Wallis and Futuna
Freshwater gobies unique to Futuna are Stiphodon rubromaculatus (ResearchGate) (p. 25 of wallis-et-futuna.gouv.fr pdf), Smilosicyopus sasali (ResearchGate), Akihito (or Sicyopus) futuna (ResearchGate) (IUCN), and Stenogobius keletaona (ResearchGate).
Endemic marine fish include the Futuna Deepwater Dragonet Callionymus futuna (BHL), Seret’s Deepwater Dragonet Callionymus sereti (BHL), the Serrated Deepwater Scorpionfish Scorpaenopsis crenulata (ResearchGate), and a cusk-eel Neobythites musorstomi (GBIF).
Endemic subspecies of birds include a kingfisher Todiramphus chloris regina (J-Y Meyer WM) (eBird), a shrikebill Clytorhynchus vitiensis fortunae (eBird) (J-Y Meyer WM), a starling Aplonis tabuensis fortunae (eBird) (iNaturalist), and a triller Lalage maculosa futunae (WNS Stamps WM) (p. 24 of wallis-et-futuna.gouv.fr pdf).
Spiders known only from Wallis and Futuna include Schizocosa vulpecula (Wolf Spiders of Australia WM), Banaidja malaui (INPN) (SLL), and Daramulunia hornensis (INPN). Endemic insects include a cicada Baeturia uveiensis (Persée), a longhorn beetle Ropica wallisi (BHL), several ceratopogonid flies (Persée), and several land snails: Partula subgonochila (J-Y Meyer WM) (figs. 11-12 at BHL), Partula obesa (issuu) (p. 39 of Li-An pdf) (fig. 22 at BHL), Diastole futunae (fig. 6 on p. 119 of Bishop Museum WM pdf), Omphalotropis perforata (WMSDB), Trochomorpha burrowsi (figs. 1-3 on p. 168 of Bishop Museum WM pdf), and Microcystina futunaensis (fig. 85 at BHL) (BHL).
marine invertebrates include the crabs Microgoneplax
cope (GBIF)
(decapoda.free.fr WM)
and Homologenus wallis
the shrimps Caridina
futunensis (GBIF)
and Coralliocaris
junckeri (GBIF),
a squat lobster Galathea
patriciae (GBIF),
a marine bristle worm Elisesione
mezianei (ZooKeys),
and the marine gastropods
Liotipoma wallisensis
Hardy) and Phyllocoma
platyca (GBIF).
The cuttlefish Sepia
subplana (IUCN)
is known only from the Bayonnaise Bank.
Vascular plants exclusive to Wallis and Futuna include Cyrtandra futunae and Elatostema yenii (both at Les
herbonautes WM) (both at p. 4 of uicn.fr
futunaensis (p. 27 of wallis-et-futuna.gouv.fr
pdf) (JSTOR)
racemosa (p. 27 of wallis-et-futuna.gouv.fr
pdf) (Internet
Archive) (GBIF). Aglaia psilopetala
Stamps WM) (GBIF)
is sometimes considered distinct from the more widespread Aglaia samoensis.
Several screwpines described from Wallis and Futuna, including Pandanus subaequalis
and Pandanus futunaensis
and Pandanus
horneinsularum (JSTOR),
are generally considered synonyms of the widespread Pandanus tectorius.
Wallis and Futuna is a territory of France
and is included in the Fiji Tropical Moist Forests
terrestrial ecoregion (EoE). For an overview of
the biodiversity of Wallis and Futuna see (Wallis
et Futuna WM pdf). The Inventaire
National du Patrimoine Naturel provides lists of endemic animals (INPN)
and endemic plants (INPN).