provided at ( pdf), 632 endemic insect species are indicated in the list at (Insecta Mundi pdf), all arthropods are at (ResearchGate), and a listing of endemic land molluscs is at (p. 4 of ResearchGate pdf). The Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel provides lists of endemic animals (INPN) and endemic plants (INPN).